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Fellowship Hall Talk it over here. Also for prayer requests

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Old 11-11-2008, 11:32 AM   #1
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Default Fellowship

Hi all,

I'd like to start a new topic of questions regarding fellowship. It'll probably be shortlived but I hope I'll get some input.


1) Do you fellowship with Christians in your community?

2) Are you involved in home group fellowships?

3) Do you go to 'church'?
If you do, are you an active participant?

Is it a non-denominational church or a main stream denominational church?

4) Do you fellowship with LSMrs' or LCrs?

5) Aside from the Holy Word of God, the Bible, whose writings do you read?

6) Do you listen to Christian CD teachings? Christian radio?

7) Do you watch Christian TV?

If so, who are your favorite preachers/teachers?

8) What kind of Christian music do you listen to ? Any favorites?
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)

Last edited by countmeworthy; 11-11-2008 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 11-11-2008, 12:01 PM   #2
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Default Re: Fellowship

Since I'm asking, I'll go first. [Big smile]

1) Yes. I fellowship with Christian friends, pretty much every day. Mostly on the phone. The ones I talk to the most live out of state. Go figure!
But I do have Christian friends I fellowship with here in town.

2) I sometimes go to friends' homes or they'll come over to mine. There is no formal fellowship home group gathering. When we hang out, we always end up fellowshipping and praying.

3) I do go to 'church'. I had stopped going but the LORD began speaking to me a few weeks ago. That's another story for another time. Am I active?

I suppose. There is nothing formal I do...oh...except meeting with my prayer partners on Thursday evenings and corporate prayer twice a month.

4) I fellowship with one LSMr who is very open to the universal church..not exclusive to LSMrs. That's a GOOD sign if you ask me!

5) Writings. I have LOTS of books. I go through phases reading/studying particular subject matters.

Right now..John Bevere is taking the lead. Followed by
Jerry Sevelle. Derek Prince, T.L. Lowry, Joel Rosenberg.

6) Of COURSE I listen to Christian teachings on CD, DVD, TV and Radio!

7) Yeppers.....My assortment is quuite diverse of who I watch on TV.

I watch Perry Stone, Pastor Melissa Scott, J.R. Church (Prophesy on the News- both on TV and the internet) Benny Hinn (on occassion...when he's teaching..) Kenneth Copeland...mainly when he has guests on his show like Billye Brim. Sometimes Creflo Dollar, Gregory Dickow, Third Rock from the sun.. OH WAIT!! how did THAT show get in the mix.

8) Music:
Hillsong, (what a surprise, eh? ) Fernando Ortega, Terry MacAlmon.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 11-12-2008, 06:42 AM   #3
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Default Re: Fellowship

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
1) Do you fellowship with Christians in your community?

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
2) Are you involved in home group fellowships?
Yes, sporadically.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
3) Do you go to 'church'?
If you do, are you an active participant?

Is it a non-denominational church or a main stream denominational church?
Yes, I go, as time & circumstance permit. I love to meet with believers. But I fellowship also, and predominantly, apart from organized fellowships (i.e. 501c3 non-profit organizations with buildings that assemble primarily in said buildings on Sunday mornings). I fellowship with non-denominational and mainstream alike. I find that my visits, and fellowship, are proportional to how "organized" they are. Less is better, for me.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
4) Do you fellowship with LSMrs' or LCrs?
Both. Also with expatriate local churchers. I also have friends on both sides of the fence: those meeting with the GLA assemblies, and those with the Anaheim-affiliated fellowships. Some others I know also meet with both, as they, too, have friends on both sides. Some times "safe" meetings are arranged, and messages of greeting passed back and forth. "Say hi to so-and-so for me", etc. All very clandestine and amusing. Reminds me of the stories of WWI, where the footsoldiers would send messages to the "opposing" trenches: "There's going to be an awful barrage at 2 am tomorrow. Keep your heads down". Reply: "Thanks, and God bless". It's amazing how much affection and connection people can have for one another even in the midst of times of estrangement. I know I'm an outspoken "negative" one, and thus am quarantined, but some dear ones continue to fellowship with me, quietly. As they say, "Where there's a will, there's a way."

