To Keep or not to Keep (Teachings)
I remember the early 70s, with many of the wonderful bible based praise songs, the love feasts (potlucks), and people who were genuinely seeking the Lord. But it changed in 72-73 in Philadelphia when we went from "All Christians are welcome" to "Christians need to seek God our way to be overcoming Christians". We got a school bus and took it as a group to another church to perform a service to show them how church was done. Later when I had migrated to NYC, the youth group came to my college and took over the Christian student meeting to run it in the LC way! That was the start of my leaving----what arrogance! I do have an occasional contact in NYC with someone who dearly loves the Lord, and I do pray for leadership there since the bible says leaders will be judged more strictly. But getting back to the topic, I have thrown anything I own that was LC in the garbage. When I pass I don't want anyone to find LC things in my property and then be led astray. It takes decades to build a reputation and it can and has been lost in minutes by WL/LC. The thorns have choked out the good growth. Lord have mercy on me and all still in the LC.