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Old 06-16-2008, 08:53 AM   #1
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default Asia - India, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines

John & Sonia Smith
email jsssmith24@msn.com

June 14, 2008
Beloved of God, we thank our God at our every remembrance of you—always when offering any prayer on behalf of you all, finding a joy in offering it.

We wish to give you an update on the faithful labors of our beloved brethren in India . And lest the present racket of political and economic furor take first place in our hearing, thought and conversation, we remind you again that in this present evil world we are strangers and pilgrims chosen to be His witnesses while on our way to a better country. Our God is sovereignly working out His plan and will soon set His King on His holy hill of Zion and laugh at His raging enemies. Our risen and ascended Lord is seated at the right hand of the Father now ruling in the midst of His enemies until they be made His footstool, interceding for His redeemed people, building His church against which the gates of hell (hades) shall not prevail, and doing a mighty work among the nations delivering people out of the authority of darkness and transferring them into the kingdom of the Son of His love. Hallelujah!!

Persecution continues in India . Below are a few of the many incidents reported by Dr. K. P. Yohanan

In the state of Jharkhand, radical Hindus beat up a 14-year-old girl and her mother, dragged them from their home and forced them to bow down before a man-made idol in an effort to force the girl to recant her faith. This was in spite of the fact that the girl considered the claims of the Gospel for three years and had her parents' permission to become a Christian.

An estimated 2,000 tribal Christians are hiding out in the forests of Orissa state for fear of their lives after being threatened by anti-Christian fanatics.

At least 60 church buildings and hundreds of Christian homes have been destroyed. As a result, many believers are sleeping on piles of hay with only the clothes they were wearing when they escaped--and temperatures are hovering around 50 degrees F (10o C).

Thousands are turning to Christ in the midst of the persecution.

The Forerunner reports that-- Among the Gamit people in Guyurat , India , Church membership has grown from zero in 1980 to 60,000 today. In Bihar province, once known as the "graveyard of missions," one church baptizes 600 converts per month.

One report says there are millions of new Christians in Andhra Pradesh where Joseph and the brethren are laboring. Here is some interesting information from Operation World on Hyderabad , the capital where our last conference was held this year, “Hyderabad is the key centre for Islam in South India . Nearly 40% of the city is Muslim, and the hub of the 11 million south Indian Deccani Muslims. Islam in the state grew from 8.2% in 1971 to 8.9% in 1991. Although 150 Christian organizations are based in the city, very few Christian workers have ever focused on their spiritual need and Christians from this community are correspondingly few. Pray that this may be changed.”
Recent reports from Joseph and the coworkers based in Ongole.
Very happy to inform you about the progress of the ministry as many, many souls are being added to the kingdom of God through the TV ministry and recent open air meetings. Meetings were held in 5 different villages continuously for 10 days. Night open air prayer meetings were held at K. Bittragunta, a village 35klm south of Ongole.
We successfully finished the 3 days bible classes at Giddalure in great warfare with Satan. The brothers were so pleased and wanted to extend the classes for one more day but our finances did not permit. The second day it rained heavily all over the surrounding places but as all the brethren prayed earnestly it did not rain at the meeting place!!!. OF course it sprinkled for 5 minutes then stopped but continued in other places. Half a kilometer from our meeting place it was raining. The people who attended the meetings wondered as they came in rain from their places and found there was no rain at the meeting place. Glory to God Hallelujah! Thank you for all your prayers for the success of these classes.
Two of the messages on Salvation is Eternal and the 3 parts of man (Body, Soul and Spirit) will be telecasted on TV. At least 3 million people will hear. According to their calculations and statistic, this Christian TV channel is watched by 200, 000, 000 in India daily. The price is also comparatively very cheap.
My spirit is urging me to do more and more ministry especially with Bible classes for the pastor and evangelists
A number of brothers are accepting the truth we are preaching. The brothers at Hyderabad invited me to speak to the local pastors gathering on 11th of this month.
The last three months Satan did not leave, but was pressing me from all directions. Though there are many needs in ministry, below are the immediate needs.
Feeding the 149 unsponsored children and the school supplies for 311 orphans as the schools will be opened on 13th of this month after summer vacations (Due to the Dollar’s big drop in value, $30 monthly is now needed to properly care for an orphan.)
The five room girls dormitory, which is half built on the function hall, should be completed soon as the grown up girls are suffering a lot.
Please keep these matters in your prayers.
In spite of lack of space a number of new orphans were taken in. We could not resist them seeing their pathetic condition.
Time passes so quickly it is time for consideration before the Lord as to His will concerning travel to India next year. We have previously put forward some matters for prayer such as meeting with a smaller number. Since this year pleas for classes came strongly from large cities, Dan Elkins suggested possibly gathering a hundred brothers from strategic city centers. The only way our part of the task in India can be accomplished is by committing the truth to faithful brothers who will be competent to teach others also (2 Tim. 2:1-2). And also there is also the need to minister to the present brothers more concerning the Person of Christ as our very life in all things and the organic functioning of the body life. We are not speaking about any kind of man’s organization-- Only the organization that is inherent in the organism of the Body and that can only be by the Person of Christ as its Creator and its life as administered by the Holy Spirit being given absolute control.
We have more things on our hearts to write later.
Grace be with you all.
With much love,

