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08-20-2009, 02:59 PM | #1 | ||||
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,376
countmeworthy's Blog
Since Manna-man brought up the ENDTIMES discussion which is a Passionate topic of mine, I thought I'd share some interesting nuggets that have been presented in recent years.
Walid Shoebat is a former PLO Terrorist who in 1993 in attempting to convert his Christian wife to become a Muslim picked up the Bible and began to read it side by side the Qur'an. (Thankfully, he was not a brutal husband.) He was born and raised in Bethelem. His paternal grandfather was a friend of Adolf Hitler. As he began to read the Bible, he saw that OUR MESSIAH -JESUS- was Muslim Antichrist even though they believe Jesus is a prophet. He also saw that all the Antichrists titles in our BIBLE are linked to Muslim nations. The Antichrist written about in the Bible is the MUSLIM MESSIAH. The Bible and the Quran are exact opposites he writes. The muslims worship the Antichrist of the BIBLE. And our MESSIAH, JESUS destroys the Muslim messiah. Lucifer as we know is another name for Satan. In Hebrew, his name is 'helel' which means brightness. Isaiah 14:12-13 describes his as 'son of the morning' or Day Star. The Amplified Bible expounds on his name as light-bringer and daystar of the morning. The LORD Jesus described Satan as lightening falling from heaven in Luke 10:18. Now from the Qur'an: Quote:
In Luke 10:18, Jesus described Mohammed when He saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. In Revelation 8:10, a great star fell from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; The Qur'an calls Allah "The Lord of star of Sirius" I'm probably going to start losing some so I want to finish up with how the Mark of the Beast or the number 666 is an indicator of allegiance and submission to the Beast, the AC who is the Muslim messiah. The author does not believe it's going to be a tattoo or implant chip per sae. He writes: Quote:
I don't understand everything I'm reading but what I've gleaned makes sense. We Americans don't think much outside the American box. And yet we Christians know Jerusalem is the Apple of God's Eye. The Hotbed of the great war to come will be in Israel. From our punie minds, it just seems Iran wants to annihilate Israel, not just divide it. You think it's really political? NOOOO!!! It's GOD and Satan at war !! Of course we KNOW Who WINS ! My source came from reading "Why I left Jihad" and I am now reading "God's war on Terror." Both by Walid Shoebat. Thanks for bearing with me...I'm still learning!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
08-24-2009, 11:59 AM | #2 | |||
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
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From the writings of T.A. Sparks
He wrote:
[B] Quote:
He also wrote: Quote:
My spirit grieves hearing messages on the unity of the Body of Christ. Those of us who were in the LSM/LC got a heavy duty dosage of that teaching for it was the basis why we were 'the Lord's Recovery', the "Local Churches", why Lee's ministry did not take a "name" but each locality took on the name of the city as name of the church...so long as it was under Lee's ministry of course. Very few people truly have the vision of the church. We all KNOW WE, the believers in Christ Jesus ARE the church. But for most, it means nothing more than a doctrinal truth. He continued writing Quote:
So many of us received these teachings and had them down pact...but not the experience.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
08-24-2009, 05:04 PM | #3 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 282
Re: From the writings of T.A. Sparks
Amen, dear sister countmeworthy. Amen and Amen!!
Isn't it amazing how TAS always gets to the root of the matter - Have the things we claim to "know" as doctrines become our actual experience? How wonderful to read a word regarding the Blood of Christ becoming real to us in our actual experience! To see the power of His Blood in our lives as a mighty force working against the power of death within and without! I am so glad that you have been able to partake of the riches of TAS's ministry! May our Lord prevent me from ever over-exalting TAS, but I do find his ministry to be very rich, very deep, very encouraging, and very exposing. I consider it a huge loss to the LC that WL decided to no longer co-work with TAS. BTW - which TAS pamphlet/book are you quoting from?
