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03-18-2015, 03:54 AM | #1 |
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 56
Post-Recovery: A Testimony
It has been nine years since the quarantine and eight years since I left LC. I suppose it is time to revisit those wounds to see if they’ve fully healed. Also, I think it is time for me to contribute according to what God has called me to do. Perhaps my testimony can also be of encouragement to some of you.
I live in South-East Asia and my family, like most traditional ethnic Chinese families, worshiped a myriad of gods. I was dedicated to the goddess Guanyin as a toddler. My sister, 8 years older than me, first heard the gospel through friends at the Local Church. She received permission from our very liberal parents to bring me to the children’s meeting. Brother Y would come to pick us up from our home. I was 6 years old and it was 1988. Eventually, my parents decided to check on us to make sure that we were not in some dangerous cult. Their visit to the meeting hall were received with a warm welcome by Brother Y. Brother Y and his wife’s efforts were not in vain – my parents were liking it very much. In 1991, my parents agreed to baptism and I jumped at the opportunity to request for baptism too. Brother Y reasoned that I was only 9 and therefore too young to make this decision, but I protested (with references to Samuel – my then favourite Biblical hero) until he eventually relented. As I had an insatiable appetite for the truth, I read Witness Lee and Watchman Nee very fervently. I attended the nationwide youth conferences and “video conferences” although I was actually too young for them. At the same time, by God’s sovereignty and mercy, I was signed up for a uniform body called the Boys’ Brigade (BB), an inter-denominational Christian youth organisation. The unit I was part of is a ministry of the local Methodist church. Here, I learned quickly that my officers and peers were not as proficient in the Bible as my serving ones and friends in the LC. This cemented in me the judgmental superiority complex that plagued me throughout my teenage years. I was, after all, in the “Lord’s recovery”, the “church in Philadelphia”, God’s very best. In 1994, I attended a conference entitled, “The High Peak of the Divine Revelation”. I learned that I was a god-man! That which is born of a dog is a dog. That which is born of a cat is a cat. Those who are born of God is god (in life and nature but not in the Godhead --- always remember this disclaimer!). I exclaimed to my BB officer, “God became man to make man God in life and in nature!” “That is not right,” he said, horrified. “You are just not seeing the heavenly vision”, I retorted. So I started joining more Youth Preparatory Trainings, Video Trainings, and Blending Conferences. I read the HWMR, the RcV (with footnotes), and other LSM literature. I did the PSRP, BNTB, and memorised banners. I cried inconsolably at the passing of Witness Lee in 1997. In general, “I advanced in Leeism beyond many contemporaries in my locality, being more abundantly a zealot for the traditions of LC”. When Lee passed away in 1997, I vowed to propagate all of Lee’s teachings. It was Brother Nee. Then it was Brother Lee. Now it’s Brother We! I am an ambassador of the Lord’s Recovery! I began propagating the RcV to my BB officer, touting it as the best translation of the Bible to which came the response, “How do you know? Do you know Greek? Have you studied theology? Do you know that Local Church is a cult?” I was shocked by his reply. How dare you insult the Lord’s Recovery? I shall prove you wrong! So at the age of 15, I began learning Koine Greek. I subscribed to Affirmation & Critique (A&C) and read them with the help of dictionaries. I read “The Expert Speaks” and researched every theological term that is found in that book. I studied the church fathers because A&C quotes from them extensively in defense of the “high peak truth”. I compared Lee’s theology with the Reformers and found the Reformers wanting (since they did not talk about deification). I was not satisfied with just proving that Lee was orthodox but I’m also out for my officer’s throat. How dare he? His Achilles heel, I was convinced, was the sin of denominationalism. I must be able to show that Nee’s local church model is the only Biblical way to meet and everyone else is in error. I must