John & Sonia

Gift address: Christian Home Fellowships, P.O. Box 7878 , Riverside , CA 92513-7878 .
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Old 08-24-2008, 01:19 PM   #2
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default Latest update from John & Sonia Smith regarding ministry to India

John & Sonia Smith

August 22, 2008

Beloved Saints, In these troubled times with confusion in government and every strata of society, how privileged we are to be those chosen in Him before the foundation of the world; a new creation in the Messiah Jesus; a chosen race, a royal priest, a holy nation, His own special people that we may proclaim the excellencies of Him Who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (Eph. 1:4; 2 Cor. 5:17; 1 Peter 2:9).

Last week brother Joseph from India was with us and again this week for a short visit. We have had precious fellowship in the Word and regarding the Lord’s work in India . There is much to rejoice about, there are many needs and also the expected attacks from the enemy to interfere with the testimony of Jesus. I will mention a few things for rejoicing and for prayer.

The orphanage, now over 300 children, is flourishing. It is especially heartening that many of the older ones are growing in Christ, able to testify for the Lord and doing well in their schooling. Presently there are fourteen girls ready to enter nurses training and two boys who want to train to be pharmacists. I personally know two girls who I think have been in training for two years already and their testimony is very good. There is a special need to get a roof on the girls’ dormitory. Even without finishing everything inside that would give a closed space and help greatly with 175 girls and the problem of bath facilities.
From what I have seen the baths would be very small rooms with a toilet, a showerhead and a drain in the floor. It would help greatly if all the children had sponsors. A large number do not.

The mission has been given 15 acres of land. Joseph feels that with a couple of wells and the equipment (Tractor etc) to farm it by growing vegetables and lentils they could greatly reduce the cost of feeding the 300+ children. Pastors who know how to farm would take care of it.

The TV ministry reaches a large area and produces a stream of inquiries and requests for literature. So many phone calls come that the phone numbers of Samrat and Vicky, Joseph’s sons, are given out as Joseph cannot personally handle them all. High caste people who would not come into a meeting hall will listen. Although it is still a big thing in the USA , Joseph says people use radio very little in India .

Samrat leads the prison ministry which is very fruitful with many conversions. The last I heard they had access to 18 prisons. This is remarkable when you consider that persecution of Christians steadily worsens. Attacks between Muslims and Hindus also occur.

Just last week the merciless Massacre of a Missionary and Educator, Fr. Thomas Pandipally took place near Hyderabad , the capital of Andhra Pradesh where the last Bible classes were held. There were 30 stab wounds mostly near his abdomen and his skull was split open.

