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06-13-2022, 07:10 AM | #1 | |
Join Date: Aug 2008
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1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
Example Teaching: "We are the unique expression of the body of Christ on the earth today" -- this is a doctrine of demons taught by a seducing spirit. It is not taught only in the LC, but in many other groups. Most ex-LCer's I know remember this teaching being shared in the past. Most of them took hold of this teaching willingly, but they did not know it was a doctrine of demons. If you still hold this idea at all, we can discuss it in light of the revealed truth of God's Word and character and how it really is a doctrine of demons. The main point I am making is that to come into the state of 1 Timothy 4:1-2 (under the influence of seducing spirits and doctrines of demons) does not mean that you KNOW you are under their influence or teaching. It can be done without knowing. It can be done while thinking you are fulling supporting the "truth of the Bible". Your heartfelt belief in something that is true, but that is actually taught by a seducing spirit can lead you on the progression in 1 Timothy 4:1-2. 1. Depart from faith. 2. Giving heed to seducing spirits. 3. Speaking lies. 4. Having their conscience seared. In simpler terms, we should be aware that we are ALL subject to the deceptions of the Enemy. It is only by following Jesus in a manner that can be costly at times that you will be delivered from all these deceptions. For me, this journey of being delivered started one day while mowing the lawn at my parents house. I was about 17 and while mowing the lawn I had a realization that seemed to come from nowhere, but now I know it was the Spirit of God. I realized that I was deceived. I was born to parents under deception who were also born to parents under deception. I realized that I did not know the ways in which I was deceived, but that Satan had been around for millenia while I had only been around for a few years. So, I started a journey from that point under the presumption that I was deceived and I asked the Lord to reveal the truth to me. I did not demand it. I did not think it would happen overnight. From that point forward, I presumed that I was deceived. I still presume that I am still deceived, but God has shone a lot of light into my life and my heart. I have been delivered from many things including many "doctrines of demons" which were presented to me by "seducing spirits". What is a "seducing spirit"? I have come to believe it is actually quite simple. It is a demon who carries knowledge or insight that YOU WANT. The things that you DESIRE to know are their targets. If you will receive their "offering" in the form of a "doctrine of demons" and lay hold of it then they can lead you off target in your walk with God. As it relates to this thread and whether some christians could experience some amount of the millenial kingdom in "outer darkness" where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth" there is a DESIRE to KNOW what will happen in advance. In truth, it is a "fleshly" desire to KNOW that you won't be part of that. We prefer to hear that it is not for any christian to put our mind at ease. In truth, we cannot know for sure and we have to be willing to live with the unknown. While holding this unknown in our heart, we have to follow God. We have to trust in our good Father and ask Him to help us to be good children. As children, we do not know, see or understand everything. This is especially true for the things that God only provided partial information. Our seeing in part and knowing in part is intentional on God's part. It is what positions us to exercise faith in Him. Matt P.S. As a "fun" exercise try reading the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America and asking yourself, are there "doctrines of demons" in it that you believe in? ...any discussion on this topic would be outside the scope of this forum. Just a provocative question to consider... |
06-13-2022, 10:17 AM | #2 | |
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
Thanks for this word. I think this is a very healthy approach to spiritual matters. I think asking the Lord to reveal the truth is particularly important, rather than rely on the enticing words of man's wisdom or our own clever minds. Our clever minds can be influenced by seducing spirits, and we should presume we are deceived until God reveals otherwise...personally. This should include our own personal interpretation of scriptures. Our interpretation of scripture must be tested and confirmed by the Spirit of God. Nell |
06-13-2022, 10:49 PM | #3 |
Join Date: Oct 2021
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
