07-21-2008, 07:50 PM | #1 | |
Join Date: Apr 2008
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South of the Boarder - Mexico, Central and South America, Brazil
This is a report sent out by Paul Hon.
02-14-2009, 11:35 AM | #2 |
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Letter from the The Church in Madrid Spain (regarding Dong's ministry)
Letter from The Church In Madrid @ Spain
2009-02-08 8 de febrero del 2009 Queridos santos de las iglesias en Espana: Translation: Dear Saints of the Churches in Spain: Como hermanos cargados con la obra y con las iglesias en Espana, tenemos la responsabilidad de alertarles con respecto a una obra divisiva y enganosa que se ha estado llevando a cabo en Espana por los pasados anos. En el 2005, el hermano Fernando Aguera llego a Madrid. A partir de ese tiempo El y otros hermanos que representan la obra del hermano Dong han estado fomentando de manera enErgica las ensenanzas diferentes de Dong Yu Lan en competencia con el ministerio general y la obra en el recobro del Senor. Esta clase de obra se ha llevado a cabo a pesar de peticiones especificas por parte de los hermanos en Madrid a Fernando de que se detuviera y pese a su garantia de que asi lo haria. Translation: As brothers charged with the work and the churches in Spain, we have a responsibility to alert you to a misleading and divisive work that has been carried out in Spain for the past years. In 2005, a brother Fernando Aguer came to Madrid. From that time he and other brothers who represent the work of Brother Dong have been vigorously promoting the various teachings of Dong Yu Lan in competition with the ministry and the work in the Lord’s recovery. This kind of work has been carried out despite specific requests from the brothers in Madrid for Fernando to stop and despite his guarantee that he would do so. Los colaboradores del hermano Dong tambiEn han establecido reuniones aparte de la comunion de las iglesias en Espana. Esta obra se ha realizado de una manera oculta y secreta que no corresponde a los hijos de luz (Ef. 5:8) y mucho menos a los siervos del Senor. Los ministros genuinos del ministerio neotestamentario no llevan a cabo el ministerio con astucia sino por la manifestacion de la verdad (2 Co. 4:2; cfr. Ef. 4:14 y las notas de pie de pagina). Les aconsejamos que no sean enganados por las palabras persuasivas de los obreros de Dong Yu Lan (Col. 2:4). Translation: Brother Dong’s coworkers have also established meetings separate from the fellowship [communion] of the churches in Spain. This work has been performed in a hidden and secret way that does not correspond to the children of light (Ephesians 5:8), much less the servants of the Lord. Genuine ministers of the New Testament ministry do not have a ministry with cunning but by the manifestation of the truth (2 Cor 4:2, cf. Eph. 4:14 and footnotes). We advise you not to be deceived by the persuasive words of the coworkers of Dong Yu Lan (Col. 2:4). A finales del 2006 recibimos informes desde Barcelona, Cordova, Huelva, Madrid, Malaga, Valencia y Valladolid de que Fernando estaba viajando por toda Espana con dos colaboradores del hermano Dong para fomentar el ministerio y las publicaciones de Dong Yu Lan. En al menos un caso, los obreros de Dong Yu Lan abiertamente se opusieron a la comunion de los colaboradores en cuanto a ser restringidos a una sola obra de publicacion y hablaron en tono de critica acerca de Living Stream Ministry (LSM) y las iglesias en Europa. En cuanto a Fernando, El continuamente criticaba la reunion de oracion y la reunion del ministerio de la iglesia en Madrid. A los hermanos que compartian los mensajes en los videos del ministerio que la iglesia veia, los llamaba 'los rebelados'. Supimos que Fernando y otros colaboradores de Dong Yu Lan estaban intentando por todos los medios de establecer un centro de entrenamiento, de adquirir una furgoneta para distribuir las publicaciones de Dong Yu Lan y de fijar un itinerario de conferencias. Todo esto se hizo sin ninguna comunion con las iglesias y los obreros que han estado guardando con firmeza la unanimidad y laborando en la misma para llevar a cabo el recobro del Senor en Espana. Translation: In late 2006 we received reports from Barcelona, Cordova, Huelva, Madrid, Malaga, Valencia and Valladolid that Fernando was traveling across Spain with two partners to promote brother Dong’s ministry and publications of Dong Yu Lan. In at least one case, coworkers of Dong Yu Lan openly opposed the fellowship of the coworkers to be restricted to one publication work and spoke in the tone of criticism about Living Stream Ministry (LSM) and the churches in Europe. As for Fernando, he continuously criticized the prayer meeting and the meetings of the ministry of the church in Madrid. The brothers who shared the messages in the videos of the ministry that the church watched, they called ‘the rebels'. We learned that Fernando and other coworkers of Dong Yu Lan were trying by all means to establish a training center, to acquire a van to distribute publications of Dong Yu Lan and setting up a schedule of conferences. All this was done without any fellowship with the churches and the workers who have been keeping a strong one accord and working in the same lead to carry out the recovery of the Lord in Spain. Cuando los hermanos de Madrid cuestionaron a Fernando el 14 de febrero del 2007 sobre su obra independiente, El afirmo que Salomon Ma-un colaborador del hermano Dong que ha estado muy involucrado en su obra en Europa-habia hablado con Joe Davis respecto a lo que los obreros del hermano Dong estaban realizando en Europa y que Joe