Poor, poor Christianity...
Brother Lee is criticized in this forum because he assessed that the situation in Christianity was lacking and fell short in their practices and teachings according to the Bible... what he often termed “poor, poor Christianity”. The problem is that his critics fail to acknowledge that many Christian teachers and the doctrine and practices they teach in Christianity are poor, often pitifully poor. Christianity casts a wide net and embraces the orthodox and the heretical, the fundamental and the bizarre, the lovers of Christ and and nominal Christians. For Christianity to be assessed as poor does not mean it needs to be poor 100%. The country I live in is considered to be a mess not only by outsiders but by many of its own citizens. Yet, not every one is a mess, some are trying to fix the mess. However, there is enough of a mess that it is accurate to say it is a mess. In the same manner Christianity is poor because there is enough critical mass to assess it so.
This thread is to discuss poor poor Christianity and to allow forum members to discuss whether Brother Lee’s characterization is accurate in specific instances instead of the broad brush generalizations used to criticize him for saying it.