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07-08-2022, 12:48 PM | #1 |
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Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
I am looking for some guidance or an example of others leaving The Lords Recovery. It has become clear to me that I do not want to stay, but I do not feel strong in my ability to articulate or defend my position. I did a search in the posts but did not find what I was looking for. Are there any other resources or recommendations from others who have left? Thank you! |
07-08-2022, 01:25 PM | #2 | |
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Can you articulate at all what your position is or why you want to leave? It doesn't matter if what you write is "a mess" or you feel like you "didn't explain it very well". I'm almost positive that someone will understand what you are trying to say and we can help you more strongly articulate or defend your position. Have you read the "leaving the Lord's Recovery" letter a couple saints posted to Facebook a few years ago? If not, it can be found here: bit.ly/JoFBPostLeavingRecovery Another brother started a website called www.thelordsrecovery.org with a few blog posts, but it does not look like he has updated it in a while. Trapped |
07-08-2022, 02:27 PM | #3 | |
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 414
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
I left the LR after 35 years and 2 years of FTT. I have not explained to anybody that is still in why I left; I just left. Many may still think I am in. I don´t care. If somebody close would insist and ask me I´d probably just say, "because the Lord and His Word led me out and I chose to follow the Lord and leave." Or something simple like that (unless they are interested in leaving too). I could definately see for myself how I could have fallen into a realm "of having to explain myself.", like if I owed them something. What I am trying to get at is that there is such a strong Recovery culture of "you cannot leave the Recovery because ......" that we might have some kind of false sense of responsibility to have to explain ourselves when we leave, almost like a sense of getting their approval. (Not saying that´s your case....). |
07-08-2022, 09:11 PM | #4 |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Please Help!
I totally agree with Raptor. You don't owe anyone an explanation about why you want to leave. Also, for the general membership of the LC, there is nothing you can say that will be acceptable in their minds anyway; any explanation you may come up with will not be good enough to convince them you are doing the right thing. Your words will most certainly be rejected, regardless of what you say. Count on it. Having said that, this is a big decision for you. It might help you to clarify your thoughts. Many times I have sat down in a quiet place with pen and paper, asking the Lord for His help. Write what you're thinking and feeling. Make a list and pray over it. Tell Him what you want to do. (Yes. what you want to do.) Tell him what you think He is saying to you. Trust Him to help you. In this you might find something you could say to someone else. I'll give you the short version of when I left. My parents were in poor health and they needed me more than the LC did. I told Him "I want to take care of my parents." "Lord, I may be doing the wrong thing, but please don't let go of me." Ultimately, it was pretty simple. I wanted to be available for my parents. The "Church" wouldn't tolerate that. The End. I never looked back. I am certain that the Lord led me out. He has never let go of me. The Lord has given us a free will to choose. The Local Church teachings take that freedom away from us. God does not violate the free will He gave us. He will never make you do something you don't want to do. (He might help you to change your mind!) Whatever you decide to do, the decision is between you and the Lord. What an amazing and wonderful Father we have! He's just waiting for us to say "Help me!" Blessings and heavenly Help! to you... Nell |
07-09-2022, 09:39 AM | #5 |
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 6
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Please Help!
I am so glad you have come to the realization that the LR isn’t for you. I am curious about how you came to this conclusion and how long you were in. I agree that an explanation or defense isn’t needed. You are owed the respect from LC members/elders to do as you wish and reasons aren’t necessary. Sadly though it isn’t common for them to let you leave on good terms especially if you give notice in the form of any explanation. An explanation isn’t typically accepted but only puts you on their list of people that are “negative.” Walking away is never easy, particularly if you have family members still in, you’ve been in for years, this is your primary social life, or you were raised in it. The fear, guilt, or sadness you may feel is by design and exactly what they intended you to feel in hopes you will never leave. From all observations and personal experiences, I don’t think they will accept any defense as to why it is best for you to leave, if anything it causes more grief. I grew up in the LR from the age of 11 on, and I strongly recommend leaving as soon as possible and don’t let yourself listen to the nutty things you learned there. Clear your mind of the LR thoughts, get out in nature, exercise, and talk to God. Wishing you well. |
07-09-2022, 10:03 AM | #6 |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Greetings in The Lord!