Davis lo habia aprobado. Esto no fue asi. De hecho, Joe Davis habia escrito una carta el ano anterior a Salomon y a Joao Antonelli, otro de los obreros del hermano Dong en Europa, en la cual le expresaba su sorpresa y gran preocupacion al saber de las actividades independientes de los obreros del hermano Dong alli. Ademas, en la carta, el hermano Joe Davis expresa su preocupacion por la difusion de las publicaciones del hermano Dong, la cual se estaba realizando sin ninguna comunion con los hermanos que han estado laborando en Europa siguiendo el modelo y direccion del hermano Lee. Cuando los hermanos en Madrid le mencionaron esta carta y su contenido a Fernando, El admitio tener conocimiento de la misma. Entonces, cambio su planteamiento al irrumpir en una letania de criticas virulentas en contra de los colaboradores europeos, LSM, las iglesias en Espana, el hermano Lee y los colaboradores en general. Translation: When the brothers from Madrid questioned Fernando on February 14, 2007 about his independent work, he said that a colleague of brother Dong, Salomon Ma who has been deeply involved in his work in Europe, had spoken with Joe Davis about what brother Dong's coworkers were doing in Europe and that Joe Davis approved it. It was not [approved]. In fact, Joe Davis had written a letter the previous year to Salomon and Joao Antonelli, another of brother Dong’s coworkers in Europe, in which he expressed his surprise and great concern to learn of the independent activities of brother Dong’s coworkers. In addition, in his letter, brother Joe Davis expressed his concern at the widespread [distribution] of brother Dong's publications, which was being conducted without any fellowship with our brothers who have been working in Europe and following the model of brother Lee. When the brothers in Madrid mentioned this letter and its contents to Fernando, he admitted having knowledge of it. Then, he changed his approach, breaking into a litany of virulent criticisms against the European coworkers, LSM, the churches in Spain, Brother Lee and his coworkers in general. DespuEs de este incidente, Fernando se mudo a Barcelona en donde continuo obrando de manera divisiva. El comenzo una supuesta reunion de la 'mesa' alli aparte de la de los santos quienes para febrero del 2007 se habian estado reuniendo ya por diez anos. El l8 de junio del 2007, tres colaboradores- Sherman Robertson, Victor Molina y Paul Hon- visitaron a Fernando y le advirtieron acerca de tener una reunion de la mesa ilegitima sin tener en cuenta a los santos. Una vez mas Fernando afirmo falsamente que Joe Davis sabia y aprobaba su obra, pese a que esta afirmacion habia sido contradicha en Madrid. La 'mesa' de la obra del hermano Dong continua por separado de la iglesia en Barcelona. El hijo del hermano Dong, Andre, otro de sus mas antiguos obreros, participo en esa reunion divisiva en Barcelona y dio una conferencia alli en abril del 2008. Translation: After this incident, Fernando moved to Barcelona where he continued to work so divisively. They began a so-called 'table meeting' there apart from the saints who, in February 2007, had been meeting for ten years. On l8 June 2007, three coworkers--Sherman Robertson, Paul Victor Molina and Paul Hon--visited Fernando and warned him about having an illegitimate meeting without regard to the saints. Fernando once again falsely stated that Joe Davis knew and approved of his work, despite the fact that this statement had been contradicted in Madrid. The 'table' of brother Dong’s work continued separately from the church in Barcelona. Brother Dong's son, Andre, one of their older workers participated in this divisive meeting in Barcelona and gave a conference there in April 2008. Mientras estaba en Barcelona, Fernando continuo la obra del hermano Dong en Madrid sin la comunion de los hermanos alli ni el conocimiento de ellos al respecto. Se nos ha informado que ha establecido, aunque lo ha negado, una segunda reunion de la 'mesa' en competencia con la que ya existia en Madrid. Un hecho indiscutible es que ha presionado a los santos para que abandonen las iglesias en Espana y asistan a las reuniones que El establece por separado. A fin de ganar la simpatia de los santos, les ha dicho que El fue 'expulsado' de la iglesia en Madrid: una acusacion falsa. Translation: While Fernando was in Barcelona, continuing the work of brother Dong, he was not in fellowship with the brethren in Madrid, nor acknowledged them in this regard. We have been informed that there has been established, (although it has denied) a second 'table meeting' in competition with that already existing in Madrid. One indisputable fact is that they have pushed the saints to leave churches in Spain and to attend these meetings in separation. To gain the sympathy of the saints, they said that he was ' expelled ' from the church in Madrid: a false accusation. La obra del hermano Dong ha enviado equipos de obreros a viajar por toda Espana con el fin de ayudar a Fernando a propagar la literatura del hermano Dong y comenzar 'iglesias' con reuniones de la 'mesa'. De igual manera, esta obra se ha llevado a cabo independientemente de las iglesias y los santos en Espana, y de los colaboradores en Europa. Translation: The work of brother Dong has sent teams of workers under Fernando to travel throughout Spain with the aim of helping to spread the literature of brother Dong and start 'churches' with ‘table meetings.’ Similarly, this work has been carried out independently of the churches and saints in Spain, and the coworkers in Europe. Queridos santos, debemos estar claros que son divisivas tanto dicha obra privada y secreta como la comunion cerrada que Esta produce. Esto es asi aunque los obreros implicados afirmen que las iglesias que establecen estan en el terreno de la localidad. El terreno de la localidad no es una excusa para la division, sino que es el terreno de la unidad. La iglesia local es la manifestacion local del unico Cuerpo de Cristo universal. El testimonio de la iglesia local es que ella recibe a todos los creyentes y tiene comunion con todas las otras iglesias locales genuinas en la comunion unica del Cuerpo de Cristo (1 Co. 1:9). La practica del hermano Dong consiste en comenzar a partir el pan en una localidad con tan solo un punado de creyentes-a veces tan solo dos-a manera de 'plantar una bandera', con el fin de reclamar esa localidad como territorio de su obra privada. Esta practica no es conforme a la verdad. Aquellos que afirman ser una iglesia y, sin embargo, se mantienen separados de la comunion comun, estan autoenganandose al pensar que son una iglesia local genuina. De hecho, son una secta local. Translation: Dear saints, we must be clear that such works are as divisive as the private and secret closed fellowship that is taking place. This is so even though the workers involved claim that the churches are established on the ground of locality. The ground of the church is no excuse for the division, but is the ground of unity. The local church is the local manifestation of the one Body of Christ universally. The testimony of the local church is that it receives to all believers and fellowships with all other local churches as the only genuine communion of the Body of Christ (1 Cor 1:9). The practice of brother Dong consists of starting the bread in a locality with only a handful of believers, sometimes just two--as a way 'to plant a flag" in order to claim the town/city as a territory of his private work. This practice is inconsistent with the truth. Those who claim to be a church, but are kept separate from the common fellowship, are led to think they are a genuine local church. But, in fact, it is a local cult. Una iglesia local es una que esta abierta a todos los santos en esa localidad y esta abierta a todas las iglesias locales. Si existe una supuesta iglesia local que no tiene comunion con las otras iglesias locales, Esta no es una iglesia local, sino una repeticion de la historia del cristianismo degradado. Al rehusar tener comunion, esta supuesta iglesia local llega a ser una secta local. (Witness Lee, The Wonderful Christ in the Canon of the New Testament, pgs. 175-176) Translation: “A local church is one that is open to all the saints in this locality and is open to all local churches. If there is an alleged local church which has no communion with other local churches, this is not a local church, but a repetition of the history of degraded Christianity. By refusing to take communion, this alleged local church becomes a local cult.” (Witness Lee, The Wonderful Christ in the Canon of the New Testament, pgs. 175-176) El pan en la mesa del Senor es un simbolo. Este representa la comunion en el cuerpo fisico y mistico del Cuerpo de Cristo (1 Co. 10:16). Esto indica que participamos en la comunion unica que es comun a todos los hijos de Senor, por la cual el Senor se ha dado a Si mismo a todos Sus creyentes como su vida y su todo mediante Su muerte expiatoria y nos ha constituido en el unico Cuerpo organico con El mismo como la cabeza. Aquellos que partan un pan que no represente esta comunion comun a todos, practican el sectarismo sin importar como se autodenominen. Por esta causa Pablo nos encomendo a discernir el cuerpo del Senor (1 Co. 11:29). Translation: The bread on the table of the Lord is a symbol. This is the communion in the body physical and mystical Body of Christ (1 Cor 10:16). This indicates that we only participate in the communion that is common to all children of God, by which the Lord has given Himself to all believers and all their life and through His atoning death and has become the only body, the same as the head. Those who participate in a bread that represents a fellowship that is not common to all, practice sectarianism. For this reason Paul gave us to discern the body of the Lord (1 Cor 11:29). La primera cosa que debemos discernir es el pan en la mesa del Senor. El pan en la mesa del Senor debe ser un simbolo no solamente del cuerpo fisico del Senor, sino tambiEn del Cuerpo mistico del Senor, el cual es universalmente uno (Ef. 4:4). Aunque tomemos la mesa del Senor en diferentes ciudades alrededor del mundo, todos estamos tomando de un solo pan, porque el pan del cual participamos es un simbolo del Cuerpo mistico de Cristo, el cual es universalmente uno. Asi que, 1 Corintios 10:17 dice: 'Siendo uno solo el pan, nosotros, con ser muchos, somos un cuerpo; pues todos participamos de aquel mismo pan.' Cualquier pan en la mesa el Senor que no represente al Cuerpo universal del Senor sino al cuerpo de cierta secta, es divisivo. (Witness Lee, Una presentacion breve de lo que es el recobro del Senor, pag. 57) Translation: The first thing we need to discern is the bread on the table of the Lord. The bread on the table of the Lord should be a symbol not only of the physical body of the Lord, but also of the Mystical Body of the Lord, which is universal (Eph. 4:4). Although we take the Lord's Table in different cities around the world, we are taking only one bread, because the bread part of which is a symbol of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is a universally. So, 1 Corinthians 10:17 says: 'Being one bread, we, being many, are one body: for all partake of the same bread. " Any bread