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04-14-2015, 06:58 AM | #1 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
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Doug Krieger testimony
By Doug Krieger This is the first time that I have recounted to anyone my experience in the Local Church of Witness Lee (in print) - I say "Witness Lee" because, in point of fact, his control of this denomination was so pervasive and exploitive, that it could not be considered anything but the Church of Witness Lee--notwithstanding his protests to the contrary, and the apparent efforts of the LSM to legitimate their evangelical credentials and avoid being branded as an "organization" a la Jehovah Witnesses, and not an "organism" full of life and vitality in Christ. This, however, is not a Scriptural exposition of my experience--but I assure you, there are many Scriptures upon which I lean . . . Initially, the presentation of the Local Church and the so-called "ground of unity" was very captivating--as was the message of "Christ as Life" - both were almost mesmerizing to the seeking soul. I was a Bible Student at Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon, when I was introduced to W.L. via one Jonathan Kong and Donald Morsey (both of whom were elders in what later became known as the Church in Sacramento). In the summer of 1962 I, along with three young brothers from Sacramento, attended a meeting in San Francisco without W.L. but with members of the newly forming Church in Los Angeles and the Church in S.F. This gathering was altogether different in that all the saints (and I truly believe they were genuine born-again believers) "functioned" and shared their testimonies--although (and this is not a racist remark) many of the younger Chinese believers said nothing--most were students studying in America. It was vibrant and very moving--although I understood nothing of what I was witnessing. In the spring of 1963 I attended the 4-Major Steps of Christ conference held in Los Angeles at the Embassy Hotel in downtown Los Angeles - after that the 1963 conference in Alta Dena, CA at Jim Reetzky's home - during this time I had introduced scores of young people from my Bible School to W.L.'s ministry and some came to L.A./Altadena for the conference - most of whom are still with the Local Churches of Witness Lee. I was perhaps the first "immigrant" local American young person to come to L.A. where in late 1963 I enrolled at a local junior college and then state university - but attended the beginnings of the L.C. from 1964 through June 1968 when I was drafted into military service during the Viet Nam Era. I was very active--actually, I found several meeting halls in the L. C. including Bonnie Brae and Eldon Hall. I was the young people's coordinator and brought perhaps several hundred people into the L.C. To say the least, I was very zealous for the L.C. - then I went to Germany in the military and met with the saints in Germany and literally arranged for their coming to the USA and training in 1970 (about 15 came). From here throughout 1970 we established with John So a very vigorous young people's ministry connected to the L.C. at most of the main campuses in the area. I taught school in 1970-1971 as well - then in 1971 participated in the first "out migration" to San Francisco where W.L. appointed me an elder - perhaps, again, the first one to "achieve this status" via a direct appointment. Here we were very active (by this time I had two children - now 3) - We established contacts throughout the Bay Area (especially San Jose) - and also had many contacts with Santa Cruz - I was in the military in the Monterey Bay area and had established the beginnings of what became known as the Church in Santa Cruz which grew to nearly 200 (mostly young people) but who were then pressured into leaving San Cruz because of one Carl Hammond and Paul Ma who were, at the time, considered "of the enemy" - the church is still there, however, but a shadow of its former self. We then remained in S.F. a year and then moved to Berkeley - here we raised up, along with saints from San Jose and Sacramento a very "prevailing work" during the height of the Viet Nam War - here we held a 1,000-man march down Telegraph Avenue to break the power of the "principalities and powers" over the city and to "claim it for the Local Church." I also, with the other brethren with us, raised up a congregation of 400 within two years and brought scores of newly regenerated saints into the kingdom. We were NOT orthodox L.C. - we established a radical expression of Body Life and had some 20 "brothers and sisters houses" with large communes - it was something like "pure communism" (without knowing that this is what we were doing) and one whole lot of excitement and fun in the Lord--the kids loved it. We would march down streets, passing out tracts, bringing kids back to our large concert hall, have band music and shops set up for kids to manage at our "garage" - we had several "communes" in which families and young people/students lived (around 100) - half would work to bring in income into the commune and the other half would evangelize or attend classes, etc. - it worked. In a very real sense - we had "all things in common." And, I hasten to add--that this possibility was very real as we advanced to greater sharing among us all. Initially W.L. held this "model" up for all to see and told all the elders to visit Berkeley - then he turned on us and crushed it. The L.C. needed someone to sell its motor homes--the entire enterprise (in retrospect) was nothing more than a vain attempt by W.L. to build his financial empire here in America via cheap labor in Taiwan. My subjective knowledge of this "scheme" was that it was illegal, immoral and unethical to the core--it was a vast rip off of God's people--a shame to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Many saints lost their life savings in this bogus venture. I was asked to help in this now defunct and exposed sham--although there were full-time sales people doing the job. Before W.L. and his ilk decided to excommunicate me, I was able to sell 5 of these wildebeests (the only guy that ever sold any to anyone aside from selling it to ourselves!) - For a time this "saved me