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Extras! Extras! Read All About It! Everything else that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else

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Old 02-20-2017, 05:35 PM   #1
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default Nee Lee Free Zone

Originally Posted by least View Post
I wish this forum can have a section that discuss the bible and christian life, free from referring back to WL LCM, because this is what I need.
Here you go least! Why don't you go ahead and initiate the first thread!

αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11
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Old 02-20-2017, 06:20 PM   #2
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I'll like to know more about the better covenant.

Hebrew 8:6
But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.

If possible, looking at covenants God made with man since Genesis.


I also have questions about the 'eternal gospel'.
And what apostle Paul meant by 'another gospel'.

Starting with whichever one of the above is fine.
And I am slow in the 'renewing of the mind', so I don't mind slow responses and discussions. I get lost in fast and heated debates.
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Old 02-20-2017, 07:46 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by least View Post
I'll like to know more about the better covenant.

Hebrew 8:6
But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.

If possible, looking at covenants God made with man since Genesis.


I also have questions about the 'eternal gospel'.
And what apostle Paul meant by 'another gospel'.

Starting with whichever one of the above is fine.
And I am slow in the 'renewing of the mind', so I don't mind slow responses and discussions. I get lost in fast and heated debates.
Apostle Paul applied the word "another gospel" and a "different gospel" (Galatians 1.6-9) to the Judaizers who destroyed the faith of the Galatian believers. Their "gospel" was from the Old Testament, which demanded the new believers be circumcised according to the law of Moses, and other regulations like celebrating Jewish holy days.

This was a very serious problem which demanded all the Apostles gather together in Jerusalem. Read about this in Acts chapter 15.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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Old 02-22-2017, 11:21 PM   #4
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Great idea for this thread.

The New Covenant in Christ was foretold by Jeremiah https://www.biblegateway.com/passage...4&version=NASB

note the contrast to the Old Covenant God gave the children of Israel through Moses in Exodus 20-24 when God revealed his law, blessings were conditioned upon men keeping it, and punishment on men not keeping it. Later in Exodus and Leviticus details are given on how slain animals raised and offered by God's people on the altar of the Outer Court could cover sins of those violating the law, and satisfy God, when offered in "the tabernacle of God" (and in later books the Temple in Jerusalem) during special feasts. Once a year the High Priest from the tribe of Levi could enter the Holy of Holies through the sprinkling of the blood of those animals, after washing in a laver of water, passing by the lighted lamp stand and bread of the presence on a table, offer burning insense, pass through the viel, and spend time on the propitiation cover on the ark. There under the covering wings of cherubim, in God's glory, representing God's people, the high priest brought stones representing the children of Israel on his breastplate and shoulders, and receive words to share with them.

The New Covenant is fulfilled in Christ offering himself for the sins of many, for forgiveness:

See also Luke 22:20

The New Covenant is partaken of when we eat the bread and drink the wine at the Lord's Table/Supper (aka Communion) in remembrance of Jesus http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/11-25.htm, and will be fully realized in the Kingdom of Christ at His return and when He gives the Kingdom to His Father in the new heaven and earth.

Jesus is the High Priest according to the order of Melchisidek (my King of righteousness and peace https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melchizedek, one without beginning or end), not Levi. He entered the true tabernacle not made with hands in the heavens once and for all through his own blood in resurrection and ascension, and now stands at God's right hand pleading for his believers before the Father's throne, which is a throne of grace not punishment. We are exhorted not to shrink back, but come forward to this throne of grace to meet our timely need in the book of Hebrews.

