Originally Posted by ToGodAlone
I suppose another relevant question to the topic would be, how do we show them that certain "truths" they believe in are not in fact truth? How do we back up claims about topics like the local ground, pray reading, and all that?
Ray Graver wrote a short booklet on pray reading. In that booklet he quoted many spiritual men from church history talking about praying over the word, praying with the word, and speaking the word back to God in prayer. If you could find that booklet (and I am sure both RG and BP would have copies, probably EM and KR as well) that would be a great place where you could start. I don't think anyone would have an issue with reading that book (either in the LRC or out of it) and once you do it will change your whole perception of what the term "pray reading" really means. You will see that the current practice is merely a superficial imitation. You don't have to say this, the LRC member will come to their own conclusion and probably take this message back to their meeting as well.
As far as the truth on the ground of the church I would start by reading from TNCL from WN where he discusses this truth. What you see is that the basis for the search for "this truth" was a way to overcome the divisiveness in Christianity, rather than lay the foundation for the most divisive group. To me, what makes this teaching harmful is the spirit of exclusivity. When you see that the spirit behind the teaching was to have a spirit that embraces all christians it is much easier to lay that teaching aside when it contradicts the objective.