I appreciate your input and I can see how you would come to those conclusions. I actually did think and prayed about whether the people do this “unknowingly or without full awareness”, but after, I realized it’s not so. When Paul wrote those two verses, there is a clear mention in there, that’s referring to their conscience. If they didn’t know or had no awareness then why would their conscience become seared? Why is that the end result? I believe that people who go on that path, are fully aware of what’s going on. Holy Spirit works in born again believers, and conscience is one of the avenues that’s used for warning and alarming people that they are starting to depart, listening and heeding to other things, and so on. It is when all of those things are ignored and thrown into trash, because it fits them and their hearts desires better, then the warnings are no longer can be heard. From that point, there is no longer any awareness of what’s going on. Also, I think that there is a huge difference between deception, and lack of knowledge and understanding. I can fully admit, that there are subjects I will not touch or comment on, and not because I think a certain way or I believe that I’m “deceived” as you stated. I can say, I haven’t prayed or studied about a particular matter/doctrines, and have nothing that I can offer to the discussion. Spiritual maturity doesn’t come instantly or over night, and while you or I or anyone else is growing in knowledge of Him and His ways, that doesn’t mean that this process is deceiving. Some need milk, and some need meat, as Paul states in his writings, or as John said, children, young men, fathers. But also I see a very big difference between deception and seduction, just look what deception is: -the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. Vs What is seduction or being seduced is: -to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty. -to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises. Paul, used the word “seducing” spirits, and not people being deceived in this particular situation. As a basic definition of it above, there are things that are offered, promises made, satisfaction guarantees and encouragement and persuasion that takes place. It requires one to give something up or “depart for greener pasture”, or disloyalty / disobedience, to gain something in return. This is what “seduction” is, and it’s done with full consent. Usually or in most cases, spiritual seduction happens because people are seeking higher “spiritual satisfactions”, that are not offered or found anywhere in the Bible. It’s very easy to dismiss it or just chalk it up to “I didn’t know”, but based even on my own experience and what I did, I knew, I was aware to some extent, maybe not to what I know now, but enough to say no. But I counted my worldly pleasures and how people will look at me, and what they think of me, way more important that what God had said. I know it’s different in situations where you were born into something, so I can’t imagine those conversations that you have to have with God, and I’m sure we all learn things differently and God works differently in everyone’s life, unlike the LC, one size/template fits all.
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis |
06-14-2022, 10:48 AM | #4 | |||||||
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
First of all, I appreciate your thoughful reply. I have landed in a different place than you in my thinking, but I do understand where you are coming from on this subject.
Taking an extreme example, consider a child who grows up in an abusive home. They are programmed with a sense of normality that is plainly sinful. They are also damaged and have to learn how to cope with a hostile environment. It is consistently observable that a child in a hostile environment will enter into patterns of sinfulness in response as defensive/protective measures to survive. So, they have established patterns of thought and behavior that are implicityly sinful and they are not aware without healthy parenting. I believe a child like this has a completely desensitized conscience based on their choices and decisions even before they have reached the point where they can process anything with a critical filter. I believe there are many people who are in various states of damage who come into groups like the LC. More significantly damaged souls are implicitly more open to interaction with seducing spirits than those who have less damaged souls. This is the briefest form of explanation I can give on how a conscience can become seared without really realizing it. Quote:
It is true in this example that she was aware of what she was doing was against God's command, but her desire overrode. Quote:
The Bible defines the sin of divination. Divination is to gain spiritual knowledge (from beyond the physical realm) from another source than God. I have seen this happen to others. I have committed the sin of divination before I understood what it really was. It is a subtle sin, but it is very real and something that basically every single Christian on earth today has committed without knowing it. I know that may be shocking to hear, but once you understand the reality of the sin of divination then your eyes are opened and it is shocking to realize how prevalent it is. I have asked numerous ex-LCer's what the attraction to the LC was for them. There are various answers, but the DESIRE to attain MORE KNOWLEDGE of God and the Bible is high on most people's list. They saw Witness Lee as a great teacher who KNEW SO MUCH about the Bible and they wanted to KNOW too. This forum has done a good job at highlighting many false teachings and doctrines of demons that emanate from the LC. If you only have a background with these bad doctrines from the LC, then you may not realize that the LC is not special. The exact same doctrines of demons are taught in other similar groups. This is no accident. The seducing spirits know what is attractive to believers. They know how to present their doctrines in a manner that many people will not perceive that is not the Holy Spirit. I know our side discussion here is off-topic, but I will close with a connecting statement. This thread is, in part, from a DESIRE to know whether christians will have to endure some or all of a thousand years of outer darkness. Witness Lee (and many other christian teachers) want to answer questions others have. Have Witness Lee (and other christian teachers) entered into interactions with seducing spirits to come up with some their teachings including subjects like the topic of this thread? Matt |
