Originally Posted by Nell
I've never had a question as to whether God cares or not. I knew Him as a child and He seemed to always be with me. Always a presence. For a long time I didn't know this "presence" was Him, until he showed Himself to me. I realize that not all have my history. I think this is a good question to ask Him. "God how am I supposed to know that you care (about me)?" Ask questions. Tell Him what you think. If you're not sure about something you believe you've heard, talk with a trusted confidant. We need Him and we need each other.
I always wonder whether God cares. And it's not just me. "Where is God in suffering" is one of the most contested God questions out there, local church background or not. It's been a major point of loss of faith for many people. Anecdotally, I can think of several colleagues right off the bat.
Telling someone who clearly has felt like God doesn't care about them that He always seems to be with you..........is exactly the kind of response I worry about on this forum in response to hurting people who most definitely have not felt like God was always there with them. It just makes them feel like something is wrong with them, or that God really does have an issue with them. Telling someone who has reached the point that they don't think God is there, that they should ask God a question as if they have any hope He will answer, just causes them more frustration. I know none of us are trained therapists (I don't think), but there has to be understanding that people's experience with God can differ wildly from others, or else the forum won't help but a restricted few.