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
5) Aside from the Holy Word of God, the Bible, whose writings do you read?
Not much, I'm afraid. I read the occasional christian history. Theology and "teachings" are not my strong suit, as may be evidenced by my postings.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
6) Do you listen to Christian CD teachings? Christian radio?

7) Do you watch Christian TV?
I don't own radio or TV. I am not aware of anything of value, though I'm sure there is valuable material out there helping people

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
8) What kind of Christian music do you listen to ? Any favorites?
I don't listen to much music. I used to and occasionally sing out of my remembered repertoire. Two CD's I do recommend, however, are Melanesian Choirs: the Blessed Islands, and (of course) Handel's "Messiah". One of the Melanesian choirs is called the "Choir of all Saints, Honaira"; I think they are Anglican-affiliated. They sing one song titled "God yu tekkem laef blong mi". Don't understand a word of it, but it touches my heart. Highly recommended. Also "Jisas yu holem hand blong mi"; no theology, just spirit.

Peace and grace. aron
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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Old 11-14-2008, 08:30 AM   #4
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Default Re: Fellowship

Thanks Aron!

I hope more people will respond. I think it would be a good way (at least for me) for us to understand each other a little bit better.

May the Blessings of the LORD and the Joy of the Holy Spirit be upon you all the day long!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 11-14-2008, 09:59 AM   #5
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Default Re: Fellowship

Dear Saints,

Here is my information.

1) Do you fellowship with Christians in your community?

We have neighbors, friends, and clients who are believers in Christ Jesus and we pursue fellowship with them whenever and in whatever setting we find ourselves. Just yesterday, in my office, after we discussed the difficulties of the current investment environment, I and a client couple shared the Lord with one another and nearly came to tears. It really is very easy to see Christ in other believers. The Body of Christ is a reality and He speaks through His members. I try to listen up.

2) Are you involved in home group fellowships?

Part of my assembly life occurs in homes at least three times a week.

3) Do you go to 'church'?
If you do, are you an active participant?

I do not prefer the term "go to church." I do assemble in church as the following, Acts 11:26, And it came about that for an entire year they assembled themselves in the church, and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

Is it a non-denominational church or a main stream denominational church?

It is neither but only believers meeting in the name of the Lord, open to all the Lord's children without any requirements other than our common faith. We do endeavor to keep the oneness of the Spirit. We are not affliated with any network or headquarters but do have contact with dear believers, assemblies and various christian works through out the country and in many countries.

4) Do you fellowship with LSMrs' or LCrs?

At this time I am anathema to the LSM and official LCrs. Some declared I was the leader of the rebellion in the Southeast. HO, HO, HO what a joke. I am willing to fellowship with any believer and leave it up to their own conscience if they want to make WL an issue. I will not join in that debate.

5) Aside from the Holy Word of God, the Bible, whose writings do you read?

I only read here and there. I read this week the biography of Josh Hamilton, Beyond Belief. The Bible is just about 98% of my reading.

6) Do you listen to Christian CD teachings? Christian radio?

I seldom listen to CD teachings but I do from time to time. I do not listen to Christian radio.

7) Do you watch Christian TV?

I do not watch Christian TV.

If so, who are your favorite preachers/teachers?

8) What kind of Christian music do you listen to ? Any favorites?[/QUOTE]

For my personal listening I prefer praise and worship music and Christian anthem hymns.

We have four hymn books in our meetings. They cover quite a spectrum. We should utilize all kinds of songs written by the believers. I like Rev 14:1-4, "And I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder, and the voice which I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased from the earth." NASB

We need all kinds of words, expression, and all kinds of music. Sometimes the Spirit would lead us to use a hymn that is like loud thunder or rushing waters but other times sometime gentle like harpers harping.

A believer in Christ Jesus who is seeking to be a true disciple,

Hope, Don Rutledge
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Old 11-14-2008, 09:00 PM   #6
Only by Grace
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Default Re: Fellowship

1) Do you fellowship with Christians in your community?
Yes, but I'm fairly new to my community, so I mainly fellowship with those in my local congregation.

2) Are you involved in home group fellowships?
Yes, a women's Bible study in my home.

