04-10-2019, 04:20 AM | #1 | |||||||||||||
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Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
A Response to Witness Lee’s Condemnation of Christian Denominations as Spiritual Fornicators¹ Witness Lee condemns all the denominations including independent groups in Christianity with the exception of his as none-genuine churches because they commit spiritual fornication for a particular reason. In his Conclusion of the New Testament, Lee says,² Quote:
I personally do not affiliate or belong to a denomination, but am in a non-denominational church where I am in a fellowship with other Christians. “Denominations”⁶ are not inherently sinful. What's sinful is theological error, such as is found in pseudo-Christian teachings such as Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Iglesia ni Cristo, Ang Dating Daan, The Kingdom of Apollo C. Quiboloy, etc. But nevertheless, whether or not I belong to a denomination, Witness Lee has gone beyond what is written (1 Corinthians 4:6) in his assertions from the above texts based upon his exposition on Revelation 3:8. Aside from it, there are certainly a few theological errors in his surrounding exposition on the seven churches in the book of Revelation.⁷ However, I will only be focusing this point of error under the headline of my polemical paper. First of all, the names do not actually replace the name of Christ. They are simply descriptors showing the emphasis on their particular gathering or structure. The name "church" is still there so there is no "replacement" going on. There are a few problems with Witness Lee's analogy of a married couple. If Mrs. Jones is Mrs. Jones, she is Mrs. Jones no matter what she calls herself. You are what you are regardless of what you call yourself. If I am a woman who is married to Mr. Jones but I call myself something else, that doesn't change the fact that I am married to Mr. Jones. (Also strictly speaking, the church wedding of Christ hasn't occurred yet, the wife doesn't take the name before the marriage happens⁸). Lee’s analogy uses one culture's practices and applies it to a spiritual reality. A wife taking her husband's name is not actually biblical. Where in the Scripture does it say that a wife is to take her husband's name? It doesn't! That is just a matter of culture. People in Bible times did not really have last names like we think of last names today.⁹ Ironically, Lee's own culture is a prime example of many, many couples keeping their own names. You are still the wife even if you do not take your husband's name. Taking the husband’s last name is not an indicator of the reality. Additionally, where in the Bible does the church "take the Lord's name"? We see Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:32). We don't see Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Christ is a title, not a last name. Christ and the church are always just that.....Christ and the church. If a local church named herself as the church of Buddha, practices yoga, performs witchcraft, elevates and idolizes a finite man, and delves into eastern mysticism then that would be unequivocally spiritual fornication!¹⁰ The true church of Jesus Christ still has only one husband. A false and professing church is no church at all. The Old Testament is replete with examples those under the Old Covenant sinning against God and committing harlotry by worshiping false gods. They were commanded to repent or faced punishment by God. The same can be expected under the New Covenant, the church. We are called to cling to Christ or be broken off like rejected branches (John 15). Orthodoxy is not determined by the name of the church or the so-called proper ground of the church (Lee’s doctrine of ecclesiology, see note 1 below). It is by its faithfulness to the doctrine of Christ preached by the His apostles (which is basically founded on the New Testament) and how consistent the church's life and practice is to the doctrine of Christ. Of course, there are churches that are more consistent than others in terms of their faithfulness to the doctrine of Christ and their conformity to His Word in actual life and behavior. But who could really say that there is one church that is so perfect, undiluted, and free of error, in this life? The final judgment is not going to be based on the name of one's church, is it? Ultimately Christ will base His judgment upon whether or not we have put our trust in His once-for-all finished sacrificed for our sake, have kept the faith once for all delivered to the saints, and we have, by the grace of God, lived a life consistent with his profession of faith, one that is pleasing in God's sight, that is, in holiness and godliness. Taking the name of Christ is the same as hallowing or sanctifying or glorifying the name of God. How do we do that? By loving Him and keeping His commands as our thankful response to the grace He has given us, undeserving sinners. "The church of God in Corinth” (1 Corinthians 1:2) is a fully legitimate name used in the Bible and could arguably be said to be taking the Lord's name MORE than "the church in [locality]". Is Lee accusing The Church of God or the Assemblies of God as spiritual fornicators because they are not under his ministry? If so, why? In the beginning of the book of Acts, the church simply called itself 'the Way' (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22). No mention of Christ in that title at all, nor designated as "the church in [locality]". Does that mean the church was immediately unfaithful right from the day of Pentecost? Even when they did start being called Christians, it was meant to be a derogatory term from their enemies, so clearly the church in the book of Acts didn't think it was important to have a particular name. Lee also believes that in all denominations those are taking the Lord’s Table (communion) are eating and drinking to their “judgment”, and any of Lee’s followers who partake with the denominations in communion have committed spiritual fornication. Nowhere in the Bible do we see such a thing! It is leaning towards exclusivism or claiming to be the true church. In his Study Bible called the Recovery version, for example, the third footnote in the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 11:29 notes, Quote:
