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Join Date: Aug 2021
Posts: 6
This thread is dedicated to post and discuss the "High Peak Asinine" of Living Stream Ministry publications. So what do I consider "High Peak Asinine", well I will show you just that. But once you see this nonsense you will probably think to yourself something along the lines of "What is this man smoking". Before I quote Lee I would like to thank TexasStreetPreacher for his youtube content and just exposing this nonsense.
Here is Witness Lee on being a "Crazy Lover Of Jesus". From "The Living and Practical Way To Enjoy Christ" (Chapter 3). All credit goes to Living Stream Ministry (not like anyone would take credit or claim writing like this anyways.......) CHAPTER THREE CRAZY LOVERS OF JESUS Scripture Reading: John 3:6b; Gal. 1:16a; 2:20; 4:19; Eph. 3:16-17a, 19b; 5:18; 2 Tim. 1:7 OUR NEED TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO CHRIST AS LIFE IN OUR SPIRIT We have to be clear that even before man became fallen, there was no life in the spirit of man. When we called on the name of the Lord, He came into our spirit to be our life. When He came into our spirit, He immediately became life to our spirit (Rom. 8:10). In the Bible this is called regeneration, which is a new birth. In John 3:6 the Lord said, “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” To be born of the Spirit means to be born of Christ as the life-giving Spirit. When we call upon Him, He comes into us as the life-giving Spirit. Then our spirit is born of Him, so we have a rebirth in our spirit. This rebirth is a new start of our being, a new start of our history, a new start in Christ as the life-giving Spirit. This start is something in our spirit. The teachings in today’s Christianity cause people to pay attention to outward activities. But today in the Lord’s recovery, He has brought us back to the inward aspect. The inward aspect is the life in our spirit. We need to forget about outward activities, outward improvement, outward correction, and outward behavior. We have to turn back all the time to the spirit. The Christian life and the church life are a matter of us being in our spirit. Do not try to do anything outwardly. Instead, always return to your spirit, where the Lord Jesus is. The start with the Lord Jesus in us is from our spirit as the center. The spirit of man is the very center of our human being. We have our physical body, and within the body is our soul. Our heart is composed of all the parts of our soul (the mind, emotion, and will) plus our conscience. In 1 Peter 3 our human spirit is revealed as the inner man hidden in our heart (v. 4). This means that our spirit is surrounded by our heart. When the Lord gets into us, He starts His life in the very center of our being, that is, in our spirit. By reading all the verses in the Scripture Reading at the beginning of this chapter, we can realize that Christ is always seeking and even hunting for opportunities to spread Himself from our spirit into our mind, emotion, and will, that is, into every part of our inner being. OUR NEED TO BE THE CRAZY LOVERS OF JESUS I want to say again that you need to forget about outward correction, outward improvement, and outward activity. Always pay your full attention to the inner part of your being where Jesus is. Do not try to serve the Lord, work for Him, or do anything for Him. You have to look unto Him so that He would show you all His beauty, His sweetness, and His fairness. This will attract you to love Him. We should say, “Lord Jesus, to me You are so sweet. To me You are so loving and so lovely. Whenever I call on You, I have a sweet sense deep within my being.” We should have a love toward Jesus that is sweet to our inner sense. We should tell the Lord all the time, “O Lord Jesus, I love You.” Many dear Christians have been distracted by trying to do something for the Lord. This is because Satan in his subtlety would like to distract us from the very center of our being. Do not pay attention to outward activities but always return to the spirit. From within your spirit you have to tell the Lord a thousand times a day, “Lord Jesus, I love You.” The name of Jesus is the sweetest name on earth. By telling the Lord that you love Him, you will spontaneously give more space, more room, within you to Jesus. To say, “O Lord Jesus, I love You,” is not just a saying. This is spiritual breathing by calling on His name. When you say, “Lord Jesus, I love You,” you have a sweet sense within you. When you say this, you afford Him more space within your being. He will spread Himself in your being and saturate your being with all that He is, with all His riches. If you do this day and night, you will be thoroughly saturated with Jesus. This is to have Jesus revealed in you (Gal. 1:16a), living in you (2:20a), formed in you (4:19), and making His home in your whole being (Eph. 3:17a). When He makes His home in your heart, He is not only revealed in your spirit but also taking full possession of your whole being. There is no need for you to pray, “O Lord, come in and take me over.” Simply call on Him and tell Him that you love Him. Tell Him that He is so sweet to you. Tell Him that He is so lovely to you. “O Lord Jesus, I just love You. Show me Your beauty. Show me Your fairness. Show me Your sweetness. Cause me to have the full sense of Your sweetness.” If you are going to pray, you should pray in this way. You should forget about all other things. If you have a bad temper, forget about that. If you cannot love others, forget about that. If you cannot serve or function, forget about that. When I was young, I frequently asked the Lord to make me capable in my ministry and in my service and work for Him. I would not say that those prayers were not good, but today I have a simple way to pray. The more I grow in the Lord, the more simple the way I contact the Lord becomes. I simply say, “O Lord Jesus, I love You. I just love You. You are so sweet to me.” Try to say this one hundred times tomorrow; then come to the meeting and see what will come out. We need to say, “Lord Jesus, I love You. O Lord Jesus, I love You. I just love You. You are so sweet. Reveal Yourself to me. Show me Your