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The Local Church in the 21st Century Observations and Discussions regarding the Local Church Movement in the Here and Now

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Old 03-30-2022, 01:53 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 361
Default Local Churches Never Care About Local.

Maybe this is anecdotal, but the Local Churches seem to always care for things happening in other areas but their own city. Why is this? Having left, and met with other Christian churches / groups, I’ve noticed that they care for their city. They care for the poor, they volunteer, they issue in the kingdom of God in their city. I never experienced that in the Lord’s Recovery. It was always pray for Germany or Europe. While I don’t think that’s wrong, why was there never a burden for the city the church was located?

Is there a Lee-ism about this?

Please note, it’s important to pray for things around the world, but it was always the focus. They never focused on the struggles down the street.
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Old 03-30-2022, 07:33 PM   #2
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Re: Local Churches Never Care About Local.

I think that this topic is pretty complex, because there are many reasons for what you described. I will just touch a small part of it, because I think it plays a very important role, in understanding why local is not local at all. I believe that this concept is used by many of the fringe movements as a ploy, to make things look and feel bigger than they actually are. It plays right into this mentality that says “Look, we are moving everywhere, we are growing, we are establishing churches, you are a part of a “big”picture”. It gives right into that false hope of reality, and makes one really be committed to something bigger than them, or even people right next to them and in their community.
It’s probably very strange for people to understand that TLR is built on the premise, that there are no other churches around whenever they call “getting new ground”. The deceitful nature that comes along with that thinking and permeates the people, makes things adequately reasonable to forget and put all your focus on somewhere else. It feels better that way. Sounds better. You actually never have to deal with anything real and broken next door.
However in reality, there is nothing of such going on, or very little. Some locals move from one town to another, get 3-5 people there, and there you go, we broke into Rome. Finally! We moving to Germany, Poland, blah blah blah. Sound exiting! People get a high dose of false reality and move on. Local doesn’t matter, we are to conquer the world, spreading like a wild fire. We got the truth, move out of our way!
The Local, doesn’t want to be local, because if it actually opens its doors to just welcome everyone to their Sunday meeting, they will quickly be exposed in the neighborhood by people who will find out that there is really nothing there to get exited about, or does it have any power to be the light in the community. They are relegated to giving out their bibles on the flee markets and door knocking, so they could control the influx of people who are accepted, prepped and able to attend those “high quality”, “truth expounding” meetings on Sundays. When people find out that there is really no care for family, poor, needy, even as simple as building relationships outside of image of Lee, then the damage that those people can cause to their control is immense. Therefore, keep it far, keep it away, keep it big picture.
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis
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Old 04-01-2022, 11:16 AM   #3
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Default Re: Local Churches Never Care About Local.

Too true. They are always heralding how they get together with others of their own sect anywhere and everywhere, but don't have anything to do with the Christians all around them where they are ("Never his mind on where he was") and only care for outsiders of any kind if they are "good fruit."

A related point (and I put this here because I doubt it deserves a thread of its own), I note that they are constantly referring to their own activities as "The Lord's move in (place)" or "The Lord's move on the earth." As if they are the sole participants in any such move.
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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Old 04-05-2022, 09:18 AM   #4
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Re: Local Churches Never Care About Local.

Another reason why local churches cannot be local, is because they are under total control and must all follow orders that come from Anahiem. They can’t think for themselves, make their decisions, unless they are aligned with those of the “conformed heretics” of LSM, and the hierarchy of North America. Even when it comes to the smallest of issues, such as what book to study or read, because you know that their next “feast” is coming up, and they have to have all people be prepared for the newest recovered truths.

Their total hatred and abandonment of Biblical way the churches should be, even such as having a pastor, a mentor of sorts is absent, and therefore people just can’t get out of the cycle of spiritual neglect and abuse, but just pointed to the ministry, which is nothing but a death breathing gangrene. So how can you ask Spiritually sick people to go and help someone? How can you even expect them to think outside the box just a little and be of any use to the neighbors? You can’t, nor should they.

You know couple years ago, right before I left this scam, I was getting frustrated with them closing all meetings, all gatherings, so as to save their image of how good they are at following government orders. They already were not much of any kind of light in the community to begin with, but closing everything and going out of business for over a year, maybe even more, was just typical thing that these hirelings would do. It’s only later that I realized that it was the best thing that happened, that no more people got scammed and screwed. They were no where to be found, just became an online club of people who think alike, living in fear and walking around with masks and face shields. I hoped that they never reopened, but I can only guess that money was getting tight and losing some people had to get them thinking.

This so called local “church”, never had any influence on the community or local neighborhood, nor will it ever do! It will only have influence on those individuals, on whom they can install their shackles of truth, then milk them for all they got, financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically. But when someone speaks up, they will just quarantine them, as they have done before. I wonder if our past and current political rulers read the same books and maybe hired one of the “blinded” as an advisor on how to deal with some people in those situations, when the symptoms of uprising or questioning of the “current apostles” arise?
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis
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