3) Do you go to 'church'? If you do, are you an active participant?
Yes...I attend a local congregation of around 100 believers which has been established for 75+ years, I believe.
Is it a non-denominational church or a main stream denominational church?
A currently non-denominational group with historic congregational roots of a denomination which has a well worn motto: we're not the only Christians but we're "Christians only"...(and some think the LC might have had a market on that motto! Not so!) At any rate, I think the history of the group who originally housed the building started off years ago denominational-based (but an "independent" denomination), but the current group has evolved over the years to be grace-based, Christ centered, Bible teaching, communion taking, believer-immersion baptising, hymn & praise and worship singing, guitar playing, pastor preaching, elder-led, congregation. No connections to a headquarters or anything.

4) Do you fellowship with LSMrs' or LCrs?
Just via the internet and this website.

5) Aside from the Holy Word of God, the Bible, whose writings do you read?
Currently on my nightstand: The Life You've Always Wanted (a book on spiritual disciplines by John Ortberg), Trusting in the Names of God (a study on the various "names" of God, such as Jehovah Jireh, etc.), and a re-read of Knowing God by Packer. Oh...and, I read occassional Christian fiction and pretty much anything by John Grisham...

6) Do you listen to Christian CD teachings? Christian radio?
No...only very rarely...once in awhile a radio program if I'm driving a long time.

7) Do you watch Christian TV?
Nope. Although, years ago I would occassinally catch a Billy Graham crusade when on TV. Can't help it...I love the guy and love watching the Lord stir hearts through the simple gospel message given by a man with the gift of evengelism.

If so, who are your favorite preachers/teachers?
No TV...but radio...I used to enjoy Greg Laurie and Chuck Swindoll when I commuted a lot.

8) What kind of Christian music do you listen to ? Any favorites?
My favorite is worship and contemporary take on old hymns. Fernando Ortega's music always takes me to a place of worship. One of my favorite contemporary songs is "Who am I?" by Casting Crowns. Favorite hymn: It is well with my soul.

For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not harm you...plans for a future and a hope...
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Old 11-14-2008, 10:06 PM   #7
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Default Re: Fellowship

Thanks Hope and only by Grace

I love to go to sleep listening to Fernando Ortega sing. His voice is soo anointed and soothing to the spirit and soul. How can anyone have nightmares going to sleep while worshipping the Lord with him, right?

When I wake up, I often also turn the CD player back to his music. It helps me start my day Worshipping the LORD.

Being single and living alone with my pets gives me an advantage to pray without ceasing pray. I love to study the Word..and have a library of spiritual books, teaching CDs, spiritual movies (mostly end time movies: The Gathering, REVELATION and JUDGEMENT. I love those movies!

Gregory Dickow, a TV preacher/teacher has a MOST EXCELLENT teaching on Communion!

Because of his clear and awesome teaching, I have begun to have communion every day at home now!

A quick overview of what I got out of his teaching:

Psalm 23:5-6 Remember how we used to sing Psalm 23 and many other Psalms?
I LOVED those days when we sang them together. I still sing the Psalms to this day.

Well..back to topic:

David writes in Psalm 23
..."Thou preparest (GOD prepared) a TABLE in the presence of mine (his) enemies.

Thou anointest my head with oil;

my CUP runneth over.

Surely GOODNESS and MERCY shall follow me all the days of my life...

The LORD prepared for David, the LORD'S TABLE in the presence of his enemies.
And David received great blessings for partaking of the Bread and Wine during his time of stress!

1) The LORD anointed David's head with the OIL of the HOLY SPIRIT..which gave Him Strength.

2) His cup (his spirit) overflowed with the Anointing of the Holy Spirit.

3) The Lord's Goodness and Mercy followed David ALL the days of his life!

Pastor/Brother Gregory explained how important it is for us to partake of the Bread and Wine every day especially when we are going through difficult times.

He gave 2 examples I can remember proving how Honorable it is to have the Lord's table as often as we want and especially when we are going through difficult times. He pointed out David partaking of the Lord's TABLE in the presence of his enemies..and then again JESUS partook of the Table (the Last Supper) in the presence of his enemy--Judas.