06-14-2022, 10:20 PM | #5 | |
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
Children from abusive homes have seared consciences? Given the broad spectrum of people who come from abusive homes.....I'm guessing a significant portion of those people would have a problem with that conclusion regarding their conscience...... Unless I'm missing something and you can add some details to explain this a bit further. Trapped |
06-14-2022, 11:04 PM | #6 | |
Join Date: Oct 2021
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
I think that this is a good and healthy discussion to have on the matters that we both addressed. I don’t want to take any more posts in this thread regarding these matters, since they are way of topic, so one day maybe one of us can create another thread to continue the discussion. I’m not here to try to convince anyone about anything, I don’t believe in that approach. I believe what I have so far learned, experienced myself, and observed. I’ll share my experience, and what I’ve learned, and if God chooses to use it in any shape or form, so be it. If not, everyone has a spam folder, and should utilize it. As far as you last point about the topic of this thread: I personally know people who live their every day lives, in fear and anxiety, about this subject. To just paint over with the broad stroke, the idea that ALL of these people are seeking KNOWLEDGE OR things beyond, is pretty ridiculous. These people are beat up and looking for the way to know what the truth is, if it’s even Biblical, or applies to them as they were brainwashed into. Knowledge has nothing to do with them, they are looking for someone to shine some light and point them to the right direction. This whole LC demonic approach to the fact that seeking correct answers (outside of LC), and looking for wisdom from God to lead you to the truth, which is NOT OFFERED IN THE LC, or in their garbage ministry, is just lame to say the least. NOT ALL KNOWLEDGE IS BAD! I can provide couple of dozens of Bible verse that say so. This idiotic, satan invented way that somehow you going to get truth by sitting on your ass, and listening to some man spew one dumb thing after another, is not going to get anyone anywhere ,I’m sorry. The fact that some of these people from LC, are even asking these questions, it should be used as a window to explain and show the answers rather than totally silence them from any future questions that they may have. I’ll be honest, when I was going thru my process of getting out, I had nobody, not a single person to help me. I didn’t know that this forum existed, or that there are people who went through some of this already. I just sat there with my Bible and freaking cried to the Lord to get me on the right path. So, I know how difficult it is to even ask questions from people, and put yourself out there. Maybe I’m just making a big deal on this, but some of these people are just miserable. Maybe it’s the conscience that still functioning there a bit, that tells them to seek something, that they will to come here and ask these questions. LC, has created one of the most unhealthiest environments for people to be in. It’s not by accident that there are a lot of people that will never publicly admit to it, but in their heart know that there are major red flags. I have spoken to quite a few of them, but the fact that they fear the endless consequences that the man tell them will happen, drives them back to those man made broken cisterns that hold no water. Again, I refer it to some people, and not all that are seeking answers to this matters. Sorry if this sounds more like a rant, but that whole idea that all knowledge (outside of the plague dispensary, AKA LSM and the LC) is evil, because it’s from the specific tree, is another one of those “demonic doctrines”, that blinds people from advancing in their spiritual growth. Lastly, as someone that has experienced physical, sexual, emotional abuse as a child growing up, and most of it was done by the so called Christian men, I will have to disagree with your assertion that somehow my conscience was messed up or (seared) by those experiences and the pain that took decades to get over, (but by the mercy of God). If anything, it actually did the opposite. If it wasn’t for my conscience and understanding even as a child, that what was happening was WRONG, I probably would not be here today, but be just another statistic. Thanks
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis |
06-15-2022, 07:25 AM | #7 | |
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06-14-2022, 10:17 PM | #8 |
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
To be honest, the turn the last portion of posts in this thread have taken has confused and concerned me. The statements that seem to be being made sound very much like the local church, quite frankly. Things like desiring to know things is somehow......bad? Things like we can never trust our clever minds?
