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Old 03-27-2020, 11:08 AM   #1
Sons to Glory!
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Default A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday and thought to share: A Corona Virus Great Awakening? As Christians we know this - it's the rough times when people turn to Him! I know I have felt the shaking and am being exposed regarding how much I cling to the "Great American Dream" comforts, etc. Oh Lord, prepare our hearts for Your coming!

On a second note, does anybody else see how this virus thing could be a big stimulus for One World Government thinking? The rational follows a few lines, such as:

1. It's too big for any one country to handle
2. We need a strong, unified, one world response
3. We need a common currency - electronic based (so as not to transmit illnesses, better security, etc.)
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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Old 03-27-2020, 05:08 PM   #2
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
As Christians we know this - it's the rough times when people turn to Him! I know I have felt the shaking and am being exposed regarding how much I cling to the "Great American Dream" comforts, etc. Oh Lord, prepare our hearts for Your coming!
First of all,
Jesus tells us in John 14:1 not to let our hearts be troubled. The Precious Blood of Jesus has not only redeemed us and cleansed us from all our sins but also protects us.

SOG, I don't believe for a moment you are a lukewarm Christian. From reading your posts, you encourage the saints, and as the opportunity rises, you share your testimony and try to bring people to Jesus. I am sure you have succeeded. You have many rewards awaiting you..as do the saints here on the form.

That we are blessed with the comforts or at least some comforts of this world, I am very thankful. I am thankful I have a roof over my head, AC in the summer and heat in the winter. I am thankful I have a car, for my pets and for my caring family, friends and neighbors.

I am sure you are too as well all the forum members.

God also did not give us a spirit of FEAR. He tells us not to be anxious (Philippians 4:6-7) And boy oh boy, the media and the spread of the coronavirus is surely doing a number in scaring the pants off people. That's not to say we should not take precaution. But we were given the Spirit of Power, of LOVE and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Given the worldwide spread of the virus and especially how it is spreading here in the U.S., I do believe it is a wake up call to the lukewarm believers and the nonbelievers that the Lord has been trying to pull them to Himself.

I know there are some who believe Christians will have to go through the Tribulation. I am not of that camp. I believe all true BLOOD REDEEMED believers will not go through the trib. I believe in the rapture before the trib begins.
That doesn't mean everyone gets the same rewards at the Judgement Seat of Christ. We will all be accountable in how we served the Lord.

God is MERCIFUL, UNDERSTANDING, COMPASSIONATE AND VERY, VERY LOVING. There are times when we are not on fire or have backslidden but once we are washed in the Blood of the Lamb we cannot be plucked out of our Father's Hands! That's a fact. That's the Truth and God always KEEPS HIS WORD AND PROMISE!

I also believe there will be several raptures during the trib before the second coming of Christ which occurs at the battle of Armaggedon. For example I believe the 144k in Revelation 14 are raptured and are the same as the 144k of the 12 Tribes of Israel in Revelation 7. I also believe it is very POSSIBLE many will be raptured when the angel flying in the midst of heaving preaches the everlasting gospel to everyone that dwells on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people Rev 14:6. There will also be martyrs and there will be some, JEWS perhaps who will escape the great trib by the Grace of God. I don't know how it will all pan out.

I also don't expect everyone or even anyone here to believe how I believe but I have been a bible prophecy buff since my LC days but became a more serious student in 2005.

I believe this virus could be a preview of what's to come all be it mild in comparison. There were 10 plagues in Egypt before the exodus of the Israelites. On their last night there, God said "when I see the BLOOD, I WILL PASSOVER YOU'. In Revelation 16, 7 plagues are listed under the caption bowls of wrath.

On a second note, does anybody else see how this virus thing could be a big stimulus for One World Government thinking?
I most certainly do! I think it is interesting that the church doors are closed (for now) but will life as we have known it return to 'normalcy'? I don't know however if this is a sign, a wake up call, it may not. NO ONE KNOWS YET. I think closing the church doors could (NOT SAYING IT WILL) lead to the one world religion led by the false prophet (the beast of the earth Rev 13:11-18) who will point people to the false Messiah, the beast of the sea(Rev 13:1-10)

Obviously most people are hoping and praying it does.