This is woefully inadequate! Lord help us give utterance to, and enjoy this wonderful reality with our fellow believers through your Holy Spirit, and worship you in Spirit and truth as the Father seeks until your kingdom comes!
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 NASB)
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Old 02-23-2017, 12:50 AM   #5
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Thank you for the responses, and hope for more.
I know what I asked are big topics, and require lots of writing.
I am reading the bible and the posts.
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Old 02-23-2017, 07:34 AM   #6
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Paul and his fellow apostles were ministers of the New Covenant. The whole book of 2 Corinthians details this. The third chapter tells of their ministry of the Spirit, in contrast to letter of law of the old covenant:


Is Paul roping us in with him by saying "we all with unveiled face" who turn our hearts to the Lord?
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 NASB)
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Old 02-25-2017, 09:07 AM   #7
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Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega' the first and the last, the beginning and the end. And whatever promises of God there are, in Him is the yes. Wherefore through Him is the amen to God, for glory through us.

Even the first promise (covenant) of God is fulfilled in Christ:

The first covenant of God with all mankind (Noah's descendants) -

promised in Genesis 6 http://biblehub.com/genesis/9-1.htm. see verse 18
given in Genesis 9 http://biblehub.com/genesis/9-1.htm see verses 9-16

Peter tells us Jesus' death and resurrection and our water baptism is the fulfillment of this type of Christ. Peter 3 http://biblehub.com/1_peter/3-20.htm

Furthermore in 2 Peter 2 and 3 Peter warned of false prophets practicing and preaching lawlessness among the believers, and says that the Lord knows how to deliver the godly from them and reserves judgement for them upon the coming Day of the Lord "as in the Days of Noah". http://biblehub.com/bsb/2_peter/2.htm

A rainbow surrounds God on His throne, around the "other angel" coming from heaven, and colors of the rainbow are throughout God's Holy City walls that descend from heaven in Revelation, showing God's eternal faithfulness to his covenant with man. http://biblehub.com/revelation/4-3.htm

Thank you Lord that we can grow in the grace and knowledge of you, living holy lives in You, expecting and hastening your glorious return!
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 NASB)
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Old 11-06-2017, 07:28 PM   #8
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1Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,

With Peter we think of the Apostle who has been given the keys of the kingdom, he was impulsive as a young believer, very transparent in the gospels. But we also see a man who has been humbled. Rebuked repeatedly by Jesus — Get behind me Satan, and then in the next chapter rebuked for saying Jesus pays tribute. Rebuked on the mount of transfiguration — this is my beloved Son, hear Him, rebuked at the Lord’s crucifixion, and then later rebuked by Paul.

Then the word “strangers” really stands out. It seems that every epistle in the NT is written to the outcasts of society. Paul wrote to the gentiles in what was a predominantly Jewish religion. And who sent Paul to the Gentiles, it was Jesus. Why, because he knew the Bible better than any Judaizer and would be able to defend the faith. Likewise, who is sent to “strangers” but someone who is so intimately at the very center of God’s move. Who better to embrace and encourage them.

The word scattered also stands out, reminding us of James' epistle to those in the "dispersion". Peter and James clearly saw the persecution taking place on the church and the saints as being due to God's sovereignty to scatter the gospel far and wide.

2Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

Peter is very encouraging and nowhere is this more obvious than here. We have been chosen, not because of some test or work that we have done but because God the father knows something. God the Father has “foreknowledge” about us. There is a key reason why God has chosen us. Then we aren’t chosen for a work but rather through the sanctification of the Spirit. The process we are going through is making us holy, like God. This is why we are strangers in a strange land. The result is not a college degree or certification, the result is that we can obey the voice of God. To obey God’s voice requires faith. And this is unto “the sprinkling of the blood”. This is not the same as being redeemed or washed in the blood. The priest sprinkle the blood. The result of our sanctification unto obedience is that we become priests of God, sprinkling the Lord’s blood wherever we go like seeds of life. Drops of forgiveness and justification.