"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better." Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality |
08-24-2009, 10:58 PM | #4 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
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Re: From the writings of T.A. Sparks
I also know what you mean about being careful not to over-exalt a teacher of the Word of God used by God to draw us nearer and dearer to the Son, His WORD. I have one 'spiritual father' at the moment who draws me sooo close to the LORD that I have to guard myself much as you do with TAS !! LOL! I think part of the reason our spirits leap for joy is they are able to explain exactly what we know in our spirit already but are unable to utter it properly. For example, for much of my Christian life, I had experienced the Anointing of the Holy Spirit on me only I did not know to call it that. Let's see, in the LC what did we call it??? hmmm.... 'The ENJOYMENT' possibly? 'Just enjoyyyyyyyy the Lord'. In recent years, I began to hear about the Anointing but did not quite understand what they meant...until I heard an ANOINTED, ANOINTED man of GOD, teach on the Anointing. Awww...his explanation, coupled with my experience matched the Word of GOD perfectly !!! This is why I can now explain/teach on the Anointing (although not perfectly) because I can distinguish the Presence of God and the Anointing (the Power of God). The Anointing brings on a heavy responsibility before the Lord and we cannot be anointed without first being saved and without being in His Presence. If someone has power without Knowing the LORD, then it is witchcraft. When Moses went before Pharaoh, he threw down his staff and it turned into a serpent. But Pharaoh's magicians were able to do the same thing. So were the magicians 'anointed' since they had the power to turn a staff into a snake, like Moses? Obviously not, and the proof is Moses serpent swallowed the magicians' serpents. Moses KNEW GOD and spent time in HIS PRESENCE. The Anointing, if I may repeat is for Service. The Power is needed to do something for God and to prove God's power to people. Moses was able to part the Red Sea because he had spent time in the Presence of the LORD and now God could use him, anoint him with the Power to part the Red Sea. After he closed it, God 'lifted' the anointing, the power from Moses, until He needed him to use it again. I bet if we look back at our Christian journey, God enabled us to part our own personal Red Sea. For me, the Anointing can come on me very strongly when I am sharing the gospel. I've had more people tell me they get goose bumps when they hear me share and pray with them. While in the LC, I spoke and chewed on the scriptures of the Blood of Jesus. I guess the Holy Spirit KNEW wayyyyyy in advance how I'd be applying those scriptures in my personal life ! I will forever be grateful for learning the scriptures on the Blood of Jesus AND also for learning to Call on the LORD (from a pure heart, in true assurance of Faith.) Again...the Holy Spirit knew I'd come to KNOW the Power of calling on the Name of the LORD-Jesus in due time ! He's sooo AWESOME! I just LOVE and Appreciate the Holy Spirit's patience with me and His gentle prodding in my spirit.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
08-30-2009, 03:00 AM | #5 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 43
Re: Mark of the Beast from a former Muslim perspective
great post sister.. i have read and listened to several of Walid Shoebat's articles/talks.. God's Blessings...
Colossians 1:14 In Whom We have Redemption through His Blood, even the forgiveness of sins: |
05-26-2010, 01:13 PM | #6 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,376
Funeral message
Hello posters and readers,
Yesterday I helped buried my friend's father who was also my friend. He was 87 yrs young and for 5 long arduous months, his wife, daughter, one of her brothers' & me were at the hospital at his bedside, 7 days a week. We prayed for his healing but even more importantly, I ministered the Word of God, speaking the Word of God into him, having him pray with me and his daughter. Last Wednesday, a week ago, I was privileged & blessed to be at his side, along with his wife of 60 yrs & his daughter (who I grew up with & went to school together from 1st to 12th grade) when he took his last breath. I have known this family since that time & they are to me, as I am to them 'FAMILY'....for better or worst. And believe me, there have been many a not so pretty day !!!! His daughter who I truly love, is also my biggest THORN on my side !! And I'm sure she feels the same way about me. Mr A suffered something horrible for he was afflicted with blood infections & skin cancer which ate away at his skin leaving sores & welts produced by an unstoppable spirit of