from excommunication" (by the way there was the spurious charge that my excommunication or being asked to "leave Berkeley" (which Dave Mattison and Jim Miller requested of me and Doug Shearer to do) was based upon "divisiveness" (a most ambiguous charge in that I was immediately heralded in Anaheim as "the savior of the Recovery") - that ignoble title lasted one week or less. Then, when I asked for my promised commission for the sale and "cash in hand" of these vehicles, Max Rapaport smashed me by telling me that when I requested my financial commissions as promised that I would NOT receive anything and that "your opinions count as nothing." W.L. - after I appealed to him (for I was the only one who had done all the sales out of my own resources and had received no compensation throughout the two-month effort--unlike virtually all sales and staff members) realized that what Max had done (although I understand now that W.L. had asked Max to "stick it to me" (i.e., no compensation)) was encouraged by W.L. in an attempt to secure more funds for his nefarious efforts--efforts now embracing sons Timothy and Phillip. I told Doug Shearer (a brother who served as an original elder in Berkeley at my insistence and one who I had brought to Christ earlier in his life - and someone with whom I am still laboring in the Lord with even until this day) that "the establishment" in Berkeley wanted us out and that our success was considered by them as nothing more than "the flesh" - there was a James Barber - a man who died of cancer, I believe before you came into the L.C., who engineered our demise from afar and under W.L.'s encouragement (although he and W.L. would deny it all). The duplicitous mannerism embodied within the Local Church and their bizarre expressions in English in communicating their truths astound--on the one hand they intrigue, on the other hand they are a deplorable example of "immigrant English!" There is nothing "spiritual" associated with these peculiar expressions of so-called "spiritual truths." Thus, in September 1974 we left the Local Church and within one year the L.C. in Sacramento split in two and so by the summer of 1975 it was all over for me and the L.C. - W.L. was very angry with those who conspired against me in Berkeley but that was "his way" - he orchestrated things and then blamed others when it didn't work out like he wanted it to. All of these "fleshly endeavors" repulsed and saddened me greatly - I had had it and physically was suffering a nervous breakdown of sorts--although it never came to that. There was nothing of love and only politics and the flesh - but we had some wonderful times while it lasted but by 1974 everything was over. Again, in retrospect, how can something so "spiritually sounding" be and/or become so despicable, so estranged from the Life promised us in Christ and the strength received as a Body of believers, living in relationship and enjoying the functioning of every member of that Body--thereby contributing to the building up in love of that one Body? I was the first elder to leave the L.C. who had been in it from the beginning - I was now 33 1/2 years of age--the age our Lord was when He was crucified. Indeed, if there was such a crucified experience lived out--it was mine. We loved all the saints in Berkeley where we truly experienced Body Life, true Christian community (we even had an apartment complex where 22 families lived in unity) - all the families tossed in their money and all the sisters bought food together at the local food co-op. The people in Berkeley really liked us (favor with God and man) because we took in the homeless, fed them and housed them--and we did not condemn them but preached a true gospel of the Grace of God--and the testimony of virtually all the elders and others who came to Berkeley saw that we were real in Him. We used to have a "jug band" - this group played music on the streets and even in a flat-bed truck around the city--scores got saved and enjoyed Body Life--yet Witness Lee came to Berkeley for a conference and declared that "jug bands create jug people" and, furthermore, declared that "fruit is being manifested" but like Lot, who through "spiritual incest" (with his daughters who got him drunk) produced seed in the form of the Ammonites and the Moabites (both of whom became a plague to the house of Israel). We were on fire for Jesus and the people knew this and loved us for it - eventually, nearly all the large fraternity and other large homes in Berkeley around the campus opened up to us (if available) to live in and even people with money would help us get places because we could manage them well and provide income for the owners and take care of the property - although they knew that we were a bit communistic! That didn't matter--we never insisted on anyone that they had to live this way--but Berkeley loved it. One day we preached the gospel and 18 got saved - we took them down to "Ludwig's Fountain" - a fountain in the middle of the Berkeley Campus - here we baptized them and then all came back to C.J.'s Garage (that was its actual name before we leased it) - so we simply kept the name "Christ Jesus' Garage" - ) here we held common meals and concerts which were packed out. I dare say that if the L.C. had not stopped us, we would have taken over the L.C. by dent of our numbers and increase - But, looking back I realize that Lee's methodology was like that of one incensed with control - he had to be the MANAGER (because he "had the gray hair") of everything and dictate to all. Some day he will have to face the Almighty for the damage he did to so many young people who were hurt by his actions and his subtle manners. In sum: He was a Chinese War Lord and practiced it with amazing cunning. I gradually began to see what W.L. stood for and later on realized that his "doctrine of control" was exceedingly cruel and nefarious - he and Joe Stalin would have had much in common! He could never give up anything to the Lord--he insisted on controlling all the churches, the workers and the elders--his model was that of the Antioch Church (so he claimed and so did Watchman Nee claim as well in Further Talks on the Church Life). In his last meeting with Doug Shearer and me he took out a copy of this text and read the