Finally, this expression that Grace and peace be multiplied is quite unique to Peter. (Though Jude refers to love being multiplied.) This reminds me of the verse in Acts that the word of God grew and multiplied. So what does "multiplied" mean. If I add a thousand, and then I do that again, and again. Instead of adding a thousand three times I can simply multiply 3 times a thousand. Likewise if Paul speaks the word, and James speaks the word and Peter speaks the word, then that is the word being "multiplied". Grace and Peace does not flow in one direction, instead it is flowing to and through every member of the Body. Hence, it is multiplied.
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Old 11-07-2017, 07:08 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
1Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,

With Peter we think of the Apostle who has been given the keys of the kingdom, he was impulsive as a young believer, very transparent in the gospels. But we also see a man who has been humbled. Rebuked repeatedly by Jesus — Get behind me Satan, and then in the next chapter rebuked for saying Jesus pays tribute. Rebuked on the mount of transfiguration — this is my beloved Son, hear Him, rebuked at the Lord’s crucifixion, and then later rebuked by Paul.

Then the word “strangers” really stands out. It seems that every epistle in the NT is written to the outcasts of society. Paul wrote to the gentiles in what was a predominantly Jewish religion. And who sent Paul to the Gentiles, it was Jesus. Why, because he knew the Bible better than any Judaizer and would be able to defend the faith. Likewise, who is sent to “strangers” but someone who is so intimately at the very center of God’s move. Who better to embrace and encourage them.

The word scattered also stands out, reminding us of James' epistle to those in the "dispersion". Peter and James clearly saw the persecution taking place on the church and the saints as being due to God's sovereignty to scatter the gospel far and wide.

2Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

Peter is very encouraging and nowhere is this more obvious than here. We have been chosen, not because of some test or work that we have done but because God the father knows something. God the Father has “foreknowledge” about us. There is a key reason why God has chosen us. Then we aren’t chosen for a work but rather through the sanctification of the Spirit. The process we are going through is making us holy, like God. This is why we are strangers in a strange land. The result is not a college degree or certification, the result is that we can obey the voice of God. To obey God’s voice requires faith. And this is unto “the sprinkling of the blood”. This is not the same as being redeemed or washed in the blood. The priest sprinkle the blood. The result of our sanctification unto obedience is that we become priests of God, sprinkling the Lord’s blood wherever we go like seeds of life. Drops of forgiveness and justification.

Finally, this expression that Grace and peace be multiplied is quite unique to Peter. (Though Jude refers to love being multiplied.) This reminds me of the verse in Acts that the word of God grew and multiplied. So what does "multiplied" mean. If I add a thousand, and then I do that again, and again. Instead of adding a thousand three times I can simply multiply 3 times a thousand. Likewise if Paul speaks the word, and James speaks the word and Peter speaks the word, then that is the word being "multiplied". Grace and Peace does not flow in one direction, instead it is flowing to and through every member of the Body. Hence, it is multiplied.
One of the best 'messages' I have heard/read, especially on this forum but also anywhere else.

I bolded what stood out to me. I echo everything written here but am especially thankful for the clarity in what you wrote.

Peter often gets a bad wrap, yet if anyone knew and experienced the Power of the Blood of Jesus, it was him. I tend to identify with Peter at times. Even recently I stuck my foot in my mouth, jumping the gun so to speak. I am still a work in progress, learning to listen CAREFULLY to the Voice of God and following His Spirit's lead.

Blessings be upon you until we arrive and beyond.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 11-08-2017, 02:22 AM   #10
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ZNP #8
"To obey God’s voice requires faith. And this is unto “the sprinkling of the blood”. This is not the same as being redeemed or washed in the blood. The priest sprinkle the blood. The result of our sanctification unto obedience is that we become priests of God, sprinkling the Lord’s blood wherever we go like seeds of life. Drops of forgiveness and justification."

Can you explain further?
The believer sprinkles the Lord's blood? (like seeds of life. Drops of forgiveness and justification)
May be an example in real life application?

I understand "the priest sprinkle the blood" as refer to OT.

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Old 11-08-2017, 06:15 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by least View Post
ZNP #8
"To obey God’s voice requires faith. And this is unto “the sprinkling of the blood”. This is not the same as being redeemed or washed in the blood. The priest sprinkle the blood. The result of our sanctification unto obedience is that we become priests of God, sprinkling the Lord’s blood wherever we go like seeds of life. Drops of forgiveness and justification."