(CNN) -- The death toll from the synchronized bombs that hit the western Indian city of Ahmedabad has risen to at least 45, city police told CNN on Sunday. The country's Intelligence Bureau received an e-mail, purportedly from the Muslim militant group Indian Mujahedeen, warning about an attack. But afterward, the Islamic militant group Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (HuJi) -- or the Movement of the Islamic Holy War – claimed responsibility for the bombings, CNN-IBN said.

As we mentioned before, since the Hyderabad Bible classes, pleas have come for Bible classes teaching the same truths to be held in a number of large cities. From the time we first went to India in 1995, I have found that interest has never waned in clear biblical truth that brings people to know the Lord and rest in His sure salvation. This is an urgent matter and the door is open. There are no definite plans for 2009, but some brothers feel a stirring of the Spirit to have the classes. A few days ago in a phone conversation brother Dan Elkins (who has gone to India several times with me) spoke at length regarding next year.

As a personal note regarding the last paragraph, my going to India next year is in the Lord’s hands. If I do not go there are certainly other brothers who are adequate. For those enquiring concerning my health (re the prostate problem), a couple of cancer markers showed up in tests, but they are not conclusive and if one takes a retest soon he is sure to get skewed results. Meanwhile I am following an anticancer diet with certain supplements. I am very grateful to you dear ones who pray for me. And not only for physical healing, but that Sonia and I may count all things loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord and be found in Him, not having any righteousness of our own, but that which is of God by faith and that we may passionately pursue on to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if by any means we may attain to the out-resurrection from among the dead; laying hold on that for which we were laid hold on by Christ; forgetting those things that are behind and stretching forward toward the mark for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. And this we pray for the brothers in India and for all of you. And praise God, if we think otherwise in anything God will reveal this to us!!! Philippians 3.

Regarding the Mission matters mentioned in this letter Joseph assured me of his goal that the children grow in Christ to be strong testimonies for Him and, indeed, with all that the mission touches it should be so. Please pray much concerning the items mentioned. May the Spirit lead us in travailing prayer. That which is of God and of life comes to birth by travail. Our Lord poured out his soul and the promise was that He would see a seed of the travail of His soul and be satisfied (Isa. 53:10-12). There is much to be said about travail. Paul certainly followed his Lord in it (Gal. 4:19). Brother Sparks in his piece, The Israel of God, spends the first chapter on The Principle of Travail. You can find it on the site, www.austinsparks.com. If the Lord speaks to you in prayer and you want further information on any mission need, please let us know.

I dare not be defeated
With Calvary in view,
Where Jesus conquered Satan,
Where all His foes He slew,
Come Lord, and give the vision
To nerve me for the fight,
Make me an overcomer
Clothed with Thy Spirit’s might

A victor, a victor!
Because of Calvary ,
Make me an overcomer,
A conqueror.
A conqueror Lord in Thee.

Sonia and I will be out of town from August 26 to September 6. When we return I hope to write some things to you that are deeply on our hearts.

With much love,

John & Sonia

Gift Address: Christian Home Fellowships, Box 7878 , Riverside , CA 92513-7878 .
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Old 02-11-2009, 05:20 PM   #3
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default Re: Update concerning ministry to India - John & Sonia Smith

John & Sonia Smith
email jsssmith24@msn.c
February 6, 2009

Beloved of God, “Jesus calls us o’er the tumult of our life’s wild restless sea; day by day His sweet voice soundeth, saying Christian follow me. Follow, I will follow Thee my Lord, follow every passing day; my tomorrows are all known to Thee, Thou wilt lead me all the way.” Some dear praying saints have asked me to update my health situation since surgery now six weeks past and I am finally getting to it. Every day is unbelievably busy going from one thing to the next: Dr. appointments, usually two sessions of physical therapy daily, Physical therapist visits at least twice and usually three times weekly, eat three meals, try to get sufficient rest for the schedule, and using the walker and wheel chair every task consumes much more time than usual. There are major hurdles to go, but I sleep and do most things with very little pain now. Mobility is steadily increasing, but with my situation you have to gain back coordination and equilibrium. When the physical therapist comes on Monday I will begin putting 25% weight on my injured leg. If there is pain I will have to back off so this is a very crucial time. My anemia from the surgery is being corrected with my hemoglobin and hematocrit getting into the normal range so energy has increased. All in all both the Dr. and the therapist are pleased with the progress at this point.