These kind of statements are almost carbon copies of similar types of teachings propagated in the LC. In contrast, the Bible speaks positively of knowledge, it says things like "My people are destroyed because of LACK of knowledge", it says things like we should be "be filled with all knowledge", and "excel in knowledge", etc.... I would understand if I was reading things like "the LC took advantage of the GOOD desire to know things...." but what I read makes it out more like the desire to know things itself is the bad thing. I simply do not agree here at all, if that is what is being said. And in contrast, the Bible shows that mature believers can discern between good and evil. It shows that believers are entrusted with the ability to judge situations and with the responsibility to discern false teachings and deal with false teachers. I'm not sure where warnings about a believer's "clever mind" are found. Sure, it exhorts us to be on guard not to be drawn away by deception, but to outright assume from the start that we are automatically deceived unless we receive specific confirmation otherwise? What power is being given to deceiving spirits here! It's like saying the evil spirits automatically start out winning by default every time. The Bible doesn't present things like that....at least to my recollection. These kinds of warnings about knowledge and our own minds put too little stock in the beings God made in His own image, into whom He has poured out His Spirit. Trapped |
06-15-2022, 06:33 AM | #9 | |||
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
Maybe it would be helpful to consider that the converse of "assume you are deceived" is to "assume you are NOT deceived" and that you have arrived at the full knowledge of the truth of a matter. This is the "healthy" part...assuming you don't know the truth of a matter...until you do. Quote:
06-15-2022, 08:04 AM | #10 | |
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
Concerning the "doctrines of demons," Paul cites two examples, (1) Forbidding to marry, and (2) Abstaining from certain foods. No other examples were given. These were not suddenly sprung on Timothy, since Paul had addressed Marriage and Foods on numerous occasions prior to this. What is most surprising is the neglect of two cited doctrines, and the jump to numerous speculations. The priesthood of the Catholic church is built on the first doctrine, and the Jewish religion Kosher regulations qualify for the second doctrine. As Trapped alluded to, this is so typical of LC ministry. They regularly abandon the plain text of scripture, and then jump to judgment on their latest pet peeve. When I left that system, it was using drums in the young people's meetings that was branded "doctrines of demons from deceiving spirits." Cuz WL said so!
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
06-15-2022, 11:06 AM | #11 | |
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
Since I’m or some of us here are FOB, (fresh off the boat), and are still trying to figure out things that happened with us there, and what’s happening to people around us, would you be kind enough to offer some thoughts on the conclusions you came to? or why things are the way they are? You previously mentioned that you have done a lot of research into this, so what are the causes for this total blindness and bondage? Since it’s not spirits, it’s not the doctrines, it’s not all teachings of LC, but just some of them. What is it that’s holds people like hostages under the gun point? We probably have a long way to go to get to a level where we or I, speaking for myself will fully understand what the core issue is that’s there, but maybe since you are so far removed and ahead of the game you would share some things, and maybe we will just end this discussion altogether. Thanks
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis |
06-15-2022, 10:04 PM | #12 |
Join Date: Oct 2021
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
Hey Nell or Matt,
Since both of you seems to believe that “one should consider himself deceived” as a born again believer, until a certain “revelations” occur, or whatever the methodology that you subscribe too happens. Besides quoting these same people that helped get this whole “recovery” junk on the tracks, do you even have a single Bible verse that says anything like that about a born again believer? I haven’t seen one that supports any of this kind of ideologies as a healthy Biblical practice.
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis |
06-16-2022, 06:32 AM | #13 | |
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Re: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Deception and Seducing
If you read the original post, Matt shared an experience he had with the Lord where the Lord told him essentially that he was believing something that was not true. What should Matt have done? Should he have told the Lord...no Lord...I'm not deceived. I'm good. The point is to test all things, especially in spiritual matters. I believe this is both scriptural and healthy. As believers, when we were born again, we were babes. We were not born again with a full knowledge of the truth. We need to grow and mature. In every area of our Christian lives, we need to grow and mature. We have an enemy who lies to us...the father of lies. We are told, in the beginning, that the serpent was more subtle than every beast of the field. Don't believe everything you hear...test. In the "early days" I remember hearing an elder who was speaking to the congregation say "something" and my immediate reaction was "he didn't mean that like it sounded...". I KNEW something was wrong, but I ignored the alarm. I wish I remembered what he said, but I don't. I do clearly remember the warning but I didn't pay attention, I continued down a long road of ignoring warnings until I couldn't ignore them anymore. I assumed what I heard in the meetings was true, when the Spirit of God told me otherwise...in a way that I remember many years later...to this day. So this is the point. Test all things...including what I said...as you have done. Thank you. Nell |