beauty. Capture me, Lord, with Your beauty. I want to be crazy by being wrecked with Your beauty.” Then you will see what will come out in the meeting. You will be the first one, even the best one, to function. Galatians 2:20 says, “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.” Just to know this doctrine, however, does not work. You have to contact Him. Open up yourself to Him by appreciating His beauty, His loveliness, His fairness, and His sweetness. Especially you young people have to pray that the Lord would attract you, wreck you, and capture you. Today this generation does not need many ministers but many lovers of Jesus. I do not want to be a minister. I want to be a lover of Jesus. You young people have to be the lovers of Jesus. You must be aware that the enemy, the subtle one, will beguile you by tempting you to serve the Lord. You may say that you are learning how to serve the Lord, but the Lord does not need you to serve Him. The Lord needs you to love Him. On the seashore of Tiberias, the Lord Jesus asked Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” (John 21:15). The Christian life is not a matter of work for Him or of serving Him. Forget about all this. Satan, the subtle one, would come in to beguile you by tempting you to serve the Lord. Today in this generation the Lord Jesus does not need a lot of young people to work for Him. He needs many young ones to love Him desperately. If you love Him for just half a day, you will be crazy. Today the Lord Jesus needs many crazy lovers. In Christianity there has been too much work, too much human service. They even call their meeting a service. We need to realize, however, that our meetings are a feast. We meet to feast on Jesus by loving Him. We need to be attracted by Him. To all our senses nothing should be so sweet, so precious, so attractive, and so amazing as Jesus. All of you young brothers and sisters have to pray for this. You should pray, “Lord Jesus, cause me to love You. Show me Your loveliness. Show me Your beauty. Show me Your fairness. Show me Your sweetness.” The name of Jesus should be so sweet to you. If all the young people would be wrecked by the loveliness of Christ, this would affect the entire nation. We do not need preachers, ministers, or pastors. We need the lovers of Jesus. Today’s generation is a generation of pleasure lovers. People today love all kinds of entertainment, amusement, and worldly enjoyment. We are not like this. We are the crazy lovers of Jesus. We do not care for entertainment, amusement, or worldly enjoyment. We are not for any kind of sport. Our sport is Jesus. Jesus is all the entertainment to us. Are you really crazy to such an extent? Do not think that you need more teachings from the Bible. Do not think that you need some training about how to serve the Lord, how to preach the gospel, and how to work for the Lord. I am desperate to cause you all to be crazy lovers of Jesus. I have no burden to give you some new doctrine, some new message. I am burdened to make you all the crazy lovers of Jesus. I care for only one thing—that you have to love Jesus in a crazy way. Every lover is a crazy one. If you are sober in your mind to love someone, your love must be false. We have a proverb that says, “Love blinds.” In a sense, I have the burden to blind you, not to make you so clear. When Eve and Adam ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, their eyes were opened, and they became clear (Gen. 3:5-7). On the other hand, when Jesus came into Saul of Tarsus, his eyes were blinded (Acts 9:8). Love blinds. Do not try to be clear. You have to lose your sight. When Jesus catches you, you become blind to everything except Him. Today this generation does not need a lot of clear young people. It needs a lot of crazy young lovers of Jesus. There is no other way for the Lord Jesus to take full possession of you. I cannot teach you to be like this. But I do know that if the Lord Jesus shows Himself to you with His beauty, His fairness, you will be fully taken over by Him. Then you will forget everything. You will be fully possessed by Christ. You should be crazy to such an extent that you do not have the consciousness that you are crazy. You are crazy without a sense of being crazy, but you have the full sense of Christ. This is the kind of person this generation needs for the Lord’s recovery. You should have no thought of serving the Lord in a religious way or of behaving yourselves in an ethical way. You should know only to love the Lord Jesus. If you are the Lord’s crazy lovers, your whole being from within will be fully occupied by Jesus. Your feeling, your will, your decision, your intention, your motive, your intent, and everything within you will be fully taken over by Jesus. I do not want to pass on more and more teachings and doctrines to you. I want to make you blind, to make you crazy lovers of Jesus. Every continent needs such lovers. We need to be crazy with Jesus for the whole earth. Every place needs some Jesus-lovers. Do not care for your living, your destiny, or your future. Your destiny is to love Jesus, to be crazy for Jesus. Every city, every state, and every country needs a bunch of crazy young lovers of Jesus. If you all are such lovers, the number of attendants in your meetings will always be increasing. You all need to be the crazy lovers of Jesus! This is what today’s generation needs. Concluding Thoughts- Welcome to the Lee Dimension, where you escape from all your sin, faults, and responsibilities, and dive into the biggest conglomerate of asinine doctrine you will probably ever come across. Hey Coworkers of the Lords Recovery, want to know why you cant grow from 25,000 members to a number like 250,000? Well fear not, come on in and engage in the experience of the "Lee Dimension" and you will have firsthand experience on why an overwhelming majority of the populace avoid Lee writings like the black plague. Like seriously, you honestly get salty about people calling Lee a heretic or Satanic, but then you have writings like this........... Well fellas lets post and discuss asinine LSM publications that are worthy of the "High Peak Experience Of The Lee Dimension". |
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