Itching. During these 5 months of him being bed ridden, I sometimes fed him when circumstances called for the family members to be away from his side for a few hours at a time. Someone was always with him from 7am-9, 10, 11 pm. Sometimes me & his daughter would sleep on lounge chairs in the room for a couple of nights in a row not leaving him alone. Moments before he went to be with the LORD, me, his daughter & wife are at his bedside, blessing him, crying & praying. Wife & daughter held him in their arms. He was wearing an oxygen mask when suddenly his daughter cried out, "THE LORD IS PULLING HIS SPIRIT FROM HIM ! I CAN FEEL IT." It was 1:30am. I did not 'feel' it, but I knew he was departing. He was breathing labourously with his eyes closed (as they had been for most of the day) when he suddenly opened them, turned to look at his wife, gazing into her eyes for about 3-4 seconds, turned to look at me as he was leaving, closed his eyes and at that moment, the nurse took off his oxygen mask and he was gone. Safe in the Arms of the LORD for eternity at 1:34 am. I had never witnessed a person's departure and consider it a blessing and privelege to have been there in the Presence of God and His Angels when Mr A was taken up. Monday evening at the wake/viewing, I gave the following eulogy to a mostly Catholic and worldly audience, with a few scattered true believers in the mix. After much praying for the Lord's anointing not only to be on me when I delivered it but for God's anointing to touch every heart, every ear, every eye in attendance. There were 400 people at his wake and and about 300 at the funeral buriel. Now for the Eulogy...... Mr. A was a very blessed man and a very loved man, who endured many tests, trials, tribulations, hardships, and temptation. In the bible, the book of James chapter 1 vs 12, we are told Those who endure these trials & tests will receive a crown of life, promised to those who love the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr A loved the Lord Jesus Christ. He loved his wife B_____ very, very much. He loved his daughter N_____ very, very much. And he loved his sons H_____, Ro_____, Ra______ & Re_______ very, very much. He is now reunited with Re_____ and with the Lord rejoicing in heaven. 24 hours before he departed, with his daughter N_____ at his side, he called out to Rene, his son, as if he could see him. His daughter said: What did you say Dad? He turned to her and said "RENE! Rene & I are going tomorrow." Sure enough, they were reunited with each other and with the LORD 24 hours later. [2 yrs ago, his youngest son, Rene, departed to be with the Lord at a tender age of 38 yrs young.] There is no doubt Mr A is wearing the Crown of Life. But that's not the only crown Mr A received. He received 4 more crowns. He received The Crown of Rejoicing The Crown that never Perishes, (the Incorruptible Crown) the Crown of Righteousness and The Crown of Glory. He received the Crown of Rejoicing when he entered God's Presence as he was exchanging this earthly life for his heavenly life in the wee hours of May 20th. He received the Incorruptible crown, that never perishes because he ran the race the bible speaks of with perseverence and endurance. The crowns people of this world receive, perish. On the other hand, the crowns the saints of God receive will never perish. The Bible says ALL believers are saints. When Paul the apostle addressed the church in Phillipi, Corinth, Collasai, and every place believers in Christ gathered, he called them SAINTS. Mr. A was a brother in Christ and God called him a saint. He is wearing a crown that will never perish. The 4th crown he is wearing is the Crown of Righteousness, because he fought the good fight. He finished the course and he kept the Faith. The 5th Crown he received is the Crown of Glory. The suffering he endured, worked for him an eternal weight of Glory. He may have other crowns that we don't know of but these 5 crowns: The Crown of Life, The Crown of Rejoicing, the Incorruptible Crown, the Crown of Righteousness and the Crown of Glory are listed in the Word of God. Let me ask you: What kind of people wear crowns ? answer: kings. Revelation 1:6 and Revelation 5:10 tell us GOD has made us kings and priests. So how about that ? Mr A is a king and priest unto the most High God sporting 5 crowns, being prepared to rule and reign with Christ. This is why Christ is called 'THE KING of kings.' This is why Jesus taught his disciples ot pray "THY KINGDOM come. THY WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are told in Genesis 1:28 the reason God created us in His Image and IN His Likeness was for us to have Dominion and Authority over the earth. To Rule and Reign over the fish of the sea, over the Birds of the air, over the animals, the beasts of the field, and over every creeping