During the Great Trib, there will be a one world government and a one world religion. People will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. What IF.. and I know I'll probably get flack for what I am about to write but it is only a thought WHAT IF a vaccine is indeed developed that curtails and suspends the virus from spreading but becomes mandatory for everyone to get vaccinated and without proof no one can buy or sell or even go to restaurants?? It is JUST A THOUGHT and most likely will not happen..at least while the saints are here on earth.

Remember 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, (BEAM ME UP JESUS!) at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.

And 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 tells us
the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a [m]shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Let not your hearts be troubled. THE KING has our backs!!

Does anyone know if the LSM/LC is having meetings? Are they complying in meeting with 10 or less people in their group?
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 03-27-2020, 09:26 PM   #3
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?


Important announcement regarding our public meetings
The brothers in the church here in Irving have been monitoring the developments related to the recent health concerns about COVID-19. During this time our responsibility is to pray and stand for the Lord’s interests (Eph. 6:10-20), to watchfully shepherd the flock of God (Acts 20:28), to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31), and to cooperate with governmental authorities (Rom. 13:1).
As believers we are to meet together, yet we must exercise foresight before both God and man (2 Cor. 8:21). We thus announce the following interim modifications to our meetings as of March 15th:
 During this time, there will not be any meetings at the Esters Rd hall;
 We would rather propose to meet using different software for video conferences, such as Zoom, Skype, Face Time, etc.
 Any home that hosts a meeting should follow strict guidelines according to the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
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Old 03-29-2020, 09:23 AM   #4
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
First of all,
Jesus tells us in John 14:1 not to let our hearts be troubled. The Precious Blood of Jesus has not only redeemed us and cleansed us from all our sins but also protects us.

SOG, I don't believe for a moment you are a lukewarm Christian. From reading your posts, you encourage the saints, and as the opportunity rises, you share your testimony and try to bring people to Jesus. I am sure you have succeeded. You have many rewards awaiting you..as do the saints here on the form.

That we are blessed with the comforts or at least some comforts of this world, I am very thankful. I am thankful I have a roof over my head, AC in the summer and heat in the winter. I am thankful I have a car, for my pets and for my caring family, friends and neighbors.

I am sure you are too as well all the forum members.

God also did not give us a spirit of FEAR. He tells us not to be anxious (Philippians 4:6-7) And boy oh boy, the media and the spread of the coronavirus is surely doing a number in scaring the pants off people. That's not to say we should not take precaution. But we were given the Spirit of Power, of LOVE and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Given the worldwide spread of the virus and especially how it is spreading here in the U.S., I do believe it is a wake up call to the lukewarm believers and the nonbelievers that the Lord has been trying to pull them to Himself.

I know there are some who believe Christians will have to go through the Tribulation. I am not of that camp. I believe all true BLOOD REDEEMED believers will not go through the trib. I believe in the rapture before the trib begins.
That doesn't mean everyone gets the same rewards at the Judgement Seat of Christ. We will all be accountable in how we served the Lord.

God is MERCIFUL, UNDERSTANDING, COMPASSIONATE AND VERY, VERY LOVING. There are times when we are not on fire or have backslidden but once we are washed in the Blood of the Lamb we cannot be plucked out of our Father's Hands! That's a fact. That's the Truth and God always KEEPS HIS WORD AND PROMISE!

I also believe there will be several raptures during the trib before the second coming of Christ which occurs at the battle of Armaggedon. For example I believe the 144k in Revelation 14 are raptured and are the same as the 144k of the 12 Tribes of Israel in Revelation 7. I also believe it is very POSSIBLE many will be raptured when the angel flying in the midst of heaving preaches the everlasting gospel to everyone that dwells on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people Rev 14:6. There will also be martyrs and there will be some, JEWS perhaps who will escape the great trib by the Grace of God. I don't know how it will all pan out.