Can you explain further?
The believer sprinkles the Lord's blood? (like seeds of life. Drops of forgiveness and justification)
May be an example in real life application?

I understand "the priest sprinkle the blood" as refer to OT.

Heb 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

Do not misunderstand the word "better" here. Before we discuss it let's look again at what this same book in just the chapter before said about Abel.

Heb 11:4*By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

So Abel had a witness that he was righteous. Abel walked by faith. Abel's blood spoke even after he was dead. The point is that the sprinkled blood of Jesus speaks "better things" than Abel, not that Abel spoke bad, fleshly or natural things.

Abel's blood testified against the unrighteousness of Cain. I realize this is a "Nee Lee Free Zone" but we are still on this forum. Many of the testimonies on this forum are similar to the speaking of Abel's blood. But that is not the goal of the process of sanctification.

Abel's blood speaks of justice. The sprinkled blood of Jesus speaks of righteousness.

Abel's blood is a call for someone to do something to make it right. Jesus sprinkled blood is a testimony that Jesus has done something that did make it right.

Abel's blood is a witness that Cain is not right with God. Jesus sprinkled blood is a witness that we are right with God.

The Old Covenant was designed to respond to Abel's blood. The New Covenant is mediated with the blood of Jesus.

Heb 11:28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.

In Egypt they slew the male children of the Israelites. As a result God sent a deliverer. When they took the blood of a lamb and sprinkled it on the door posts it was a testimony to the avenging angel that this house has already lost a child, from Abel all the way to the babies born in Egypt. This is an act of faith. Once again, let's use the backdrop of the experience the LRC. While you are in the LRC, meeting with them, living next door to saints, to make a public confession that what happened to John Ingalls, or with Phillip Lee is sin requires faith. That is what they did. Their would be no way to remain in Egypt after doing this.

According to Peter the process of sanctification, making us holy as God is holy, results in us not being able to tolerate the abuse and sin of Egypt until we finally have no choice but to make this public confession of the Lamb's blood.

Ex 12:22 And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.


Lev 14:51 And he shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times:

If your house is contaminated with "leprosy" -- i.e. rebellion. Then the Priest comes in to cleanse the house. Sprinkling of the blood on the door is "obedience of faith". The better speaking of the sprinkled blood is the speaking of the better covenant. Finally, dealing with the sin of rebellion as a priest, cleansing the rebellious house with the Lord's blood, this is our destiny in this age as Priests to God.
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Old 11-08-2017, 06:21 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by least View Post
ZNP #8

The believer sprinkles the Lord's blood? (like seeds of life. Drops of forgiveness and justification)
May be an example in real life application?

I understand "the priest sprinkle the blood" as refer to OT.
Pardon for 'cutting in' as I know you are addressing ZNPaaneah and asking him for further explanation.

I just want to share that I ask the Lord Jesus daily to sprinkle His Precious Blood over me, over my loved ones, even over my pets and even my finances. I have done many indepth studies on the Power of the Blood of Jesus. I have also experienced time and time again the Blood covering me when I blow it, and when I have needed protection. I sprinkle the Blood on me when I sense evil around me, when I have had a bad dream, when I screw up and repent.

When my thoughts have traveled into dark areas due to anger, bad memories etc, I then sprinkle the Blood of Jesus as soon as I realize I am not at Peace with God and myself.

I have sprinkled the Blood of Jesus when I have been asleep and am having a bad dream. The enemy indeed flees when he sees the Blood.. EVEN IN MY DREAMS! When I have sensed evil around me, I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus. When I need protection I ask the Lord to cover me.

Why do I cover myself and loved ones with the Blood of the Lamb? Because we are kings and priests according to Revelation 1:6 and 5:10. It is not only future but in the Spirit right now, I KNOW I AM a king and priest unto the Most High God.

This is my experience I am sharing.