on the table of the Lord that does not represent the universal Body of the Lord, but the body of a certain sect, is divisive. (Witness Lee, a Brief Presentation of the Lord’s Recovery, pp. 57) Es importante que los santos entiendan que los problemas que han ocasionado el hermano Dong y sus colaboradores y el modo en el que han obrado no son meramente deficiencias personales. Por el contrario, caracteriza la manera en que el hermano Dong y sus colaboradores se han comportado no solo en Espana y Europa, sino tambiEn en muchos otros lugares de la tierra. El hermano Dong ha infundido en sus colaboradores la vision de que todas las iglesias fuera de su obra personal se han degradado hasta convertirse en Laodicea; que solo las iglesias levantadas por su obra son Filadelfia y que como tales deben mantenerse separados de los que ellos consideran Laodicea. Translation: It is important that the saints understand the problems that have been caused by brother Dong and his colleagues and how they have acted are not merely personal shortcomings. On the contrary, this characterizes how brother Dong and his colleagues have behaved, not only in Spain and Europe, but also in many other places on earth. Brother Dong has instilled in his coworkers a vision that all the churches outside of his work have degraded into Laodicea, that only the churches that were raised up by his work are Philadelphia and as such should be kept separate from those [churches] they consider Laodicea. El hermano Dong ha creado un mito ingenioso para vindicar su obra independiente. El divide los escritos del Nuevo Testamento en tres grupos, a saber el ministerio 'tradicional' de los doce apostoles, el ministerio 'judicial' (el cual define como legal o doctrinal) del apostol Pablo y el ministerio 'organico' de Juan. Luego, alega que Dios estaba insatisfecho y que por lo tanto puso fin tanto al ministerio de los doce apostoles como al de Pablo. Segun el hermano Dong, Dios solo se complacia con el ministerio de Juan. Translation: Brother Dong has created an ingenious myth to vindicate his independent work. He divides the writings of the New Testament into three groups, namely the 'traditional' ministry of the Twelve Apostles, the ‘judicial’ ministry (which he defines as legal or doctrinal) of the apostle Paul and the 'organic' ministry of John. Then, he claims that God was not satisfied with both the ministry of the Twelve Apostles or of Paul and thus put an end to them. According to brother Dong, God is only pleased with the ministry of John. El hermano Dong entonces emplea este mito para exaltar su ministerio y obra por encima de todos los demas. El le da crEdito al hermano Nee por haber sacado la verdad de la esfera 'tradicional' del cristianismo, sin embargo, luego devalua el ministerio del hermano Nee y el hermano Lee al catalogarlo como 'judicial'. Por otra parte, alega que su ministerio es la continuacion unica del ministerio 'organico' de Juan. Segun este mito, solo el ministerio del hermano Dong y lo que Este produce, continuara hasta que el Senor regrese. Este es el sistema de error (Ef. 4:14) que se utiliza para justificar la total indiferencia del hermano Dong y sus colaboradores hacia otros colaboradores e iglesias. Translation: Brother Dong then used this myth to exalt his ministry and work above all others. He gives credit to brother Nee who brought matters of the truth to 'traditional' Christianity. However, he devalues the ministry of Brother Nee and Brother Lee, which he categorizes as 'judicial '. On the other hand, he claims that his ministry continues the ‘organic’ ministry of John. According to this myth, only the ministry of brother Dong and what it produces will continue until the Lord returns. This is the system of error (Eph. 4:14) which is used to justify the utter indifference of brother Dong and his colleagues to other coworkers and churches. Por lo tanto, encomendamos a los santos de las iglesias en Espana a no recibir a los colaboradores del hermano Dong o las publicaciones y ensenanzas diferentes que ellos fomentan (Ro. 16:17; 1 Ti. 1:3-4). La division y confusion han sido constantemente sus frutos manifiestos, no tan solo en Espana sino en otras partes de la tierra a donde han ido. Comprendemos que muchos santos han sido enganados por los colaboradores del hermano Dong inocentemente y que muchos todavia pudieran tener el deseo genuino de participar en el mover actual del Senor en Su recobro. Invitamos a estos santos a tener comunion con nosotros para que vayamos adelante juntos con miras a los intereses del Senor. Sin embargo, pedimos a los santos entre nosotros que hayan sido visitados o sido el objeto del contacto de alguna persona asociada a la obra del hermano Dong, que traigan esto a la atencion de los hermanos que toman la delantera en su localidad. Translation: Therefore, we recommend the saints of the churches in Spain not receive coworkers of brother Dong, his various publications and teachings that promote them (Rom. 16:17, 1 Ti. 1:3-4). The division and confusion caused have been consistently manifested, not only in Spain, but also in other parts of the earth where they went. We understand that many innocent saints have been deceived by brother Dong’s coworkers and that many still may have a genuine desire to participate in the current move of the Lord in His recovery. We call these saints have fellowship with us to move forward together for the Lord’s interests. However, we ask the saints among us who have been visited or been the subject of contact by persons associated with the work of brother Dong, to bring this to the attention of the brothers taking