I also don't expect everyone or even anyone here to believe how I believe but I have been a bible prophecy buff since my LC days but became a more serious student in 2005.

I believe this virus could be a preview of what's to come all be it mild in comparison. There were 10 plagues in Egypt before the exodus of the Israelites. On their last night there, God said "when I see the BLOOD, I WILL PASSOVER YOU'. In Revelation 16, 7 plagues are listed under the caption bowls of wrath.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply! Yes and AMEN!

I listened to a current video someone sent me, of Dave Ramsey (popular Christian financial guru) and he said we probably all vacillate some between stages of fear and belief. Believers still have the flesh, and the flesh gets fearful when it sees its world being shaken. But HALLELUJAH! Christ lives in us! And that is the purpose and mercy of His shaking - so we will turn from the temporary things back to Him who is The Rock! Because of Him we do not loose heart in times of "momentary light affliction, which is working for us an eternal weight of glory!" Praise Him!

Yes, God has blessed me with an incredible existence in this world - wonderful wife, business, neighbors and house, along with good health (and a really wonderful church life)! But, by His mercy, I am reminded constantly that my hope and satisfaction is not in temporal things, but rather it is, and needs to be, fully in Him that is True.

I too see multiple catching-aways (raptures) and stand on His promise to Philadelphia to keep the church of love from the "hour of trial" coming on the whole earth. However, the principle of first-fruits is also pretty evident in scripture, so I think there will be some taken before others, according to how ripe (truly close in their daily walk with the Lord) they are. And as the heat gets turned up - faster ripening . . . again, His mercy! The exact timing I'm not very clear on - if we knew this, we might suppose to know the hour of His full return in glory.
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Old 03-29-2020, 07:43 PM   #5
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

A Coronavirus Great Awakening?
Sometimes the most important ingredient for spiritual renewal is a cataclysmic event.
By Robert Nicholson
March 26, 2020 6:38 pm ET

A Lutheran pastor preaches to an empty sanctuary in Austin, Texas, March 22.
Could a plague of biblical proportions be America’s best hope for religious revival? As the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II approaches, there is reason to think so.

Three-quarters of a century has dimmed the memory of that gruesome conflict and its terrible consequences: tens of millions killed, great cities bombed to rubble, Europe and Asia stricken by hunger and poverty. Those who survived the war had to grapple with the kinds of profound questions that only arise in the aftermath of calamity. Gazing at the ruins from his window at Cambridge University, British historian Herbert Butterfield chose to make sense of it by turning to the Hebrew Bible.

“The power of the Old Testament teaching on history—perhaps the point at which the ancient Jews were most original, breaking away from the religious thought of the other peoples around them—lay precisely in the region of truths which sprang from a reflection on catastrophe and cataclysm,” Butterfield wrote in “Christianity and History” (1949). “It is almost impossible properly to appreciate the higher developments in the historical reflection of the Old Testament except in another age which has experienced (or has found itself confronted with) colossal cataclysm.”

Americans, chastened by the horrors of war, turned to faith in search of truth and meaning. In the late 1940s, Gallup surveys showed more than three-quarters of Americans were members of a house of worship, compared with about half today. Congress added the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Some would later call this a Third Great Awakening.

Today the world faces another moment of cataclysm. Though less devastating than World War II, the pandemic has remade everyday life and wrecked the global economy in a way that feels apocalyptic.

The experience is new and disorienting. Life had been deceptively easy until now. Our ancestors’ lives, by contrast, were guaranteed to be short and painful. The lucky ones survived birth. The luckier ones made it past childhood. Only in the past 200 years has humanity truly taken off. We now float through an anomalous world of air conditioning, 911 call centers, acetaminophen and pocket-size computers containing nearly the sum of human knowledge. We reduced nature to “the shackled form of a conquered monster,” as Joseph Conrad once put it, and took control of our fate. God became irrelevant.