hammer home 1 Cor. 1-3! My BB officer, a layman, was unable to reply to my newfound theological prowess. I had become invincible. I made it my life mission to be a Leeist apologist. I endeavoured to be a theologian like my A&C heroes. Because I was involved in an inter-denominational organisation and I had genuine fellowship with the brothers and sisters from “Christianity”, I grew uncomfortable with the weekly attacks on “Christianity” during “prophesying meetings”. I attributed that to the saints’ ignorance and their sheer laziness to do primary research on contemporary “Christianity”. I was certain that Nee, Lee, and the Blended Brothers would have censured this kind of behaviour. “There is one Body in this universe / And we express it here on earth; We stand as one in each locality / For all to see! For all to see!” Then came the Quarantine in 2006. It sent a shock down my spine. The Lord’s recovery, founded upon the unique ground of oneness expressed in each locality, now splintered over some inane stuff like “one publication”? I used to shake my head at how denominations split over some minor, though biblical, stuff. “One publication” is not even biblical! I was devastated. By then, I’d learned enough exegesis (even if Leeistic allegories were part of my hermeneutical framework) to swallow 1 Cor. 14:8’s “uncertain sounding of the trumpet” as the justification. I was a youth serving one at that time. I had devoted my entire life to LC. My whole family was (still is) in LC. My parents were planting an LC at that time. My then girlfriend and her family were (still are) in LC. My childhood friends were (still are) in LC. The Lord put a heavy burden upon me that I must speak up. What if God has prepared me “for a time like this” (Esther 4:14)? So I wrote a blog entry condemning the quarantine as unbiblical. The blog entry attracted comments from Nigel Tomes – the worker of darkness himself! I was hauled in for “fellowship” by the elders, including Brother Y, and my serving one when I was a youth. Their children were my childhood friends. The same Brother Y who brought my parents to salvation, mentored them, and baptised our family. The orders were simple: remove the blog entry, disavow Titus Chu (whom I have not met – I didn’t even know how he looked like), withdraw from youth service, and not talk about this issue with anyone. Otherwise, they would have no choice but to quarantine me. My world collapsed around me. What about my parents? What about my then girlfriend? What about my friends? I buckled under pressure and obeyed. I sat at the back row of the meeting hall from that Lord’s Day onward. I kept my mouth shut when the other youth serving ones queried. I kept my end of the deal. I didn’t even tell my parents about the “fellowship”. But I felt I was no longer welcome. None of the elders looked me in the eye anymore. My shepherds have become my butchers. I eventually left. I stopped attending meetings. I feared going to another church. I feared breaking the ground of oneness by breaking bread with “denominations”. I was unchurched for several years. I put all my attention on my career. My life became rudderless and my lifestyle absolutely sinful. The process of repentance was very painful but God was ever reassuring. I decided to visit an evangelical Brethren church since it's the nearest cousin to LC and became active in an inter-denominational cell group. The brothers and sisters there wanted to hear me teach the word. I obliged yet I was cynical inside but they won me over eventually. It was then, in 2012, I heard the Lord’s calling. I enrolled in seminary and will be graduating at the end of this year. I am now serving as a youth pastor at that same Methodist church where I joined the Boys’ Brigade when I was a kid. I smile at God’s wisdom, sovereignty, and love. I am not to be a Leeist apologist but a post-Leeist cathechist. I hope to be able to help those who are struggling to transition out of Leeism and venture toward a post-recovery Evangelical faith. “Post-recovery” because we will always be epistemologically affected by the “Recovery”. Steven Foong |
03-18-2015, 06:50 AM | #2 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
To go against everyone (family, friends, church) because your conscience was bothered must have been hard. I'm glad you found the strength to follow the truth as you saw it. Thanks for sharing.