the lead in your area. La advertencia en esta carta es necesaria para proteger a todas las iglesias en Espana, guardandolas en las sanas palabras de la ensenanza de los apostoles (1 Ti. 6:3; Tit. 1:9; Hch. 2:42). Deseamos cooperar con el Senor para preservar lo que El ha logrado en las iglesias en Espana a fin de que las iglesias puedan ir adelante en unidad junto con todas las iglesias en Europa (Hch. 2:46; Ro. 15:6). Les pedimos que oren y estEn alertas con este fin. Translation: The warning in this letter is necessary to protect all churches in Spain, according to the words of the sound [healthy] teaching of the Apostles (1 Ti. 6:3; Tit. 1:9; Acts. 2:42). We wish to cooperate with the Lord to preserve what He has accomplished in the churches in Spain so that the churches can go forward in unity with all the churches in Europe (Acts 2:46, Rom. 15:6). We ask you to pray and be alert to this effect. David Martinez (Madrid) Jorge Cruz (Madrid) Cristobal Linero (Malaga) Diego Diaz (Malaga) Nicolas Morales (Cordoba) Manuel de la Rica (Cordoba) Joe Davis Bill Lewallen Hector Aponte Oscar Cordero Jameson Chen Russell Cox
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11 |
03-04-2009, 10:24 AM | #3 |
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 6
Re: Letter from the The Church in Madrid Spain (regarding Dong's ministry)
Then the Blended Brothers spoke all these words, saying,
1. Witness Lee is the acting God, who brought you out of the land of Babylon, out of the house of Christianity. You shall have no other ministers besides him. 2. You shall not make for yourself any publication, or any likeness of a footnote, except what LSM approves. You shall not read them or consider them; for LSM is a jealous organization, visiting the quarantines of the fathers and their children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who don’t follow us, but showing lovingkindness to hundreds, to those who love the ministry and read the approved Morning Revivals. 3. You shall not question the ministry of Witness Lee your minister, for the LSM will not leave him unpunished who takes Brother Lee’s ministry in a light way. 4. Remember the yearly Seven Feasts, to keep them holy. You shall have LSM approved local meetings and conferences during the year, but the Seven Feasts were established by Witness Lee your acting God; during them you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. For during the Seven Feasts Witness Lee made the footnotes, the Life Studies and all that is in them, and he himself established the Seven Feasts; therefore the LSM blessed the Seven Feasts and made them holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother, unless it interferes with the Seven Feasts, that your days may be prolonged in the churches which Witness Lee gave you, so you can go to more LSM events and buy their books. 6. You shall not murder, although despising your brothers in the denominations and the GLA is OK. 7. You shall not commit adultery, unless your spouse does not agree with LSM or follow the minister of the age, Witness Lee. 8. You shall not steal footnotes. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighboring Christians, unless it is for a good cause, like spreading the good news of LSM and the minister of the age, Witness Lee. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor, for why should you? Everything of any value is in Brother Lee’s footnotes as dispensed by the Blended Brothers All the people perceived the thunder and the lightning flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking from the many lawyers and threatening lawsuits by LSM; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood at a distance. (Exiting Chapter 20) |
08-04-2009, 07:21 AM | #4 |
He came not to be Served but Serve
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 39
Brazil Report
Dear Saints,
Praise the Lord for His move over the whole earth! Sara and I count it as a tremendous blessing to have been able to go and participate in the Lord's recovery in Brazil ! Undoubtedly, the Lord was able to move so much during our short time there as a direct result of all the intercessory prayer by all the saints. We appreciate the fellowship in the Body that enabled us to go, and for sure, the Lord has gained more in our being and written the saints there and their situation on our hearts. There was an approximate total of 345 saints from 22 different countries that participated in the two cycles, which itself was a living testimony of the oneness in the Body of Christ. As most of you all know, we were divided into two camps, one for visiting the cities and localities in the northern part of Brazil and another for those in the southern part. Sara and I were with the camp in the south, so we first traveled to Sao Paulo to meet, pray, and coordinate with all the other saints who were in the south. We were further split up into teams to visit designated cities in order for as many saints and localities as possible to benefit from our coming to visit and enjoy fellowship with them. Our team, composed of five saints (us plus three from the FTTA) went to Campinas , Brazil . The church there has approximately 400 saints, of which only one family (The Brittes) and two college-age students were positive. Their burden for us coming there was to enter into their small vital group church life by having a corporate morning time each morning, eating together day by day, preaching the gospel together, and contacting the few positive saints in a nearby city called Sumaré by inviting them over or visiting them in their homes. We were one with this family