I don't know. I love whats been shared so far. I left because the propaganda/rhetoric became so thick it seemed as though the ministry was leading in the place of the Spirit of the Lord. A library of books, tapes and videos that couldn't be numbered. If you were a simple one, you'd find out in the next meeting what the new move was... Seek the Lord in this matter and He will give you peace and guidance. I like what Nell said about a quiet place and prayer. In the fullness of time God will supply all of your needs... Peace to you! Last edited by manna-man; 07-09-2022 at 05:41 PM. |
07-09-2022, 02:53 PM | #7 |
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 45
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Please Help,
I sympathize with where you are right now. This time where you're poised to make such a big decision, which you know will be costly in some ways, can feel like you're standing on the edge of a cliff, wondering if you have the strength to jump. (Answer: you do!) Reading through the Introductions and Testimonies threads on this forum was helpful to me as I saw that there wasn't one formula for how to handle leaving, but also that it was possible to survive and even thrive on the other side. Leaving, while following the Lord, ended up being the most freeing thing I've ever done. It's hard to prescribe anything without knowing the particulars of your situation, but I agree with most of what's been shared thus far. On the one hand, you don't owe anyone an explanation. On the other hand, it would probably be weird on both sides if you simply disappeared and you had some close relationships with folks in the LR. In my experience it was helpful to have a few pretty honest conversations with the people who would be most impacted by my leaving. It actually went better than I thought it would. That said, despite the goodwill expressed on both sides, I have found that hardly anyone reaches out or puts effort into maintaining our relationship, leaving it up to me to do if I want (even though I was there for my whole life). That is why my best piece of advice is ... ... Find a church. For my family it was very helpful as we left to visit various congregations of different kinds around town. We finally had freedom to do so! Eventually, it was clear where the Lord was leading us. Why do I recommend making a concerted effort to find a church? 1) It will shake up the religious concepts you've acquired and challenge you to let go of many opinions/judgments about worship styles, etc. and refocus you on Christ and His word alone. 2) It can help you in the process we all have to go through of sorting out the "banana" from the "skin" in your beliefs. What is orthodox Christian faith and teaching, among all that you've learned in the LR, and what is peculiar to them and possibly heretical or at least unhealthy? This is a long process but hearing regular teaching in a healthy Bible-believing church can help greatly. 3) It can help you meet the need for community and belonging that the LR filled for you. That void can be so disorienting, especially if you were there for a long time, and can drive some people back to the fold because they're just so dang lonely. And there's some truth to the idea that if community has been the source of your trauma, community can also be the source of your healing. I do second Nell's advice to write down your current thoughts and feelings that are informing your decision right now, partly so you have it to look back on if you're ever second-guessing yourself. Praying for you! |
07-29-2022, 02:59 AM | #8 |
Posts: n/a
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
From my own experience and from observing what others have done, I would just stop showing up. I found the most important thing was finally not caring what people thought about me. Once you stop going, there will be some who will text you asking where you are and why you haven't been going. There ARE some who are reasonable. You should have an idea already which ones are and which ones are not. If you know someone is unreasonable, just ignore them and don't respond. But there may be some that you know will not judge you and maybe you still want to be on good terms with. These you can respond to if you feel compelled to. I'm still in contact with a good number of people in the LR who I have a good relationship with, but there are also many who I just completely ignore.
Btw, when I left I was very deeply involved, so it is not impossible to get out. I was 1 of 3 taking care of YP while also being in charge of piano service and ushering service. Also, quick background, I was a church kid and had just graduated FTTA the year before. Best of luck to you 👍 |
07-30-2022, 05:32 PM | #9 |
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 24
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Leaving Lord's Recovery maybe "hard", if based on what LR's teaching and blending brothers' preaching. If you are very clear and know leaving LR is a best way and only way to getting closer to the Lord and have really fellowship with other Christians, There is no need to let LR's people know, like many brothers and sisters whom left LR, Just GO.