thing. Sin however, interrupted God's plan for us TEMPORARILY. That is why it is difficult for us to believe this is OUR CALLING; THIS is OUR Destiny. But what Satan has meant for evil, GOD turns to Good. That is why God the Father, sent His Son Jesus. The Blood He shed on the cross CANCELLED the POWER of Sin over our lives. MR A believed in Christ Jesus. He believed the Blood of Jesus washed away his sins. He asked the LORD to forgive him of his sins and of his trespasses. And Mr A forgave those who trespassed against him and hurt him. This is why he was able to love so many people: his siblings, his compadres, his padrinos, his grand kids, his great grandkids, and every person he met along the way. He was very compassionate and was blessed with the gift of Wit as is his entire family. They ALL have the gift to make people laugh even in the most trying of times. His daughter N______ once asked him: Dad do you pray? And with his quick wit,and the famous A______ stare, he replied, "Why do you think you're still alive ?" [ ] While laying in the hospital bed, he was asked what his pain level was on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the highest level of pain. Not knowing he was contemplating on an answer, we would ask him AGAIN. With a frustrated and stern look, he would lift his head and say "I'M THINKING !!!" making us chuckle like only he could. On more than one occassion, he would call ME up to his bedside and tell me "I really appreciate my wife." Perhaps some of you don't know for 5 months, 7 days a week, B______ his wife, got up between 4 & 5 am, rain or shine, even in the cold months of January and February, to be at the hospital by 7am to feed her husband breakfast, consult with the doctors and medical staff and to keep her husband company. That's why he would tell me over and over how much he loved her and appreciated her. (as I smiled kindly to his wife in the front row.) His kids, H___ & N____ also had a special place in his heart for them, because their schedules allowed them to be with their father every day. Mr A has now joined the great clouds of witnesses Hebrews 12:1 speaks of--cheering us on to run the race with endurance, fixing our eyes on Jesus the Author and Perfector of our Faith. We're almost at the finish line folks. Jesus is waiting for us with stretched out arms. May we all be counted worthy as Mr A was to receive not only the Crown of Life, the Crown of Rejoicing, the Incorruptible Crown that never perishes, the Crown of Righteousness and the Crown of Glory -------but to receive the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding. So weeping may last for a night. But Joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5) ---------- [please know, their marriage was a very rocky marriage..not a holy-holy religious marriage whatsoever! They were at each other's throats for years ! I am telling the forum here this info between the brackets, not the audience at the viewing. He didn't read the bible much but he always let me read scriptures to him and pray over him...ALWAYS..for years, him and his family.] To GOD be ALL the GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE for allowing me speak to an audience of 400 people. Many, MANY of them had tears in their eyes when I spoke and many people came up to me telling me how MOVED they were by what I spoke. They FELT the Spirit of GOD coming through my heart, they told me. ALL GLORY to GOD. I am privileged and blessed to be used by HIM. May many, many more people come to repentance as the day draw nearer and nearer.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
05-30-2010, 10:41 AM | #7 |
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 67
Re: countmeworthy's Blog
Interesting CMW.......I'd like to read some of what this person has to say.
05-31-2010, 09:14 AM | #8 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
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Re: countmeworthy's Blog
Many people came up to me afterwords telling me how the message I gave moved them. There were many teary eyed people among the 400 in attendance. I pray many, many people's spirits and hearts were convicted to turn to the Lord Jesus. There were a lot of Catholics and a lot of worldly 'believers' among the crowd. Hopefully many will know pick up the Word of God and begin to read it, meditate on it and seek the LORD in their lives that they may wax strong in the power of HIS Might. Let it be LORD JESUS. Let it be that GOD may get all the GLORY, PRAISE and HONOR, shaming the devil once and for all eternity! Our Fellowship on the book of Revelation, concerning the end times we are living in will continue very shortly. It has been one busy week for me.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36) |
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