All matters are in the hands of our Sovereign Lord and faithful Father Who knows our tomorrows and in His wisdom brings us on to maturity and fulfills His purpose with us. I read this verse in the past few days:
And shall I pray, Oh change Thy will, my Father,
Until it be according unto mine?
Ah no, Lord no, than never could be, rather
I pray Thee blend my human will with Thine.

Following the accident we came in through the emergency room not knowledgeable of any orthopedic physicians and the Lord gave us a top surgeon (40’s) who has humility and a heart for his patients.

Physical therapy is of extreme importance to hip fracture recovery and once again the Lord gave us a skilled therapist who works part time and is also a lovely seeking Christian with a rare hunger for the Word. Her husband whom we will meet soon is also a Christian. They have two young children. During her second or third visit we began to fellowship and I shared with her answering her questions and speaking basic truths for well over an hour and her tears fell on hearing the Word. She then told me that she knew in her spirit that something was coming out and did not schedule a patient following me. Yesterday she came in, sat down, and said, “I have a question and it can’t wait.” About an hour and a half fellowship followed. Upon leaving she said, “I am sorry you had to have the accident so we could meet.” Please pray for what the Lord has in this. I am sure the enemy would like to interfere.

My next cataract surgery is scheduled for March 2 so I estimate it will be about two months before my eye problems and also Sonia’s are corrected. Meanwhile the blurred vision slows me down and takes extra energy in using the computer and reading. Sonia had cataract surgery, but a scar on her eye from the recluse spider bite several years ago still has to be dealt with.

It is humbling and a secure rest to know that such a large number of saints pray for us. We are grateful to our Lord and to you through whom He works. Your many expressions of family love in the bonds of Christ are precious. It is a testimony to the household of God, the Body of Christ, the assembly of the saints. Consider how many verses are full of light on this matter: 1 Cor. 12; Romans 12; Romans 16, to name a few. Take some time in Romans 16 and consider the spiritual family ties, the honoring of one another, the sacrificial love, the joy in one another, the serving of one another, the blessing one another, and the humility displayed. Tears have fallen when I would consider verse 13. Consider the persons involved in that wonderful relationship. I certainly can testify that I have and am experiencing that verse. Oh! We have brothers, sisters, children, mothers and fathers with love shed abroad in our hearts that by the Spirit transcends time and space bringing their presence to be felt. And may we be so near to the many prisoners that we feel their chain (Heb. 13:3).

Remember India in the last letter we wrote. May God supply so that the Word of God may run and be glorified in the hungry hearts that are crying out for it (2 Thess. 3:1).

John & Sonia
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11
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Old 02-11-2009, 06:55 PM   #4
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Default Re: Update concerning ministry to India - John & Sonia Smith

Thanks, UntoHim for posting these reports. For anyone who may not know John and Sonia, please let me say they are two of the best people I know. Honest, sincere, real. They are part of my story, part of my life. I love them both.

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Old 02-11-2009, 10:07 PM   #5
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Default Re: Update concerning ministry to India - John & Sonia Smith

Originally Posted by finallyprettyokay View Post
Thanks, UntoHim for posting these reports. For anyone who may not know John and Sonia, please let me say they are two of the best people I know. Honest, sincere, real. They are part of my story, part of my life. I love them both.

And AMEN to that FPO! It is because of John & Sonia, I am rooted and grounded in the Word of God. It is because of them, my experience in the LC was not as horrific as some others had it.

