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Introductions and Testimonies Please tell everybody something about yourself. Tell us a little. Tell us a lot. Its up to you!

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Old 10-15-2011, 03:41 PM   #1
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Smile A Sojourner

Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ! I have been meeting with "the local church" for sometime now and still do.Hence,I am hesitant to say too much about myself other than I am a brother and I am sorting out a great many things before the Lord,our Great Shepard.I ultimately seek His leading at this time of uncertainty and have faith that He will. I believe that the Lord has led me to websites,forums to show me what the LRC is not.This has only happened recently and I am still reeling.After considering these things,I feel led to as the title says,to reach out.I have a question.Is it possible to be able to contact any brothers from this forum apart from the forum? I am new to all this. A brother in Christ
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Old 10-16-2011, 01:42 PM   #2
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Default A Sojourner

Sure, just click on the person's name that you wish to contact. Then click on"private message". Let me know if you have a problem. Look forward to hearing from you.

Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86

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Old 10-16-2011, 04:16 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ! I have been meeting with "the local church" for sometime now and still do.Hence,I am hesitant to say too much about myself other than I am a brother and I am sorting out a great many things before the Lord,our Great Shepard.I ultimately seek His leading at this time of uncertainty and have faith that He will. I believe that the Lord has led me to websites,forums to show me what the LRC is not.This has only happened recently and I am still reeling.After considering these things,I feel led to as the title says,to reach out.I have a question.Is it possible to be able to contact any brothers from this forum apart from the forum? I am new to all this. A brother in Christ
You think you are having difficulty, imagine how the rest of us feel not being able to distinguish "Unregistered" from "Unregistered."

Perhaps better monikers like "UnregisteredAlpha" and "UnregisteredBeta" would help.
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Old 10-16-2011, 07:55 PM   #4
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default A Sojourner

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Sure, just click on the person's name that you wish to contact. Then click on"private message". Let me know if you have a problem. Look forward to hearing from you.
Unfortunately the Vbulletin software is setup so that one must register to be able to send a Private Message to another member. Sorry, wasn’t my idea.
Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
You think you are having difficulty, imagine how the rest of us feel not being able to distinguish "Unregistered" from "Unregistered."
Perhaps better monikers like "UnregisteredAlpha" and "UnregisteredBeta" would help.
Would you feel better if it said “guest”? (I think I can arrange that)

Actually the box that says “unregistered” can be filled in with any name that the unregistered poster wants, but not everybody is a tech savvy whippersnapper like Ohio, so most people are missing out on the opportunity.

I think it is a very, very good thing that the Vbulletin software allows for unregistered people to post. Some people are shy, or maybe they just want to post one thing….or maybe they are a current Local Church member who wants to be as anonymous as possible. Probably about 99% of the postings by unregistereds are spam and pornography, but I’m the lucky fella who gets to delete all that smut before it gets on the forum.
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11
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Old 10-17-2011, 05:10 AM   #5
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Good morning to all! This is Reaching Out.Thank you Bro.Zeek for your "invitation",I will take you up on that. I would definately fall under the category of "not a tech savvy whippersnapper",but I'm a learnin'. There is a need for anonymity at the moment for me.By registering,would that or could that be comprimised? 1 Cor.14:7 Love...it covers all things,believes all things,hopes all things,endures all things.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:56 PM   #6
A Sojourner
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Default A Sojourner