I love the way he brought out what happens when we partake of the bread, representing the Lord's broken body and the cup representing His Blood.

When we partake of His Body and Blood throught the elements of the bread and wine/grapejuice, The LORD anoints our heads with OIL..(the HOLY SPIRIT). Our cup, our spirit then overflows as it runneth over.

And the BEST PART is God's promise that HIS GOODNESS and His MERCY will follow us all the days of our lives, just as it did David's!

There's a lot more to Communion and I don't think even I have gotten the full revelation of it! But this is GOOOOOOOOOOOD, Mighty Gooooooood teaching if you ask me!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 11-18-2008, 12:55 PM   #8
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Default Re: Fellowship

Hello to all
1/ Do I fellowship with other christians?
Whereever I meet them. I am doing a door knocking job right now. Not the sort that immediately springs to mind This is for a research company. I have met quite a few christians as I talk to them in their homes ,and had some good fellowship. So encouraging to know there are so many out there.
2/Am I involved in home group fellowships?
Not yet, as we have recently moved. But we used to meet with a family from the Baptist church. We did this for 7 years as we were on an isolated island and frankly desperate. They were a great blessing to us and we got to experience a 'normal' relationship with another christian family. We not only had meetings together, but did other stuff,: had meals, taught our children with others, helped people in the community and so on. We were taught by them how to have a normal life, with Christ expressed in it, rather than removing ourselves from normal life, supposedly for the Lord
3/ Do I go to church?
My family have chosen to attend a local church gathering here. I go with them. We now just stay for the Lord's table and singing and leave before the 'ministry' starts. None of us can stand it. But the christians there are loving and we enjoy their fellowship.
4/Do I fellowship with LC'S?
Yes. We have been regularly going to a sisters home for a sing song round her piano. The kids love this. The family is ex brethren and love the bible, which we sometimes read. Her mother is elderly and loves to hear the children sing, so we have been meeting each others needs. This hjas stopped for the time being as she is away, and we sorely miss her.
5/ Aside from the bible, what do I read?
Of course, 'A Future and a Hope' and 'Solid' by John Myer. I also enjoy the Creation magazines and anti evolutionary books put out by a group called Creation Ministries International. Our children have been raised on these and can give an answer to most athieistic and evolutionary questions.
6/ Do I listen to christian music?
Whenever I can. Obviously, we have different tastes in the family, but I listen to CD's in my car and also the local christian station.
Often as a family we gather around the piano to sing old hymns. I don't think I could get through this difficult time where the church is in disarray and the world is getting steadily darker, without songs of praise.
We don't have a TV, so cannot watch it, which is a blessing.
Grace and Peace to you all!
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Old 11-19-2008, 08:15 AM   #9
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Default Re: Fellowship

Originally Posted by Joanna Tysoe View Post
My family have chosen to attend a local church gathering here. I go with them. We now just stay for the Lord's table and singing and leave before the 'ministry' starts. None of us can stand it. But the christians there are loving and we enjoy their fellowship.

4/Do I fellowship with LC'S?

Yes. We have been regularly going to a sisters home for a sing song round her piano. The kids love this. The family is ex brethren and love the bible, which we sometimes read. Her mother is elderly and loves to hear the children sing, so we have been meeting each others needs. This hjas stopped for the time being as she is away, and we sorely miss her.
5/ Aside from the bible, what do I read?

Of course, 'A Future and a Hope' and 'Solid' by John Myer. I also enjoy the Creation magazines and anti evolutionary books put out by a group called Creation Ministries International. Our children have been raised on these and can give an answer to most athieistic and evolutionary questions.

Often as a family we gather around the piano to sing old hymns. I don't think I could get through this difficult time where the church is in disarray and the world is getting steadily darker, without songs of praise.
We don't have a TV,
Blessings and Divine FAVOR from God our Father and our LORD JESUS CHRIST to you Joanna.

Thanks for sharing. The LC saints are sweet. But something happens to them when the messages are shared.
I think they're afraid to step outside the box as they have been used to being enclosed in it for such a long time.