Who will save us now that the monster has broken free?

“Men may live to a great age in days of comparative quietness and peaceful progress, without ever having come to grips with the universe, without ever vividly realising the problems and the paradoxes with which human history so often confronts us,” Butterfield wrote. “We of the twentieth century have been particularly spoiled; for the men of the Old Testament, the ancient Greeks and all our ancestors down to the seventeenth century betray in their philosophy and their outlook a terrible awareness of the chanciness of human life, and the precarious nature of man’s existence in this risky universe.”

The past four years have been some of the most contentious and embarrassing in American history. Squabbling over trivialities has left the public frantic and divided, oblivious to the transcendent. But the pandemic has humbled the country and opened millions of eyes to this risky universe once more.

“Sheer grimness of suffering brings men sometimes into a profounder understanding of human destiny,” Butterfield wrote. Sometimes “it is only by a cataclysm,” he continued, “that man can make his escape from the net which he has taken so much trouble to weave around himself.”

For societies founded on the biblical tradition, cataclysms need not mark the end. They are a call for repentance and revival. As the coronavirus pandemic subjects U.S. hospitals to a fearsome test, Americans can find solace in the same place that Butterfield did. Great struggle can produce great clarity.

“The ancient Hebrews, by virtue of inner resources and unparalleled leadership, turned their tragedy, turned their very helplessness, into one of the half-dozen creative moments in world history,” Butterfield wrote. “It would seem that one of the clearest and most concrete of the facts of history is the fact that men of spiritual resources may not only redeem catastrophe, but turn it into a grand creative moment.”

Could a rogue virus lead to a grand creative moment in America’s history? Will Americans, shaken by the reality of a risky universe, rediscover the God who proclaimed himself sovereign over every catastrophe?

Mr. Nicholson is president of the Philos Project.
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Old 03-30-2020, 06:58 AM   #6
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Another voice from people of faith---from all walks of life:

"Legendary baseball broadcaster Vin Scully joined Ed Henry on Monday's "Fox News Rundown" podcast to discuss the coronavirus pandemic and the delayed start to this year’s Major League Baseball season.

The 92-year-old Scully, the radio and TV voice of the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers from 1950 to 2016, told Henry he belives many people will use the downtime to rediscover their faith.

"Now that I have some leisure time and we're all locked in at home, I read an article and it was talking about what happened to Americans in World War II," said Scully, a devout Roman Catholic. "It was such a terrible time. Three-quarters of Americans belonged to a house of worship."

"Today ... half of Americans are involved in a house of worship, prior to this pandemic," he added. "So there's your answer ... Although they might not be able to go to a house of worship, probably more Americans will be praying since World War II.

"More people will be coming back to the faith," Scully went on. "And now that this terrible thing is upon us, people might very well get back to the center. And it's a better world. We'll see ...

Shifting the conversation to baseball, Scully discussed ..."

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Old 03-30-2020, 08:08 AM   #7
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

God has put the entire world on an extended fast -- no sports, no movies, no bars, no parties, no weddings, no eating out, no work for many -- even no church fellowship -- to prepare us for what is coming.
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Old 03-27-2020, 10:30 PM   #8
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
On a second note, does anybody else see how this virus thing could be a big stimulus for One World Government thinking? The rational follows a few lines, such as:

1. It's too big for any one country to handle
2. We need a strong, unified, one world response
3. We need a common currency - electronic based (so as not to transmit illnesses, better security, etc.)
It certainly looks that way. However, 3 things: 1) I think Americans and Europeans are seeing the absolute necessity of “borders” and maintaining the ability to close borders when necessary. 2) Many Americans see and agree with the wisdom of “America First” as are other countries at least considering “why am I not putting my country ‘first’”? 3)The “Brexit” movement shows that the EU was not all it was billed to be...all of which counter OWG thinking.