An interesting parallel with my experience is that you found a life-line in your association with other Christians. I can relate to that. I was fully immersed in LC-life for years, and one day the Holy Spirit thrust me out, and I became a "missionary", wanting to spread the high truths to those languishing in darkened Christianity. I met in the denominations, and with the so-called "free groups"; taught Bible Study, supported the pastor, all the while wanting to pass on what I saw as the ministry of the age. I did this because I believed that all Christians are in one faith, and wanted to live the idea of "oneness". Not just talk about it, while being safely sequestered in our LC "meeting halls." That seemed too safe, to me; I wanted risk, and adventure, and true unity: I wanted to be with people who didn't see everything I saw. Unity isn't based on agreement over doctrinal points. It is spiritual. And it is in the name of Jesus. Therefore, while I still was favorable to the ideas of Lee, and was fairly critical of everything else, my body was there in "the denominations". I began to be aware of 2 things. First was immediate: the "human living" of many Christians was just as much of a testimony of Jesus Christ as the LC "saints". Sometimes moreso. Some put me to shame. What good were all my so-called truths, absent the reality of the Spirit? Second was more gradual: that there were a lot of very solid Bible teachers out there. There was more out there for me than just the ministry of WL and WN. Eventually I realized that while the LCs had some good things to say (I had been using LSM materials for years, in sharing with others), it wasn't God's only "oracle" on earth today. All of this was years before the quarantine of TC et al. So I had essentially already removed myself, and was re-programming, or learning to think again, in my own Post-Recovery period. Then someone told me that the midwest churches had "rebelled" and I began reading, and then posting on this internet forum. It has been true here for me that how I treat others is how God will treat me (surprise, surprise). If I attempt patience and forbearance with forum members who seemingly don't "get it", and accept them for who they are, then God has patience with me. The gap between me and the seemingly most intractable person is probably less than the gap between me and God! So if I receive them, then God (who I know loves me) has opportunity to receive me as well, "just as I am". Anyway I just wanted to "amen" the idea that having fellowship with others, even if I occasionally secretly judge and despise them, has really been a salvation. The truth reaches us through the Bible, this I firmly believe. But God's love reaches us through people. And what I give to others is what I'll get back: pressed down, shaken, and running over.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
03-18-2015, 11:49 AM | #3 |
Join Date: Mar 2015
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Yes, whenever I bump into an LC brother/sister who does not know what happened, they'll ask me why am I in "denomination". I simply tell them that I want to "open up Joseph's storehouse because the famine is severe".
But right now, all I'm praying for is that the Lord opens a way for my LC brothers and sisters to hear what I have gathered all these years so that I can feed them. The famine is severe. |
03-18-2015, 12:47 PM | #4 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Personally I had not been asked that question. My family and I no longer meet with the local churches, but my parents do. Whenever we visit, we'll accompany my parents and meet with the local church. Some of the brothers and sisters remember when my family first moved to the area when I was 11. Perhaps there's an assumption I still meet with the local church? |
03-18-2015, 03:36 PM | #5 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
[sarc on]Bro Steve you're funny..."a famine in the land"? How can that be with the rich ministry?[sarc off]. I think the problem is that the "food" provided by WL and now LSM is a highly processed and unhealthy food originating from forcing the entire bible (wherein lie the healthy whole grains, protein, vitamins and minerals that we really need) through a homogenizing, pasturizing machine known as "god's economy" producing the equivalent of spiritual Cheese-Whiz. It's always the exact same processed food in every single can that tastes just good enough to keep eating, but leads to some serious spiritual health issues like pride, arrogance, lack of love and compassion, judgmentalism, control, anger, and eventually an incurable blindness. Any guess as to the group that is busy at work turning the crank on the bible-processing machine? |
03-18-2015, 06:28 PM | #6 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
03-18-2015, 07:52 PM | #7 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
The secret, therefore, is to appreciate as many Biblical threads as possible. The "exact same processed food" stems from a mono-tracked reading (oikonomia) of the Bible, while the judgmental attitude results from the belief that they are the only people in the world who knows the oikonomia strand. Very sad. |
03-18-2015, 08:25 PM | #8 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
03-19-2015, 08:21 AM | #9 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