following: "I seems that Antioch was controlling them." Then we asked Witness Lee: Was Watchman Nee referring to Antioch's "controlling them" - the antecedent of "them" - does it refer to the churches, the workers or the elders? Lee replied: ALL of them! At that point I looked at Doug Shearer and said: I think it's time for us to leave. Lee had expressed the most totalitarian concept in Church control--more so than that of Pope Benedict's recent declarations that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true Church and that all others are "deficient" and/or "lesser" and even eluded to the fact that salvation outside of the Roman Catholic Church is NOT an option, not viable--Lee, in essence, declared that the L.C. was virtually the only expression outside of Babylon. This arrogant, preposterous, exclusive, demeaning and pompous attitude and even belief system, is so outrageous and defining of a state of super spirituality that the only thing that one can conclude is a spiritual pride far and beyond anything uttered by modern man, aside from overt cults who acclaim the same but, even then, provide variety of expression--unlike the L.C. wherein all things must mimic the (as it is expressed now) the Living Stream Ministry--even the Methodists have not this conformity! Thank God this "phase" in my life is over (now, looking back nigh 34 years) I realize that the Lord had a purpose and plan for me, like He does for you - that purpose, that plan is centered on His Son - in bringing many sons to glory! I have spoken frankly - there are many details - such as when I went to the military the entire company of men accepted Christ as their Savior - I was about the Father's business and always appreciate others "outside the L.C." as brothers and sisters in Christ, from whom I could always learn and from whom I realized that they were all "members one of another" - and still am. Let me say one more thing - did I experience Christ in the L.C. - yes, I did--IN SPITE OF THE L.C., and not because of it - God is a God of great mercy and grace and if we seek Him with our whole heart, even in the darkest of conditions, He will be with us and supply us His glorious presence and growth in the spirit. It's almost over for me (pressing into 70 now) - but the best days are ahead. We're "plotting and planning" (see our web site at: www.the-tribulation-network.com) once again to start more brothers and sisters houses here in our State's capital and commence a work "downtown" for the gospel (my 24-yr son, Geofff, is leading the way--praise God all my children love our Lord Jesus Christ without guile) - giving the young people the support that we never had from our elders - we can do that now that we're old! They indeed carry the torch and we have the privilege of allowing them to express themselves and to team up with them "for the faith of the gospel." We are not "counting" anything now--we simply believe that Rev. 14 of the first harvest will be our harvest! Incidentally, during all the law suits I ardently protested to all the saints I could (still in the Local Church - and I did so with my dear brother Bob Smith, who also left the L.C. - and no matter what is said against this dear brother, here is one whose desire is toward Him and whose walk in Christ is undefiled) that such law suits were in utter violation of the Scriptures--no matter how the L.C. would convolute them to justify their spurious efforts to silence their critics. To this day--they bear the Body of Christ great shame in ripping off the saints of their commitment to Christ and to His Church. The L.C., led by Witness Lee and his self-deceived, self-diluted and "family business" have brought the name of Jesus down into the gutter. Outwardly they acclaimed a spirituality wrought in the sufferings of the Church in China--but contradicted and defamed these suffering saints by their worldly acquisitions and "spiritual torture" wrought upon countless saints who innocently followed man, not God. I was one of the first brothers to deride the sins of one Phillip Lee and the covering up of those iniquities by well-meaning, but deceived brethren who should have known better. When approaching, in 1978, brothers John Ulicki and Howard Higashi (both of whom I had a part in bringing into the L.C.) if "this matter" had been properly dealt with, they assured me that it had--that was at best a misunderstanding on their part or a bald faced lie in order to "cover" Phillip's most grievous behavior. I knew in 1978 that nothing had changed--Max Rapaport was now "out" and many others followed - YES, there is abundant life beyond the immediate environs of the L.C. - yes, there is a real Babylon, a real end-times Apostasy, and tragically, Lee's eschatology, his view of the end times, mirrors an elitist interpretation which provides him a platform of control of those caught by his subterfuge - partial rapture. I vehemently reject Lee's eschatology outright and have the scriptural validation of such an insidious means of controlling thousands of the unsuspecting. Eventually, as you well know - John Ingalls--a man whose love for God and His people is likewise undefiled (although it took him a bit longer to renounce "that situation) and, although I rejoice that he is determined to gather with God's people to "express Christ" - my concern for him and those gathered around his efforts remains somewhat cautious in that "building a better mousetrap" does not bode well - to say that the L.C.'s doctrine of the "ground of unity" holds ANY Scriptural credibility is suspect--notwithstanding the "seven churches" in Revelation being used to validate such claims--I fear that the the "Jesus" of such expressions is limited and conclude that what T. Austin Sparks adjudged of Witness Lee's "doctrine of the dirt" was a delimiting of Christ to the uttermost and an ultimate denominational expression far worse than most such ORGANIZATIONS! May the Spirit of Christ strengthen you in the inner man--may you, with all saints, comprehend and apprehend His unsearchable riches in His One Body--embracing all whom He embraces and gathering with them who desire only His headship wherever they meet!
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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