That's not to say, we had a perfect 'church life'. We didn't. But it was where I needed to be at that time..and to think FPO..almost knew each other!
She left San Diego to move to Anaheim (I think...sorry I keep forgetting FPO) a year or there about before I came into the 'church life' in San Diego.

Here's waving at ya!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 10-03-2008, 12:02 AM   #6
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Default Taipei conf / People Change

an email received this week Sept 30, 2008

Subj:...... in Taipei....‏

Dear Br.Don.. [Hardy]

we meet at Miramar, Taipei...Titus Chu shared from 3pm till evening...many Qs.asked, but main point still stick to the words ministry of W.Nee...and not W.Lee....he shared about China too...many places as we witnessed is in chaos and mess...due to LSM....nevertheless, the saints (China) are clear about receiving one another in the name of the Lord and according to the fellowship of HIS son...AMEN..

the meeting is only filled with 100++ people from all over...TC is the only one who speak...others raised Qs..

from your International Education Management Consultant......
Prof.Dato' Dr.Johnny S C CHAI, VP
PCN.+6017-886-6144 http://johnnychai.blogspot

- This email is in reference to a conference this week given by Titus to quarantined brothers in China, Taiwan, and Malaysia, (where the writer of the email is from), brother Johnny Chai.

Perhaps, brother Titus will now acknowledge the huge discrepancies in the personal character and testimony of brother Witness Lee, as well as problems with certain of his teachings. For truth’s sake, he should do it. We cannot ALL be with our head in the sand. Some must stand up and speak what is true regarding the leadership and deviation from the Path by WL and those who closely followed him. This deviation is well-documented. Only those emulating the ostrich would deny the deviation.

The reader may refer to People Change


to have a view of the change in our brother, Witness Lee, that helped lead to the deviation from the Path in the local churches.
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Old 10-03-2008, 08:31 AM   #7
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Default Re: Taipei conf / People Change

I went to the website mentioned..twoturmoils/people change.

I will quote what grabbed my attention and share my thoughts:

From the rebellion in the late 1980's, remember well Brother Lee’s
words in answer to a dissenting brother's question regarding John
Ingalls when he asked Brother Lee why in the past he had spoken well
of John but now he was warning others concerning him. Brother Lee
answered in two words, "People change."

To take Brother Lee’s word further, however, would be appropriate and fair since he actually did
answer in more than two words. He went on to say, “I can change” and “we all can change. So
we all need the Lord’s mercy”. If Benson wants to apply Brother Lee’s word to Titus in order to
convince others that Titus has changed, he must also open to the idea that he himself can change,
and that Witness Lee could have changed.

So here are my .05 worth:

Don't we ALL WANT to change? To be transformed into the image and likeness of our Dear LORD! After all, were we not created in the image and likeness of GOD?

One reason I embraced my eternal salvation..and it came in the mid 70's through the church in San Diego, was knowing there truly was HOPE for me to leave my old lifestyle behind me..I was excited to learn God was changing me from Glory to GLORY! That no longer would it be -me- that would live but CHRIST IN ME-the HOPE of GLORY!!!

I was excited as all GET OUT!! And I still AM!!

Goodness saints! I WANT MORE of JESUS and less of ME! I want us ALL to have more of JESUS and less of US!

We had that HOPE back then...I STILL cling on to that GLORIOUS HOPE because I am amazed how alive CHRIST in Me is...after all these years! I continue to press on...to run the race..to look to JESUS the AUTHOR and Perfector of my/OUR Faith.

So CHANGE is a GOOD THING...so long as we are changing into the image and likeness of our Blessed HOPE-CHRIST JESUS!!

Thank YOU LORD JESUS for being the HOPE of GLORY in me and in us all! We have reason to LIVE and reason to REJOICE!!