and just entered into their burden. During our stay with them, we visited 15 homes of precious saints some of whom had stopped meeting altogether due to the negative situation there and others who were still confused due to various lies and rumors spread about the saints who come from outside of Brazil . I am happy to share that every visit was positive, and some of the saints even began to meet again as a result of our visit. We had the definite realization that our coming to them was God's visitation with the whole Body. We also invited many of them to a Brazilian BBQ known as a "churrasco" at the summer home of the Brittes family on one of the weekends. Our time there culminated in a lot of fellowship centered around getting into the Word, being constituted with the truth, and enjoying the fellowship of the Body of Christ. During the week, the Brittes daughters and the two college-age brothers went with us to preach the gospel on the Unicamp campus. Even though classes were not in session, we found many students still on campus. We used the Mystery of Human Life tracts and the Rhema publication of the Gospel of John in Portuguese to speak the gospel of God to the ones we contacted. By the end of our trip, eight people were saved and one was baptized. The local saints testified how preaching the gospel with us was an experience that they had never had before, and we have to testify that it also revived and saved us too. The local saints also felt to promote the new Recovery Version of the New Testament in Portuguese to the positive saints in the surrounding areas, so we found a neighborhood community center similar to a chapel to host a seminar on the Lord's Day evening. The week before it, we prayed and visited homes of the positive saints to personally invite them to come. This way proved to be quite profitable, since it gave us an opportunity to visit more new faces and have fellowship with them. Twenty-four of them ended up coming to the seminar. On the morning of that same Lord's Day, the brothers had planned a blending time with a few positive saints in another city about 45 minutes from Campinas , as well as, some scattered saints in other surrounding nearby cities. The time of fellowship was so encouraging for us all. Some even testified that our blending time reminded them and had the same "taste" of when they first touched the genuine church life back in the 1970's. Our time ended with a long love feast full of delicious Brazilian food in abundance. O how enjoyable it was to see all the hearts of the saints refreshed and encouraged by the fellowship! At the conclusion of our time in Campinas , we joined all the other teams that went out from Sao Paulo at Nazare Paulista for a time of fellowship. At the same time, all the teams in the northern part of Brazil were doing the same as we were. The prayer and coordination were so sweet as the saints from cycle two arrived and joined in with us. The reports we heard touched our hearts and caused many to weep. For example, one brother from the FTTA had his appendix rupture while on the trip. This situation opened the way to contact one of the doctor brothers in Rio de Janeiro who was not fellowshipping with the positive saints. This brother performed the operation which definitely kept the sick brother from a much worse physical situation. Later he was actually questioned by some negative brothers as to why he helped this "American." But his response was precious: he responded that he had not helped an "American" but a "member of the Body of Christ." Saints on the other teams shared their experiences too, which altogethered resulted in thousands of scattered saints being freshly contacted and revived, hundreds receiving salvation from the gospel preaching and a few of whom were also baptized, and thousands of ministry publications were received by the saints. We heard testimony upon testimony of how everyone felt all of this was possible due to the prayers of the saints all over the world. Praise the Lord! We want to encourage the saints to continue to pray, especially as the saints in cycle two are already going out to visit some of the same cities and even new cities. Pray for the young people who are returning home from this past weekend's young people's conference, for they are the future of the Lord's Recovery there and need to be captured by the Lord and the controlling vision of the age. In addition, pray for the churches and leading ones in the localities, for many still have no idea anything is wrong due to the blinding work of the enemy and an improper following of persons, instead of the apostle's teaching according to the genuine New Testament ministry. Unfortunately, there are only a few churches in which all the saints have completely turned back to this ministry. We know that the Lord is using this gospel move to work out His will in Brazil, though we do not yet know what all will be worked out. For sure, we need to pray earnestly for it to be done on the earth as it is in the heavens. Furthermore, both the saints in Brazil and we were so happy to learn that another gospel move for Brazil and South America is being planned for January/Febuary, during which thousands of NT RcV will be given away. Please consider prayfully about participating in that time by going, praying for it, and giving toward it. We hope that eveyone's heart will be encouraged by our report and also stirred up afresh to love our Lord for everything He is to us and is doing for His Body. In Him, Brian Woodrome |
08-05-2009, 04:52 AM | #5 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 688
Response to Brazil Report