Additionally, it would seem that the World Health Organization is a move toward One World Government. However, evidence is starting to surface that the WHO is and has been for quite some time, overly influenced by one country: China.

The Lord may be giving us a little more time...

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Old 04-02-2020, 04:34 PM   #9
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
It certainly looks that way. However, 3 things: 1) I think Americans and Europeans are seeing the absolute necessity of “borders” and maintaining the ability to close borders when necessary. 2) Many Americans see and agree with the wisdom of “America First” as are other countries at least considering “why am I not putting my country ‘first’”? 3)The “Brexit” movement shows that the EU was not all it was billed to be...all of which counter OWG thinking.

Additionally, it would seem that the World Health Organization is a move toward One World Government. However, evidence is starting to surface that the WHO is and has been for quite some time, overly influenced by one country: China.

The Lord may be giving us a little more time...

Nell, that's as I see it too. "The Lord may be giving us a little more time..."
Advocates of border security are for national sovereignty and advocates for open borders are for globalism (OWG). Current leaders in US, UK, Italy, Australia seem to have our current situation paused for OWG. I tend to think it's a matter of time.
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Old 04-02-2020, 06:58 PM   #10
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Default Rebuilding of the Temple?

This is the bellwether. Right? This is the big one. Prophecies of the end times cannot be fulfilled until the temple is rebuilt.

I saw a documentary a couple of years ago about archeological evidence that the location of the ancient temple was not where they have believed for hundreds of years. That is, the Temple Mount where now the Muslim Dome of the Rock is built. Archeologists found evidence that the ancient temple/s were located in the City of David very near, within sight of the current Temple Mount. They found foundational stones arranged in the same shape as the ancient Temple which was destroyed.

I’ve also seen documentaries and read that the Temple has been prefabricated and the stones are hidden in nearby locations. The curtains, gold implements, robes, etc., and everything required to rapidly build the temple and bring all the items required for worship according to Leviticus...all is ready.

What do you all think?

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Old 04-02-2020, 07:34 PM   #11
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Default Re: Rebuilding of the Temple?

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
This is the bellwether. Right? This is the big one. Prophecies of the end times cannot be fulfilled until the temple is rebuilt.

I saw a documentary a couple of years ago about archeological evidence that the location of the ancient temple was not where they have believed for hundreds of years. That is, the Temple Mount where now the Muslim Dome of the Rock is built. Archeologists found evidence that the ancient temple/s were located in the City of David very near, within sight of the current Temple Mount. They found foundational stones arranged in the same shape as the ancient Temple which was destroyed.

I’ve also seen documentaries and read that the Temple has been prefabricated and the stones are hidden in nearby locations. The curtains, gold implements, robes, etc., and everything required to rapidly build the temple and bring all the items required for worship according to Leviticus...all is ready.

What do you all think?

There are several things out there that seem to dispell the idea that it was where the Dome of the Rock or the mosque is.



Basically, a few people are saying the Gihon Springs helps to ID the location, which is no where near these two structures. I spent some time a few years ago reading lots of books and other materials around this, and even conversing with authors. At the end I thought the idea has some pretty good merit and seemingly very knowledgeable advocates, but decided it was something of a distraction. If that is the case, i.e., located near Gihon Springs, the Jews could start building tomorrow without major repercussions . . .
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Old 04-02-2020, 10:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: Rebuilding of the Temple?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
There are several things out there that seem to dispell the idea that it was where the Dome of the Rock or the mosque is.



Basically, a few people are saying the Gihon Springs helps to ID the location, which is no where near these two structures. I spent some time a few years ago reading lots of books and other materials around this, and even conversing with authors. At the end I thought the idea has some pretty good merit and seemingly very knowledgeable advocates, but decided it was something of a distraction. If that is the case, i.e., located near Gihon Springs, the Jews could start building tomorrow without major repercussions . . .
I dunno...the Jews are pretty attached to the Wailing Wall and the Temple Mount. Building the temple anywhere but there could cause a major repercussion among the Jews, especially the Orthodox Jews, in Israel and around the globe.