OPEN our EYES LORD JESUS!! Place in all of us the BURNING DESIRE to want more of YOU and less of US. Gather YOUR SAINTS, ALL the children of the MOST HIGH GOD under YOUR Headship. For YOU alone are worthy to be exhaulted! Your NAME is worthy to be PRAISED..to be HONORED..to be GLORIFIED as we humble ourselves with a most Grateful Heart filled with Thanksgiving for all you have done in us, through us and for us...YOU have begun a good work..a most EXCELLENT work in us LORD JESUS...and we are holding on to YOUR WORD that YOU WILL complete it in us through the work of the HOLY SPIRIT in US!! THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!! THANK YOU LORD JESUS!! THANK YOU ABBA GOD!!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 10-03-2008, 09:39 AM   #8
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Default Re: Taipei conf / People Change

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Don't we ALL WANT to change? To be transformed into the image and likeness of our Dear LORD! After all, were we not created in the image and likeness of GOD?

CHANGE is a GOOD THING...so long as we are changing into the image and likeness of our Blessed HOPE-CHRIST JESUS!!
I'm with cmw on this one. We as christians accepted God's prescription for change when we believed.

God alone can judge another's heart, whether it changed, from pure and loving to not so.

Now, teachings is another matter. "Lee deviated" is the wrong way to put it; it skirts to close to the judgment which alone belongs to God. "Lee made a good point here; but he erred there" is better. Focus on the points. "This idea is good, but this one is incorrect, incomplete, too shallow, etc" That is fine if you are talking about the "truth".

But to ascribe darkness to another's heart is itself a deviation. Let's not go there, shall we? It seems Lee did this in places in the FPR, and he may have done this elsewhere that I am not aware of. Let's not be his disciples in this regard, but rather be disciples of Christ. Charity, forbearance, tolerance, forgiveness, etc. That is our truth, our reality. There is no "truth" which should cause us to raise our arms against our brothers and sisters.
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Old 10-03-2008, 11:46 AM   #9
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Default Re: Taipei conf / People Change

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I'm with cmw on this one. We as christians accepted God's prescription for change when we believed.

"Lee made a good point here; but he erred there" is better. Focus on the points. "This idea is good, but this one is incorrect, incomplete, too shallow, etc" That is fine if you are talking about the "truth".

But to ascribe darkness to another's heart is itself a deviation. Let's not go there, shall we? ... Let's not be his disciples in this regard, but rather be disciples of Christ. Charity, forbearance, tolerance, forgiveness, etc. That is our truth, our reality. There is no "truth" which should cause us to raise our arms against our brothers and sisters.

Thanks Aron..for your support and your thoughts.

I for one am tired of pointing fingers and criticizing another's heart.

Nee, Lee, B Hinn, K Copeland..and every other teacher/preacher out there has made oodles of mistakes...

I think it's time we come together under the banner, under the HEADSHIP of JESUS Christ...forgiving one another..PRAYING for one another. Remember those days when we would go to prayer meetings and prayed for one another out loud ? JESUS is the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIFE.

We have the WORD of GOD to stand on..to trust. He promises each and everyone of us He will complete the good..I like to say the MOST EXCELLENT work He began in us.

I love being in HIS PRESENCE. HIS WORD keeps me in His Presence as does singing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs.

I'm in a place where I am very blessed to pray all the day long..to study, to lift up the saints, to encourage one another..to share the gospel as the Holy Spirit leads.

I know most people have jobs to go to, families, bills to pay..(we're all in that boat together. :rollingeyes2

So I obey my calling..to pray without ceasing pray.

I'm tired of the bickering...we all have ONE enemy: Satan...the master deceiver..the master Liar. His goal is out to steal the JOY of the LORD from us..to kill our relationships we have with one another..and to destroy the family of God.

Our goal is to put him UNDER our feet...and give him an earful..AS WE GIVE PRAISE and HONOR and GLORY to our KING with a grateful Heart. I kid you not..this IS the way we defeat the devil!! These are not just 'doctrinal teachings' I'm repeating. There are times the devil & his cronies take punches at me...but I'm telling you...it is TRUE that DEATH cannot HOLD the RESURRECTION LIFE!! It can't!! Hallelluia to the LAMB of GOD!!!