To the extent that your message reflects the peculiar partisanship terminology the Local Church has now developed of "positive" and "negative" in classifying the saints of God, I would expect you would at least feel some shame, especially after the physical ministration of one of the "negatives" in offering medical care with a pure heart. To the extent that some have been damaged by all of that divisiveness and would actually condemn the medical services, no word need be spoken, even from a human perspective. It is appalling how some will act to so completely cut themselves off from fellowship with other saints in the name of vaunted religious principles. However, to the extent that your report reflects yet another renewed time of revival for the Local Church, it should be more than clear that the comments among your group from time to time about the glory days of the 1970s reflect quite negatively on the normal situation, a fact that brother Lee himself recognized sometimes when speaking about these sorts of revivals. Moreover, as Lee also taught, such revival efforts are attempts to breathe new life into a dead corpse. The corpse is not the Body of Christ, brother, but a denomination. The Body needs no revivals because it is constituted uniquely by the indewlling Living God. While I do agree that there is in the world something appropriately termed "the New Testament ministry," I must sharply disagree with exclusive application of that phrase to the enthusiastic LSM-branded salesmanship that bears about the quarantine-enforced "One Publication" doctrine in every place. I am not alone in this observation and critique. While reasonably advertised as the leading publisher of the Bible teachings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, the unsupportable claims of LSM and its associated co-workers of holding a unique and unquestionable leadership position in God's overall plan on the earth have done great harm around the globe and unfortunately the efforts of those like yourself to promote these myths at home and abroad does as much to extend the injury as anything else. I pray that you may purchase the eye salve from the Lord to see my meaning here. You and I both are members of Christ and members of each other in reality and apart from negative and polarizing terminology such as "positive" and "negative" saints. Our oneness is in Christ alone, not in Lee, LSM or the Local Church. Having said this much, I commend you to your labors in the Lord. And to the extent that your efforts are not designed to persuade that the Local Church is "the one true holy universal and apostolic church" I can fully join my prayers with yours. Indeed, the Spirit and the Bride say "Come!" Just take heed how you build, brother. All our work will be tried by fire in the day and partisan and denominational efforts will certainly be consumed. Grace to you.
Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17 |
08-06-2009, 01:25 PM | #6 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 8,064
Re: Brazil Report
As I see it there are two basic universal things that validate such new Christian movements to the followers and new ones. And they are : Using the prophesies of the return of Jesus, and new and fresh doctrines. And of course, the LC has these in spades. In fact they are so prominent in the LC movement that I don't even need to remark about them, or explain them. The preparation of the bride for the return of the groom is the whole foundation of the LC movement. And the new and fresh insightful doctrines provides the appearance of the moving and breakthru of the Holy Spirit. I say appearance only because the doctrines usually aren't new at all, they're just the drudging up of old doctrines, that aren't spoken of in the current mainstream Christian family ; so the Holy Spirit isn't even needed, as wide reading from history will do. Then add a little excitement, and expressions of zeal and enthusiasm, and voilà, you've got the appearance of the Holy Spirit. There is something else that works well too, like a spice added to the mixture. And that is, to say you are recovering, or restoring, or reforming, from fallen Christianity, or as today, from the corrupt Roman Catholic Church. In the case of the LC movement, they are recovering from all of Christendom, or all of fallen Christianity ; the whore of Babylon, the Catholic Church, and all her daughters, all the rest of Christianity. In other words, they've got to demonize all the others in order to lift their movement above those others in the eyes of the devoted. But what does the recovery say about the Lord, and his ability to build His church? It reduces the Lord. It doesn't lift the Lord. It draws a caricature of the Lord as ineffective, and incompetent. It means that the gates of hell has prevailed against the church. It makes the Lord a liar. And I don't get it anyway. The reformation/restoration/recovery misses the mark. They claim that they seek to go back to the early church ; back to the pre-corruption days, and they fall short by trying to do so. Why not go back to Jesus? Why stop short? Going back to Jesus will kill such movements. Cuz Jesus wasn't partisan. Jesus accepted the outcasts, and told the religious that even the publicans and harlots would enter the kingdom before them ; and also "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me." It's a good thing that Jesus is the only way to God, because Jesus doesn't reject anyone, accept the religious that think they are special. And what would jesus say to those in the LC, that are condemning those that He has made members of His body?