“Considering that the Temple Mount and Wailing Wall, which is believed to be the outer western wall to the ancient temple, is the holiest site in Judaism, such acceptance would not be easy.” (From the first link.)

How do mean it was “something of a distraction”?
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Old 04-03-2020, 06:34 AM   #13
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Default Re: Rebuilding of the Temple?

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
This is the bellwether. Right? This is the big one. Prophecies of the end times cannot be fulfilled until the temple is rebuilt.

I saw a documentary a couple of years ago about archeological evidence that the location of the ancient temple was not where they have believed for hundreds of years. That is, the Temple Mount where now the Muslim Dome of the Rock is built. Archeologists found evidence that the ancient temple/s were located in the City of David very near, within sight of the current Temple Mount. They found foundational stones arranged in the same shape as the ancient Temple which was destroyed.

I’ve also seen documentaries and read that the Temple has been prefabricated and the stones are hidden in nearby locations. The curtains, gold implements, robes, etc., and everything required to rapidly build the temple and bring all the items required for worship according to Leviticus...all is ready.

What do you all think?

Years ago I read that the materials and plans for the temple are already prepared off site.

I also read an article that scholars are not in agreement concerning the actual location of the temple, and that there are 3 locations which have undergone great investigation. One of which, of course, is the Dome of the Rock. Archeologists have extensively undermined the temple mount and have mapped it out.

Perhaps, in their next antifada, Palestinian Hamas rockets will "accidentally" strike the Dome?

My understanding is that all of Israel will wrongly believe that the Beast will be their long promised Messiah, since he will enable them to build their Temple. Once the Temple is built, and worship begins, Israel's final week of years according to Daniel 9 begins.

I heard Elden1971 knows a few things about this topic.
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Old 03-28-2020, 04:21 AM   #14
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday and thought to share: A Corona Virus Great Awakening? As Christians we know this - it's the rough times when people turn to Him! I know I have felt the shaking and am being exposed regarding how much I cling to the "Great American Dream" comforts, etc. Oh Lord, prepare our hearts for Your coming!
Can the article be read without subscription?
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Old 03-28-2020, 09:22 AM   #15
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Can the article be read without subscription?
Sorry - looks like they embed some kind of tracking code in the link maybe, to see how many times it was read. I can't read it now either (I don't have a subscription). I'll see if there's another way.

Have tried various ways to get at the article to no avail! Anybody else able to read it and maybe post it here?
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Old 03-28-2020, 11:43 AM   #16
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Default Re: A Corona Virus Great Awakening?

Actually I am convinced that this pandemic was "authorized" by God to first of all "SIFT" the people and institutions who claim to be His. Malchi 1:10 comes to mind - "I wish one of you would shut the doors [to my house] so that you could not light fires on my altar for no reason. I'm not pleased with you," says the LORD of Armies, "and I won't accept your offerings. (God's Word Translation) Whenever God self-identifies as Lord of Hosts or Armies - the message that follows is often going to be fighting words! Another passage comes to mind: Jeremiah 14:12
Although they may fast, I will not listen to their cry; although they may offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Instead, I will finish them off by sword and famine and plague."
Secondly, this SIFTING has already impacted the rest of the world system, and eventually they may figure out that the shaking has come mainly because of a disobedient corporate Jonah hiding in the belly of spaceship earth. My latest video project greatly influenced the writing of this post, and here is a link to it: Why the "Ignorant Elitism" of Ron Kangas has exposed thousands to a Pandemic Of Fear - https://youtu.be/UiqGNy2NlPI - It feels really good to be actively posting on this forum once again... PS
Therefore seeing we have this ministry, even as we obtained mercy, we faint not; but we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by the manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. [2 Cor 4:1-2 ASV] - Our YouTube Channel - OUR WEBSITES - OUR FAVORITE SONG, ''I Abdicate''
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