With oikonomia I found that Jesus also used the word in a very different context than WL's message. It was in the parable of the unrighteous steward in Luke 16. The steward was worried that the master would take his "stewardship" or "management" (oikonomia) away (v.4), and he'd be on the street with no money and no means to live. Oikonomia in this context seemed to mean obedience to a responsibility (i.e. a job): the steward had been given responsibility over household affairs, to manage them and increase their value. But he squandered it. Nothing here suggests to me "masticating the processed and consummated Triune God to become God in life and nature." With ekklesia I found that the word was extant in wide usage prior to and during NT times, and typically meant assembly, gathering, meeting. It didn't mean "standing religious body or association". Over time that became the default meaning. But in NT usage you could easily have numerous ekklesia in one city or geographic area. Today we get around this by simply re-labeling, and calling them "meetings" or "services" of the church. My case examples of this are in the OT LXX e.g. Psalm 22 "in the midst of the 'ekklesia' I'll sing hymns of praise to You" (quoted in epistle to the Hebrews also) and "with these words he dismissed the 'ekklesia' " in Acts 19:41. I don't offer these as definitive alternatives but simply to say that there were more nuanced and complex meanings and understandings of these words than the expositors wanted us to think. Therefore, essentially basing religious movements upon such simplistic readings would sooner or later distort the word of God, and ultimately the collective fellowship of faith based upon that word.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
03-18-2015, 01:01 PM | #10 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Is this "building up the Body" through ridicule of non-LSM churches? After meeting with denominational and non-denominational churches, I have reached the conclusion these non-LSM share an earnest desire for the ground of oneness the Local Churches claim to have. This oneness is based on what Jesus Christ and not on a man and a ministry. |
03-18-2015, 02:31 PM | #11 |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
I still consider myself a recovering judgaholic.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
03-18-2015, 07:38 PM | #12 | |
Join Date: Mar 2015
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Even from an LC purist (Neeistic) point of view, which I still somewhat subscribe, a denominational congregation is, at best, a sect within the local church. The view that denominationalism is a fundamental ecclesiological error in itself is hard to dispute. But when this is coupled with the view that we, the few the proud, are the one true local expression of the church, an air of superiority is inevitable even for the most level-headed. Nee's vision of the local church is actually quite an interesting model for ecclesiological polity. To put it into practice, however, is not so simple. Nee's experiment was bound to fail - the parameters were not right. Instead of advancing the idea of a local church that is inclusive of all believers within the locality, LCs have created a most sectarian ecclesiastical ecosystem. |
03-18-2015, 08:22 PM | #13 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
What identifies a denomination? I once thought that the name did it all. Upon further consideration, I concluded that the single most defining criteria for a denomination is its controlling headquarters. Think Jerusalem, Rome, Anaheim. Since Nee's model includes a para-church structure called "the work," which is ruled by the senior worker, a ruling hierarchy is immediately established. Nee assaulted the clergy-laity system as a cure all for the church body life. Problem is the Bible itself identifies elders and deacons for every church. Several verses rebut Nee's one-church-one-city model. Acts 9.31, Rom 16.5, and Col 4.15-16 come to mind. Nee's demands that every elder must have apostolic appointment will by nature guarantee the loss of localism, as in local church. Nee's demands that every city have only one set of elders creates an unwieldy bureaucracy quenching the Spirit of God. Nee's brand of oneness stresses a common judgment of evil, which evil is determined solely by the leading worker. The oneness of the N.T. however is the oneness of the Spirit. The phrase "in all things charity" has always been absent in these exclusive systems. Perhaps Lee had some noble intention to implement Nee's ecclesiastic polity when first coming to the US, but those intentions had vanished completely starting in 1974 and ending in 1985.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
03-18-2015, 10:02 PM | #14 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