Good evening to all! Well, I woke up this morning with the intention of posting. I sat for 4 hrs. and couldn't come up with anything. I mentioned in my first post that I was "reeling". Let me clarify that, I am overwhelmed, and so it was this morning. I just stopped,accepted the invitation in Matt.11:28, and listened for that "still quiet voice". The Lord is faithful. I will address being overwhelmed and how this came about.
About 2 months ago I was making some LSM/LC related searches on the Internet. I saw something that caught my attention and brought it up on the screen. One more click of the mouse and up pops a book authored by someone named John Ingalls. I read it. I am stunned. I recount how many times I have heard about "the rebellion of the late eighties", "the rebellious ones", and "those who left the LR and are now opposers",etc.,etc.,etc., throughout the years. I start realizing the implications of what this means to me. I had been mislead(ouuuch!!:frown
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by A Sojourner View Post
Good evening to all! Well, I woke up this morning with the intention of posting. I sat for 4 hrs. and couldn't come up with anything. I mentioned in my first post that I was "reeling". Let me clarify that, I am overwhelmed, and so it was this morning. I just stopped,accepted the invitation in Matt.11:28, and listened for that "still quiet voice". The Lord is faithful. I will address being overwhelmed and how this came about.
About 2 months ago I was making some LSM/LC related searches on the Internet. I saw something that caught my attention and brought it up on the screen. One more click of the mouse and up pops a book authored by someone named John Ingalls. I read it. I am stunned. I recount how many times I have heard about "the rebellion of the late eighties", "the rebellious ones", and "those who left the LR and are now opposers",etc.,etc.,etc., throughout the years. I start realizing the implications of what this means to me. I had been mislead(ouuuch!!:frown
A Sojourner, same thing happened to me. Back in late '05 / early '06 I also came across Ingall's account of events called "Speaking the Truth in Love." He was a very well respected brother in the churches, void of any iota of rebellion, yet that's what we all were told. I had been active in the churches for 30 years.

Reading that book, and then the accounts of many others, my respect for WL dropped dramatically. I still appreciate some of what I learned from him, but I will never appreciate the way he treated and abused other brothers.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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Old 10-19-2011, 08:20 PM   #8
A Sojourner
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Thanks for your reply OHIO! As you are well aware, I'm no TSW(tech savvy whippersnapper). I had composed my last post to that point and then I must have punched the wrong button and it posted not in its entirety,so now where was I? Oh yeah, the Lord was beginning to show me what the LR/LSM/LC/DCP really is. I believe it was sovereign that of all the writings available on the Internet concerning the"LR",that was the one meant for me to read to shatter my concepts I held.Truly written in the spirit of the truth and love. I found other sites and writings.John Myers,Don Rutledge,Nigel Tomes,and John and Jane Anderson. Eventually,this forum. As I read the testimony threads here and there I could relate to the stories in my own experiences of what I've seen and heard.I'll end with this thought.OHIO,you once wrote,"I bought",and yes, I bought it too. I think this is a big part of the conflict in my being right now,and that is,I can't believe I bought it!! Peace to all.
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Old 10-20-2011, 07:15 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by A Sojourner View Post
I'll end with this thought. OHIO, you once wrote, "I bought," and yes, I bought it too. I think this is a big part of the conflict in my being right now,and that is, I can't believe I bought it!! Peace to all.
Reading this forum is kind of like house hunting, falling in love with a certain home, and then reading the home inspection report. Every day people fall in love with houses that have problems.

WL taught many wonderful things, making the Bible come alive, especially in those early years, yet when it comes to the way he treated his co-workers and associates, he failed miserably. He thought he was above the law, in fact, he felt he was writing the law. This was the source of his downfall.

People stay in churches, "they bought it," for numerous reasons. Kind of like buying a house with problems on the inspection report. Some problems are huge, and some are not, and certain problems which may trouble some, may be of little concern to others. The question to be answered is do the pros outweigh the cons.

We were "fooled" because of LSM's massive spin campaign and the inherent fear related to becoming a "whistleblower." The incredible movie "The Insider" about the tobacco industry has some interesting applications to LSM operations during the "new way" and the subsequent quarantines of the late 80's. One might argue that what happened to John Ingalls and others in the LC's happened also to Jeffrey Wigland as a tobacco industry researcher who risked it all to expose unrighteousness, and remain true to his own conscience.

All congregations of Christians have "problems." The people who tend to stay longer are those who are connected to a healthy network of brothers and sisters. They view the church as the saints around them, rather than some distant ministry. Personally, my decision to leave was based upon growing problems within the leadership of my local church. I had no control over what happened at LSM two thousand miles away, but when similar issues came home to my church, I had no choice but to leave.

But coming back to all these nasty rumors about being a TSW (tech savvy whippersnapper,) they are completely unfounded.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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