The Holy Spirit is our HELPER..He Guides us our paths. I know this for a fact because HE has helped me on more than one occassions and leads me in the path of Righteousness time & time again.

I think it's time we let the LORD gather His saints together. Let's thank our LORD JESUS for setting us free..and if we're not free, let's put our trust in HIM to set Us Free. That is why He died and resurrected...to set the captives FREE!
I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS!! You're THE BEST!! You're the ONE and ONLY KING of kings and LORD of lords. We are PRIVELEGED people..to be chosen as a Royal Priesthood..we are the CHOSEN GENERATION!! We WORSHIP You Lord JESUS!! Worthy is the LAMB of GOD who is sitting on the THRONE !

Gather your people together Dearest GOD! Tear down the walls of division..tear down the walls of competition...bring us up to speed to be where we ought to be in Christ Jesus.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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Old 10-07-2008, 12:20 AM   #10
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Default House Churches in China

A Spanish-speaking brother sent me an email today saying,

"I hope this testimonies in china help you like had help me, may the Lord live in us in a living way all our days of our lives. amen."

If you scroll down the page of the link, on the right are the 4 one-hour videos - called China Soul.

I watched the first video and was deeply moved by what I witnessed. So unusual, so different, so genuine, and So much love and burden for the people of their country.


Last edited by Indiana; 10-07-2008 at 01:03 AM.
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:57 AM   #11
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Default Brother Yun

If you want to learn more about what the Lord has been doing in China, read the books of Brother Yun. The Heavenly Man and Living Water. I've read Living Water and it is amazing.

Click here to preview Living Water.

Brother Yun, now an ex-patriate from China, is every bit on fire for the Lord as Watchman Nee ever was. He reminds me of Nee, but is fresher, without the cerebral theological bent.

His testimony shows how mistaken it is to believe that "the recovery" is or ever was God's unique move. God cannot be contained by man's definitions of His moving.

Last edited by Cal; 10-28-2008 at 02:09 PM.
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Old 10-28-2008, 02:08 PM   #12
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Default Re: Brother Yun

*** Click here to preview Living Water. ***
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Old 11-24-2008, 10:51 PM   #13
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Default Re: Brother Yun

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
*** Click here to preview Living Water. ***

great books...I personally read "heavenly man" and was excited to see "living water..."

any Christian book store will sell these titles...I recommend it too!
"If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ, they should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as they do..."(2 Cor. 10:7)
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Old 07-05-2009, 08:42 PM   #14
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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Default Please Pray for the people of China


BEIJING (Reuters) – Flooding and heavy rain in southern China have forced 550,000 people to evacuate their homes and killed at least 15, Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday.

The heavy rains that have raged for four days across southern provinces have destroyed houses, flooded crops, cut power, damaged roads and caused rivers to overflow.

Worst hit was Guangxi, where 285,800 people were moved out of their homes. Parts of the region were experiencing the worst flooding since 1996.

Workers dug sluices to relieve pressure on the Kama reservoir dam in Guangxi's Luocheng county, where a 13.5 meerr (44 ft) section gave way under the weight of the water on Saturday.

Chen Zhangliang, vice chairman of Guangxi region, said the sluices should alleviate the danger from the dam in a few days.

Crops on 103,400 hectares were damaged and 3,600 homes had collapsed by 11:40 p.m. EDT on Sunday, with total damage in Guangxi estimated at 1.34 billion yuan ($196.5 million), Xinhua said, citing the regional civil affairs department.

The rain also flooded 62 schools in Guangxi, where 300 students were trapped in one boarding school alone. Local authorities had managed to restore power supplies and deliver food and drinking water.
After four days of torrential downpours, the rain began to subside in some parts of Guangxi on Sunday, but local authorities warned of more flooding as river levels remained high.

(Reporting by Tom Miles; Editing by Valerie Lee)
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