I also note your use of Acts 9:31, Rom. 16:5, and Col. 4:15-16 to counter Nee's local church model but these verses do not really provide much refutation. Acts 9:31 does not provide information on how the early churches organised themselves. Col. 4:15-16 talks about the church in Nympha's house, which is probably where the church in Laodicea met. Both Colossae and Laodicea is connected along the Lycus River. Rom. 16:5 is probably the strongest argument against Nee's localism since it's very evident that the Roman congregation that Paul wrote to was distinct from "the church in [Prisca and Aquila's] house". This anomaly, however, can be explained contextually. Prisca and Aquila who were probably among the pioneers of the church in Rome were expelled from Rome (together with 40,000-50,000 Jews) by Emperor Claudius in AD 49. They resettled in Corinth where they met Paul and ministered with him (Acts 18:1-4). When the expulsion order was rescinded by Emperor Nero in AD 54, the Jewish Christians returned to Rome only to find that the Gentile Christians were no longer as welcoming as before. Resolving this animosity is a key ingredient to their sponsorship of Paul's mission to Spain (Rom. 15:24). Thus, the balancing act in Rom. 2-4 and the reconciliation effort in Rom. 9-11. It is in this context, perhaps, that Paul had to commend Prisca and Aquila to the recipients, explaining that the couple "risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well" (16:4). Gentile Christians everywhere loves Prisca and Aquila and so should you. Oh, and greet the Jewish Christian church in their house too (v. 5). |
03-19-2015, 03:58 AM | #15 |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
bro. Steven
God IS sovereign. If you don't mind can you tell which city you are in? |
03-19-2015, 09:19 AM | #16 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Concerning Acts 9.31, Nee based his model partly on the mis-translation in the KJV, "then had the churches." Perhaps the Textus Receptus is to blame here. Darby follows this rendering with "assemblies." All other contemporary translations use the singular "church." Nee's model would mandate the plural use however. A parallel verse in Acts 16.5 does not use the singular "church" implying either that Luke (and his mentor Paul) did not actively distinguish the difference, or that the plural "churches" was used in the Gentile world when referring to small and isolated assemblies. What do you think?
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!. Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point! |
03-19-2015, 07:23 AM | #17 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Another symptom of a bigger problem is an inability to receive questions. A brother may ask a question that is too exposing and he'll be told, "it's better you meet somewhere else." It may be more correct to say Local Churches perceive themselves as the expression of the Church in that city (meeting as the Church in ____) while all others Christian churches in that city are meeting in division. |
03-19-2015, 08:21 AM | #18 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
03-18-2015, 09:36 PM | #19 |
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
Praise The Lord Bro Steven!
I came out of the LC just over two years ago after a very long stay. My trek started with Day Star. I gave them 1000 dollars and quite promptly lost it. As I look back, the worst thing about that fiasco was being told by some young ones,"we are going to fleece Egypt." That didn't sound right to me but... Of course we didn't. We were the ones who got fleeced. Bro Lee felt so bad about the Day Star losses that they tried to sell tennis rackets. I only lost 250 there. But then they found the goose that laid the golden egg, charge the saints to hear you speak. One to two million a year without a down year. I never heard whose idea that was but he certainly should have been made CEO. Then came the Jane Anderson fiasco which was kept very quiet in DFW. One thing the leadership did well was cover up. In the mid 80s Bro Lee began speaking on the Psalms. He read the first Psalm and curled up his mouth at the end asking "Does that sound like God's economy? Where we were in our rational I don't know but we just roared with laughter. A little later came the Ben M affair. JA knows well about this and when I called I was told it was handled in fellowship. Really? I heard what happened from DR and surely it's not printable here but it just adds to all the cover up of the LC. The fiasco at the church in Anaheim in late 80s was a crowning blow to me. After immoral conduct in the leadership of LSM and bullying by the leadership the hierarchy covered it all up in such a way which could only be categorized as lying. I heard a PBS commentator speak of Bill Clinton's immoral problems while president "He'll come out smelling like a rose." So sad the two cases would be so similar. The Rosemead affair was more blatant bullying and then covered up to declare to all the world, "We are really one." The world of course doesn't know that we are one or conveniently disposed of. Admittedly I did not hear most of the above at the time of the happening but... When jim Moran died the red flags really went off. I didn't know Moran at all but was told that he had published hurtful words about the LC. His death was told with glee. The Church in Fullerton knowing somehow that he died intestate rushed in, bought his web site and closed it down. How happy we were. That was the beginning of my end. It was quite a while ago but in my 80s I move a little slowly. The quarantines of the GLA area was so distasteful. No hierarchy? You must be joking Lisbon |
03-19-2015, 04:54 AM | #20 | |
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
03-19-2015, 07:57 AM | #21 | |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
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Re: Post-Recovery: A Testimony
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers' |
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