I heard a really good message by a man of God who is an awesome teacher. His name is John Bevere w/Messenger International.
He brought something to light for me and many of us who heard him preach/teach recently. Perhaps it was merely a good reminder for all of us:

When Pharaoh finally decided to release the Children of Israel (led by Moses of course) he packed them up with quite a few riches..Gold, Silver, Food, Animals, Clothes for their journey.
The Israelites had been slaves and only Moses who was raised by Pharaoh's daughter experienced the wealth & 'good life' of Egypt.

But once in the wilderness, the children of Israel wanted to go back to Egypt!!! Go Figure! Why in the world would they want to go back to Egypt where they were SLAVES? Yet Moses who was not raised as a slave did NOT want to return to Egypt.
Why? Moses KNEW God. He had a relationship with GOD. The Israelites only knew the ACTS of God. They had experienced the miracles. Being set free from bondage..with WEALTH, they didn't get it. They took the gold God blessed them with and made a idol to worship!
Now. Does THAT make any sense?

That happens to a lot of us. In the LC, many of us were blessed with the Riches of the Word, the Fellowship etc... yet, many still live in the past. Some of us long for the past. I myself do miss the way we would gather in each others' homes to sing and share our dinners with each other and intimate fellowship..reading the Word together.

But things/life is different now. God is moving in us, taking us to HIGHER GROUND to those who want to move Higher into the Heavenly realm. A Most Glorious Realm.

The Holy Spirit is constantly guiding us, giving us Wisdom, Revelation, strengthening our Inner man as He points us to our Beloved Lord and KING-JESUS.

The world is certainly getting darker! But that can only mean God's GLORY will soon cover the earth through His saints as we prepare to usher in the the 2nd coming of the KING of kings and LORD of lords!

May we come to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
And to know the love of Christ, [the ANOINTED One] which passeth knowledge, that we might be filled with all the fulness of God.

(Ephesians 3:18-19)

Let not your heart be troubled! Continue to give Him Praise, Honor, Glory with a heart filled with gratitude and Thanksgiving. His angels are encamped about us. We have the POWER of the Blood of Jesus and the POWER of the NAME of JESUS protecting us and blessing us in these dark days!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)

Last edited by countmeworthy; 11-19-2008 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 09-13-2009, 06:07 PM   #10
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Default What is it to blaspheme?

I am sure many of us have heard of Alexander the Coppersmith. Here is a verse from 1 Timothy 1:20

"Of whom are Hymenaueus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan that they may be disciplined no to blaspheme."

What exactly is it to blaspheme?

My finding in the dictionary is to speak or address with irreverence to God.

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Old 09-13-2009, 10:21 PM   #11
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Arrow Refusing everything God ever did for your sake is the ultimate blaspheme.

That is true Terry.
However the ultimate blaspheme is to refuse (say NO) Gods Grace/Son. Anyone willing to go there will find NO forgiveness.
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Old 09-14-2009, 10:00 AM   #12
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Default Re: Refusing everything God ever did for your sake is the ultimate blasphem

Originally Posted by manna-man View Post
That is true Terry.
However the ultimate blaspheme is to refuse (say NO) Gods Grace/Son. Anyone willing to go there will find NO forgiveness.
Not sure about that one. It might be that the unpardonable sin is to to fail to ask for pardon. But simply refusing God's grace is not blasphemy. To suggest that those who refuse to ask for forgiveness will "find NO forgiveness" is like saying that those who go to bed in a house in England will awaken in a house in England. Those who do not ask for forgiveness do not expect to receive forgiveness, just as those who go to bed in a house in England do not expect to awaken in a house in Denmark.

Paul did not give over heathen to Satan. Heathen would already be Satan's. No, like the sinful brother in 1 Corinthians, those who have partaken of God's grace but now turn away through open sin or willfully speaking against God can be turned over to Satan. It is pointless to take those actions against someone who is not part of the household of faith.
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Old 09-14-2009, 07:33 PM   #13
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Default Re: What is it to blaspheme?

Originally Posted by Terry View Post

What exactly is it to blaspheme?

My finding in the dictionary is to speak or address with irreverence to God.
In death or at the end of the age, would needing to give account of one's self to anyone else other than God be considered blasphemy?

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