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Old 03-10-2023, 04:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 26
Default New Way vs "Old Way"

Sorry if there has already been a previous thread about this. I left the Lord's Recovery in the late 80s, pretty much after the integration/implementation of the New Way. In hindsight, the New Way turned out to be a blessing for me, because through that, I was able to see the serious problems with the LC movement and teachings.

For me, the New Way was essentially the following:
- Elevation of the LSM office (i.e. "the Ministry")
- Full-time training
- Door knocking initiative
- Meeting in homes rather than at the meeting hall
- "Prophesying" - each individual speaking for 2-3 min during meetings (mostly from what they learned in their reading of WL literature)

Now then....what exactly was the "Old Way"? And were there really that many doctrinal changes that happened during the New Way versus what WL taught in the years prior? Or was the New Way mostly a change in practices?

I'm wondering because I thank the Lord that He enlightened me in the late 80s to leave the Recovery....but if those extreme changes in practices didn't happen, would I have possibly remained in a delusional state thinking all was well with the LC?

Interested how others would describe the New Way versus the "Old Way".
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Old 03-11-2023, 09:08 AM   #2
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Default Re: New Way vs "Old Way"

Those were times of endless changes. Often yesterday’s “new way” became today’s “old way.” Changes would often define who was “in the know,” since those most up-to-date could then “correct” those out-of-date. Since many young people were connected thru the “grapevine,” they would be puffed up thinking they were now “empowered” to set their elders straight.

What a godless nightmare.

WL said we all were in his “laboratory,” as if he were on the brink of some great discovery. In the end, however, we learned that they were merely stealing ideas from the commies, the Mormons, and the JW’s.
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