Peace and Blessings.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 11-08-2017, 04:19 PM   #13
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countmeworthy #12

"When I have sensed evil around me, I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus. When I need protection I ask the Lord to cover me."

I understand "I ask the Lord to cover me" - "ask" as praying to the Lord, speaking to the Lord.

How do you "sprinkle the Blood of Jesus"?

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Old 11-08-2017, 04:24 PM   #14
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countmeworthy #12

"When I have sensed evil around me, I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus. When I need protection I ask the Lord to cover me."

I understand "I ask the Lord to cover me" - "ask" as praying to the Lord, speaking to the Lord.

How do you "sprinkle the Blood of Jesus"?

It means just pray I think. What else can a Christian do? We don't have physical blood to sprinkle with a finger like old testament priests.
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Old 11-08-2017, 06:11 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by least View Post
How do you "sprinkle the Blood of Jesus"?
Consider Peter's experience:

1. Jesus when He called him demonstrated a "foreknowledge" -- I will make you fishers of men.

2. Then during the gospel's Peter is sanctified. He becomes Holy as God is holy. We see the transformation in the beginning of Acts. Even the Jewish leaders recognize the transformation, noting that "they had been with Jesus".

3. This is all unto his being obedient when the Lord told him to go with the gentiles at the door, doubting nothing. It took a lot of faith to go with them and to dine with the gentiles.

4. Finally, at Cornelius house "44 While Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit came on all who were hearing his words."

That was the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
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Old 11-08-2017, 10:33 PM   #16
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countmeworthy #12

"When I have sensed evil around me, I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus. When I need protection I ask the Lord to cover me."

I understand "I ask the Lord to cover me" - "ask" as praying to the Lord, speaking to the Lord.

How do you "sprinkle the Blood of Jesus"?
I just say/pray: Lord Jesus. Sprinkle Your Blood on me. (If I have sinned, I ask the Lord to wash me in His Precious Blood). Revelation 12:11 says:
And they overcame him (the accuser of our brethren) because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony,

We speak the Blood of Jesus over us and the Word of our Testimony is our profession of Jesus as our Savior.

It's really that simple. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us, protects us, changes us/transforms us by FAITH. It is a spiritual matter. Sometimes we actually experience the POWER. Sometimes we don't.

Many years ago, I was 'window shopping' and the 'knick knacks' at the window display caught my eye. I walked into the little shop. No one was in there, not even the sales clerk. Anyway I was looking at some art work and jewelry. Kind of neat stuff. Within a few minutes, I sensed evil.. hard to explain..but something did not feel right.

I looked around the store and noticed the displays behind me were occultish and witchcraft junk. So I walked out and without 'thinking' I simply said "Lord Jesus. Sprinkle Your Blood on me and get that dirt off of me" while I went through the motions of dusting myself as if I had dirt on me.

I don't know how to explain this in words but I know that I know that I know the devil and his minions fled from me. They did not attach their creepy evil junk on me because they saw the BLOOD OF JESUS and the devil is very afraid of the Blood of the Lamb. It is the Blood of Jesus that has defeated the enemy. It is the Blood of Jesus that makes us strong in the Power of the Holy Spirit. There is Power , Power, Wonder working Power in the Blood of the Lamb.

Very few preachers/bible teachers these days teach on the Power of the Cleansing Blood of Jesus. There are several excellent studies on you tube if you're interested. I must confess that when I got saved, the elders in my 'LC in San Diego' did an excellent job of teaching the Power of the Blood of Jesus. I still have my notes in my bible! I don't use that bible anymore as it is quite old but I still have it..from 1977!! But from time to time, I read up on the topic to refresh, remind and strengthen my faith.

My suggestion is begin applying the Blood of Jesus over your life by FAITH as you study God's Word on it.

Blessings and Peace be with you.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 11-10-2017, 05:42 AM   #17
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At the end of the chapter 1 Peter says “But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” According to John “the word became flesh” and according to Peter the sprinkled blood of Christ in verse 2 becomes “the gospel preached unto you” in verse 25.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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