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to. There's a serpent in every paradise. |
03-06-2010, 03:11 PM | #7 |
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 3,824
Regarding the need of the saints in Chile
March 5, 2010
To the churches and the saints in the Lord’s recovery: On February 27 an 8.8 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Chile and a resulting tsunami struck near the second most heavily populated area of the country, where there is the highest concentration of saints who are remaining in the fellowship of the churches throughout the earth. There are approximately 300 such saints in the Concepción area, where the devastation is heaviest. Saints’ homes as far away as Santiago also suffered damage. While there are no known deaths among the saints, there has been considerable damage to their homes, some of which are uninhabitable, and their meeting places. Available reports indicate that in Concepción as many as 90% of the inhabitants have not returned to their homes for fear of the aftershocks, which are still continuing. Temblors have been felt as far away as Buenos Aires, Argentina. Efforts are being made to get details on the condition of the saints, but the damage to roads and the disruption of communications systems is making this difficult. Utilities such as water and electricity have also been interrupted. The co-workers in the Lord’s recovery feel an urgency to care for these fellow members of the Body who have paid a price to stand for the Lord’s interest in South America. The co-workers believe that the saints and the churches share this concern. Those who desire to materially aid the saints and churches in Chile can send a check to: THE CHURCH IN FULLERTON (South America fund) 2411 W. La Palma Ave., Ste. 223 Anaheim, CA 92801 Telephone: 714-821-5965 The church in Fullerton holds a bank account that is used to support the Lord’s move in SouthAmerica. Please write “For Chile relief” in the Memo field of your check. Wire transfers can be sent to: THE CHURCH IN FULLERTON (South America fund) Evangelical Christian Credit Union 955 W. Imperial Highway Brea, CA 92821 Telephone: 714-671-5700 Account No: 1187788 Routing No: 322273379 Swift Code (if required): BOFAUS3N Federal TAX I.D.: 95-3265254 To designate wire transfers for Chile relief, please also email CiF.SAmerica@gmail.comreferencing the wire transfer information and stating the purpose for which the funds are given. On behalf of the co-workers, Albert Lim, Benson Phillips, Minoru Chen, Victor Molina
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11 |
03-08-2010, 12:29 PM | #8 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 181
Re: Regarding the need of the saints in Chile
"where there is the highest concentration of saints who are remaining in the fellowship of the churches throughout the earth."
I am blessed to know that anybody who has gone through such a tragedy can get relief, but is it insensitive, or inappropriate for me to point out how sectarian this statement is? Roger |
03-08-2010, 03:04 PM | #9 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Fort Lauderdale Florida
Posts: 405
Re: Regarding the need of the saints in Chile
The LC does have a tendency to be self centered. But please don't take too much offense remember, The LC is just one branch of Christianity. And if you look at every branch you are sure to find something troublesome about them as well. Let's give our brothers and sisters to The Lord and watch patiently as His Will for them unfolds before us. Grace to you brother Rodger, Don |
03-08-2010, 04:18 PM | #10 | |
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Re: Regarding the need of the saints in Chile
Mike I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel |
03-09-2010, 09:16 AM | #11 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 282
Re: Regarding the need of the saints in Chile
Hello dear ones,
In light of the tragedy in Chile, it does seem improper to say too much, so I will simply say that I do not like the subtle put-downs contained in the two quotes shown above. These statements are a subtle condemnation of "the other side" involved in the LC turf war in South America. Using a tragedy like this to make statements like this is tacky.
"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better." Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality |
03-09-2010, 12:33 PM | #12 |
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
Posts: 3,545
Re: Regarding the need of the saints in Chile
“For just as in one body we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function” (Rom. 12:4)
In Chile, being mindful there are many members of the Body that receive different ministries yet of the same Spirit. I have been in a home meeting for several years where two of the brothers out of their own time and expense have traveled to Chile for the puprose of ministering Christ through Youth With A Mission. It was a tragedy and may each non-profit organizations such as the Church in Fullerton, United Way, Red Cross, etc meet the needs of those lives who have been impacted in Chile as result of the earthquake. Terry |