Here below are other Lee’s statements that need for refutation. He says, Quote:
Members of the Local Church movement identified themselves as the ‘Lord's Recovery’ (upper case R). Over the years, the phrase ‘The Lord’s Recovery’ has unconsciously become a denominational title in the minds of the Local Church people to distinguish and separate themselves from orthodox Christianity¹¹ instead the phrase itself was meant in a sense of conforming back to Scriptures. A former Local Church member and a co-worker of Witness Lee, Titus Chu states, “It becomes a title, and it is a first step toward denominating...known as the Lord's Recovery Church.” Igzy argues that the phrase ‘the Lord’s Recovery’ has an exclusive implication of denominating, He argues, Quote:
What Paul is getting at is unnecessary division, over and against necessary. Notice that Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:14-16, "I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, so that no one may say that you were baptized in my name. (I did baptize also the household of Stephanas. Beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized anyone else.)" This is because people were taking sinful pride in who they were baptized by. Thinking that if they were baptized by someone special, they themselves were special. And Paul's point was that, in short, baptism is about being baptized into Christ, and nothing else. This is not the same thing as agreeing with Paul's teachings, when false teachers come along teaching the opposite. Further, this version of "no creed but Christ" idea is problematic. If one man stands up and teaches heresy, (like Arius did, thus creating the teaching called "Arianism") and another stands up, like Athansius, point to Scripture and saying "I follow Scripture" won't work. The person would either be ignorant or dishonest. For, both Arius and Athanasius declared to be following both scripture and Christ. We, however, must adjudicate between the two, as to which one is right according to Scripture. And when we do, it is because we believe what that person is teaching or saying. And thus, we are "following" as people put it. Labels are used to separate you from the other erroneous doctrines. Labels can be necessary, they help us define what we believe, why we believe it, and separate truth from error. But it doesn’t mean to call oneself a Lutheran or a Presbyterian in a 1 Corinthians sense.¹³ In connection with his condemnation on denominations with labels, he says, Quote:
To say that to denominate a church is spiritual fornication, is purely a fabrication of Lee's making or an eisegesis¹⁴, without any scriptural basis. Denominations did not exist during John’s time when he wrote the book of Revelation. There is some sense of truth to what Lee writes in the above text, but this interpretation of “have not denied my name” is quite far-off from context. What did Jesus mean by, “have not denied my name” in Revelation 3:8? An Exposition on Revelation 3:8 Revelation 3:8 | NASB “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” This portion of the letter by the Apostle John is written to the church in Philadelphia (v. 7) in Asia Minor. John is communicating to us in (v. 8) that God is aware of the good deeds that the Philadelphians had been doing: “Good works, of faith, love, and patience; and which lay much in preaching, professing, and maintaining the pure Gospel, and in acts of charity to one another; and which were done to some degree of perfection, and with great sincerity”. (John Gill Commentary) God has set before the Philadelphians an opportunity (open door). Some believe this open door was a unique opportunity to preach the Gospel: "may design an uncommon opportunity of preaching the Gospel" (John Gill Commentary), "for evangelization" (Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible) "Probably it means here a good opportunity for missionary effort in spite of the Jewish hostility." (Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament). God has set before the Philadelphians an opportunity (open door). Some believe this open door was a unique opportunity to preach the Gospel: "may design an uncommon opportunity of preaching the Gospel" (John Gill Commentary), "for evangelization" (Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible) "Probably it means here a good opportunity for missionary effort in spite of the Jewish hostility." (Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament). This open door was a door that no one could shut. The reason no one would be able to shut this door is because the Philadelphians were a group of "little power", which is most likely a reference to their size as a congregation, or their influence in Philadelphia. They also had "kept my Word" which is likely a reference to them keeping the Gospel pure. The keeping of the Word and the name of the Lord shows some form of faithfulness from the Philadelphians. Below I provide some commentaries in reference to “have not denied my name.” Quote:
Therefore, not denying His name is speaking of apostasy, not denominating a name for the church! Denying Christ’s name is denying everything that is wrapped up in who He is. They have not denied His Lordship and salvation. This was in reference primarily to the Roman persecutions at the time in which professing Christians were called upon to deny Christ and make an offering to Caesar. Those he was referring to had not done this, but had stood firm against this pressure. Similarly, it applies in principle to those who are likewise tempted at any point in church history. Conclusion: Denying the Lord's name is a common theme in the New Testament. If you are ashamed of Him in this age He also will deny you to His Father (Matt. 10:33). Likewise, having any other idol other than the Lord is a very serious sin also repeated in the New Testament. To "deny" the name of Christ was related to denying association with Christ in the face of persecution on those who were followers. Not only to save their lives from execution, but to avoid being outcast in society in general. Many Christians during the times of more severe persecution are not ashamed of openly preaching the gospel with boldness in the streets of Philadelphia. But there is nothing that suggests that denying His name is to denominate the church by taking any name other than the Lord’s is spiritual fornication! This is purely an eisegesis! Kevin, Philippines April 10, 2019 Notes: [1] There are at least two different thoughts behind this kind of thinking: 1. The whole "ground of the church" doctrine," and 2. The discussion by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1–4. While I will not argue the many issues surrounding the "ground of locality" doctrine of Lee’s magnum opus which he learned from his mentor Watchman Nee, suffice it to say that there is never anything remotely commanded in Scriptures about the few references to a church in a city. See, Nigel Tomes’ polemical writings: (1) Jerusalem & Rome - Churches on the Local Ground, LSM's (2) Sacrament - the "Ground of the Local Church, and (3) What ‘Recovery’? LSM’s Major Myth Debunked [2] Conclusion of the New Testament, The (Msgs. 221-239), Chapter 18, Section 1 [3] This can be also found in a footnote from the Recovery Version online on Revelation 3:8 and from the Open Letter: To the Leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the "Local Churches" website under the Legitimacy of Evangelical Churches and Denominations. It appears that Defense Confirmation Project (DCP), a project to defend and confirm the New Testament ministry of Watchman and Witness Lee and the practice of the local churches, did not address or answer about the “denominations as spiritual fornicators with the whore of Babylon” (Roman Catholic Church) in response to the Open Letter from these prominent Christians scholars and ministry leaders. I notice that from my own observation over the years after I left the Local Church movement, it seems Lee's statements would be misunderstood by those who criticize him. His eastern mindset and non-English-native language combine to make some of his statements appear to mean one thing, when a lengthy assessment of his work actually suggests something else. But nevertheless, those radical statements above are quite plain to read. [4] The Overcomers, Chapter 5, Section 4 [5] Life-Study of Revelation, Chapter 51, Section 2 [6] What is a Denomination? https://www.gotquestions.org/what-is...omination.html [7]See also, Nigel Tomes' Examining LSM's Eschatology - Revelation's 7 Churches [8] The fact that the church, though not yet actually wed to Christ is nevertheless already "betrothed" to Him, which is already very binding as compared to our present cultural "engagement" arrangement. [9] Did the people in the Bible have last names? https://www.compellingtruth.org/peop...ast-names.html [10] What is Spiritual adultery? https://www.gotquestions.org/spiritual-adultery.html [11] See also Nigel Tomes’ Against the Practice of Exclusivism [12] The New Testament Recovery Version, note 12¹ (1 Corinthians 1:12) [13] I don’t preferably identify with labels other the name of Christ but in a growing world of heresy, it is important to distinguish truth from falsehood. Given the example that someone calls himself a Calvinist, it doesn’t mean the Christian is an ardent follower of John Calvin or he was baptized in the name of Calvin. Calvinist doesn't mean Calvin himself, it is just a useful term, many others taught the same doctrines. By saying that one is a Calvinist, one is simply saying that one agrees with his interpretation that God is sovereign over salvation in Christ which is a biblical view of salvation. God's glory is the supreme meaning behind all things. Majority of Calvinists do not agree everything what John Calvin taught. Thus, calling oneself a Calvinist is not in a strict sense a follower of John Calvin nor is it an allegiance to a man. [14] “Eisegesis, which is the interpretation of a passage based on a subjective, non-analytical reading. The word eisegesis literally means “to lead into,” which means the interpreter injects his own ideas into the text, making it mean whatever he wants.” (Got Questions Ministries)
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.” |
04-10-2019, 04:24 AM | #2 |
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
Your comments are always welcomed.
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.” |
04-10-2019, 06:34 AM | #3 |
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
I'm no scholar in writing this paper. But I have gone deeper study on this issue. Why did I decide to write this response? The LC leaders have mouthed me against my current church as a spiritual fornicator. Now I pointed out the inconsistencies, and logical fallacies as well as that there is no biblical warrant for a church name and the bad use of the Revelation 3:8 passage. Please do consideration that English is not my primary language.
