In some messages past, Mr Kangas has told the story about a group of sisters long ago in Anaheim who apparently made quite a show of themselves. Believed themselves to be above everyone else and ever wrote a book dedicated to "those who are alive and remain", implying that they will be raptured away and will leave their book to help everyone else.
I've heard it said explicitly in messages as well as to my face by some elders that they believe people will be reading LSM Life Studies during the great tribulation. Not only this, I was told that Witness Lee spoke on this and went even further (this was not recorded in the Life Study). He believed that when the Bible says the woman will be nourished in the wilderness, he took that to literally mean that Christians going through the great tribulation will be nourished by his Life Studies. People from LSM by implication are obviously not there and have been whisked away.
So what's the difference?