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Old 09-24-2008, 01:55 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1
Default New - just saying hello

Hey all,

I've been lurking around the boards for a little while now and have found it quite interesting. It has helped me fill in some blanks from my families past involvement with the LC and reasons why we left.

My parents were both involved with the LC in San Diego since the 70's. If I remember correctly my dad even became a believer because of a LC brother. Shortly after my brother and I were born in '80 - '83 my family moved from San Diego to Arizona to help establish a LC out here. We were involved there until the late 80's early 90's when my parents made the decision to leave the movement.

Even though I was only in the LC until I was 10 I have many memories about our time there and it amazes my wife how I can so easily fall into what we have called the "LC Style" of speaking and praying. After leaving we did still have some involvement in the LC as my aunt and uncle and their children are still involved and we still have a dear family friend in San Diego who chose to remain close to us even after we left. Whenever we would visit them we would attend meetings with them in San Diego, even up through my high school years, but that was once a year or couple years.

My parents have not spoken too openly about their decision to leave, although through the years I have been able to put pieces of the story together from conversations with them or with others who left about the same time. I know they were deeply wounded by the saints, many of whom had been dear friends for nearly 20 years.

After leaving the LC my family became involved with a group called "The Church in Scottsdale" led by a former LC elder named Bill Freemen. After a short time however it became clear that some of the same abuses experienced in the LC were happening with this new fellowship, so once again my parents made the decision to leave. That was their last regular meeting attendance. Like many of you they have found it difficult to find a local body of believers that feel they fit in with. They do have regular fellowship with other believers, both former LC members and those who have never been part of the LC.

As for myself I found a "home" with a wonderful group of believers here in AZ while I was in high school. I now work full time with the young people at our "church" and am loving it.

I just wanted to say thanks for helping me to better understand my parents story and the experiences they had. It would not surprise me if some of you may have known my parents at one point, as I have already seen some names mentioned on this site that I am familiar with.

Thanks again and God bless
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