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.” |
04-10-2019, 08:20 AM | #4 |
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
Kevin, very nice article. I myself can't write such well-constructed arguments, because my attention span is too short probably, but I welcome others. Thanks for making the effort.
1. I agree that if Miss Jones marries Mr. Smith and keeps her name, then she can still go to church and nobody will say anything. I have seen this in the Lord's Recovery. Often the woman has some professional standing and wants to keep her name. Nobody says a word about it. But they receive Witness Lee's teaching as if it was valid. It is not. 2. I asked the Lord's Recovery church where I met, why they had to take a name and register with the government as a 403(c) organisation. They said, "We have to". Huh? No you don't - where in the NT does it say that you have to register with the government? Talk about Pergamos - married to the world! Why condemn others if you do it? 3. The irony with the Lord's Recovery is the names that sprout so easily there. Christians on Campus, Affirmation and Critique, Lord's Move to Europe, Living Stream Ministry, Continuing Steadfastly, Bibles for America (and Russia and Germany &c), Defense and Confirmation Project, Full-Time Training Centres and so forth. Every 7 or 8 months you'd see a new name come out... some new ancillary named and publicly-registered non-profit entity would appear. "But it's not the church".
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
04-10-2019, 08:58 AM | #5 | |
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
The Recovery program is filled with hypocrisies. Don't expect their leaders to accept anything that you write. The Lord often confronted these hypocrites in the Gospels. Apparently none of them were convinced by Jesus either.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
04-10-2019, 10:04 AM | #6 |
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
Well done! Keep doing this. Your insights are helpful. The "wife only takes the name of the husband" analogy is as you said a cultural not biblical phenomenon, so it is a meaningless argument. It's even worse than that. Wives take their husbands last name, but keep their unique first name, which even the husband happily uses. So "ABC Community Church" could be seen as an identifying "first name" with the surname still "Christ." Either way, Lee's argument falls apart upon examination. As much of his teaching, it only impresses an audience that feels they have no choice but to believe it. As you imply, distinctions are not division. Division, in fact, is not what "ABC Community Church" does by having its name, but what the LR does by discounting groups like "ABC Community Church." They are masters at straining gnats and swallowing camels. All of the LR's teachings about "oneness" are really not about oneness (though they have convinced themselves they are). They are about a scorched earth policy of discrediting every group other than themselves. They really feel the Lord is better served by everyone agreeing with and joining them, so to them that end justifies any means they use. This is at the very least frightfully arrogant and at the worst dangerously deluded. (Also, humble thanks for including my little piece. I forgot I wrote that. I learned something from it!) |
04-12-2019, 02:05 AM | #7 | |
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
Jesus is commending the church in Philadelphia for not loosing faith and remaining loyal to him. That's the point of what Jesus getting at. Having a denomination doesn’t make you loyal to that teacher who started that denomination at the expense of Jesus himself. Witness Lee's critical view on Christianity is an attempt to deceive many precious people to make them believe that there is nothing good in Christianity than the Lord's Recovery movement.
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.” |
04-12-2019, 04:24 AM | #8 | |
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
05-03-2019, 07:29 PM | #9 | |
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Re: You have not denied my name.
I think it is fair to say that all Christians aspire to be in the church in Philadelphia. One requirement is that "you have not denied my name" and as one of the Bible expositors you quoted pointed out, this implies that there was pressure on the saints prior to this to deny the Lord's name. In my experience this pressure is common, it is ordained by the Lord. But to the issue you focused on, I wondered how you could avoid "denominating" yourself. "American" is a denomination. "Southerner" is a denomination. "Texan" is a denomination. Likewise, as Christians it is seemingly impossible to not meet in an actual building with a relatively small group of believers (hundred, thousand?) and this will also have to have a name, an address, a phone number, etc. But Peter helped me with this conundrum when he referred to the false prophets saying they would bring in "damnable heresies". A heresy is a "school of thought". It is impossible for us not to be involved in heresies, but the condemnation is not on that, but on "damnable heresies". A heresy that denies the Lord's name would be a "damnable heresy" or one that divides the Body of Christ, or one that condemns brothers and sisters in the Lord. Those would be damnable heresies.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God |
10-16-2019, 03:03 AM | #10 | |
Join Date: Jun 2017
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Re: Are All Christian Groups Spiritual Fornicators?
John Thumper commented at Jo's OP which I think this is a response to my thread.
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.” |
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