Stay in LR only bring you further away from God. I walked away and never regretted my decision to leave LR. Many people in LR will tell you, "If you leave LR, you will be in the hell. IF you leave LR, your salvation will not be accept by the Lord." There is no word in the Bible says leaving LR will lose salvation or go to the hell. I will pray for those who want to leave LR but scared by LR's teaching, For the Lord will bring the Truth and lead the way to safe harbor. |
07-30-2022, 08:30 PM | #10 |
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 361
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
There are numerous statements in “The Ministry” that make claims in the similar vein. Imagine being born into the Recovery. You’re told this is the truth. You’re told witness Lee was given a vision that no one prior has had. You’re Told you’re the elect that God needs to come back. You’re told anyone outside is a false believer or an enemy. Your entire social community is built in this group, your entire world view has been built by this group. Leaving this is not easy.
07-31-2022, 12:25 PM | #11 | |
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 24
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Thank you. Zezima and Raptor, your writing within this form has been helping me to focus on why I am NO LONGER with Lord's Recovery. For all brothers & sisters within form, I am praying for you, stay on the path where Jesus Christ is leading you. For those who are watching this form and still in LR, I am praying for you, that Jesus Christ will show you HE is the ONLY WAY to connect with God. Witness Lee and his messages is only way to depart from God. Witness Lee is a SINNER, just like you and I, why worship and listen to a SINNER. Pray in Jesus's holy name, AMAN |
07-31-2022, 06:23 PM | #12 |
Posts: n/a
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
I saw this video yesterday of the Plymouth Brethren ex members speaking out. Since the Local church is just a splinter group of this original one, I thought that one will see many similarities on how they operate. I think recovery has lightened up on all unwritten rules and written regulations compared to this group, but the essence of the foundation still the same. As the title states “looking for guidance and examples”, this is some examples that are almost precisely exact to those of us who have left and are in the process of dealing with the loved ones.
Breaking Brethren, Documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=10eNfQJvsrg |
09-13-2022, 04:14 PM | #13 | |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Did many people tell you that? If so, many people were wrong to say it and wrong in the fact. It is not a teaching of the Bible nor the ministry in the Lord's recovery that a born-again believer will go to hell ....... no matter who they meet with. Drake |
09-13-2022, 08:50 PM | #14 |
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 167
Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
I was in training meetings regarding Revelation. The speaker (a brother) said, "If you miss this section, you may miss the Rapture." (He said so when saints left after a couple of sections.) How's that?
09-13-2022, 09:08 PM | #15 | |
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Not the same. As a born-again believer you could miss the rapture but still would not go to hell. In Message 58 of the Revelation Life-study training you were in the matter of eternal salvation was made clear: Revelation 21:7 "He who overcomes shall inherit these things, and I will be God to him, and he shall be a son to me" "The overcoming in Chapters two and three qualifies the overcoming believers for participation in the enjoyment of the millennial kingdom as a particular reward in God's dispensational administration, whereas the overcoming here qualifies all believers for participation in the New Jerusalem with all its enjoyment as a common portion of God's eternal salvation" Drake |
09-14-2022, 05:52 AM | #16 | |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
You're preachin' to the choir. We know these teachings are unscriptural. We know where we heard them. Why don't you tell the LC Leadership their teachings are false. Tell them what they are saying is not Biblical. The responsibility is on the LC leadership speaking their errant teachings as though it was scripture. Don't blame the audience. Nell |
09-14-2022, 08:14 AM | #17 | |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
I seem to remember one distinguished Professor and former LC co-worker named Dr. Nigel Tomes (perhaps an old friend of yours?) documenting some examples of this practice.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
09-20-2022, 08:06 AM | #18 | |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
Nell |
09-20-2022, 05:41 PM | #19 |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
And the more of us “like” and subscribe to these videos, the better the chance they’ll have to get in front of the people who most need to see them. Let’s go!
09-20-2022, 08:37 PM | #20 |
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Re: Looking for Some Guidance or an Example of Others Leaving The Recovery
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