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Old 05-17-2024, 04:15 AM   #1
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Default Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

On August 3, 1979, 50 year old baptist minister Howard Pittman suffered physical death as the result of a massive internal hemorrhage. As he departed to be with the Lord, he pleaded to God for an extensión of his life. But shockingly, God first showed him what kind of life of worship and service he really had: God told him his faith was dead, that his works were not acceptable, and that he had labored in vain.

  • Howard Pittman - 1/24/1929-3/13/2019
  • seventh child of a family of eight children, raised in Mississippi in a Christian home
  • father was deacon in the church for over fifty years
  • made a public profession of faith at age 12 and joined the church
  • returned as veteran from the Korean War at 22 and decided that God had called him to preach
  • responded and committed himself to preach and entered college in preparation for ministry but struggled for two years and gave up college
  • moved to New Orleans for a career in law-enforcement spanning over twenty-five years
  • worked as uniform patrolman, plain-clothes investigator, canine trainer, instructor, supervisor, unit commander, and member of the superintendent's staff
  • continued to practice Christian faith and went into seminary; pastor of a church for a year
  • preached on street corners, handed out tracts, preached in jails, visited the sick in hospitals, and traveled to small towns to preach openly in court squares
  • retired from the New Orleans Police Department in 1978 and moved to farm in Mississippi where together with wife started a new ministry opening their home to neglected and abused children, caring for up to thirty-two children
  • part of his visión was “I tried to love my neighbor and I really tried to do all the Bible says a Christian should do”
  • in 1979 while he was running for sheriff, he suffered a main trunk artery rupture causing devastating, sudden bloodloss requiring life saving emergency care
  • during a hospital transfer, brother Howard Pittman died in the amublance, no vital signs, the paramedic pronounced him dead
  • he was taken before the Lord where he pleaded for an extension of his physical life
  • the Lord responded in anger, proceeding to tell him just what kind of life he had really lived
  • He pointed out that his faith was dead, that his works were not acceptable, and that he had labored in vain
  • He told him that it was an abomination to live such a life and then dare call it a life of worship, that the center of all his works was just himself
  • while God was chastising him, He never told him he was not saved, but only spoke about the works produced through his life
  • “my life was wasted and amounted to absolutely nothing in the Lord’s eyes”
  • once Howard accepted the Lord´s evaluation and that God´s will was to be first in his life, then the Lord extended his physical life and sent him back
  • Howard was miraculously healed and sent back to the world to share a five-point message as he explains in the following video interviews and in his book, “Placebo
Howard Pittman's Near Death Experience

Howard Pittman PART 2 | Insights After a Near Death Experience

Placebo, by Howard Pittman (PDF)
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Old 05-17-2024, 09:26 AM   #2
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Default Re: Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

Thank you brother (or sister) Raptor for bringing up this testimony. I've thought about this testimony for almost a decade and wanted it to not be true due to its profound implications but recently found other testimonies which are consistent with it to the extent that I couldn't ignore it anymore. Thank you for starting a discussion and giving a better introduction to it then I ever could.

I believe Paul also had an NDE when he was stoned at Lystra in Acts 14:19-20 which fits with how he later described that he was taken to paradise in 2 Cor 12:2. Paul describes many things in his letters which are consistent with Howard's testimony, mainly the importance of performing good works out of love and not for selfish motivations including soothing our own conscience. This makes sense to me because a world where everyone only does good to benefit themselves, even to soothe their conscience, is not really a good world at all.

More than any other apostle, Paul wrote about the importance of love. Here are some verses:

Galatians 5:6
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.

1 Cor 14:1 NLT
Let love be your highest goal! ...

Romans 12:9
Love must be sincere...

Phil 2:2-4
complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

1 Cor 13:1
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

1 Cor 13:13
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
So I think Howard's works were ultimately burned up because his works were not done purely out of love. Other testimonies also confirm this view that God only cares about love and does not care about other intentions centered around the self which even includes the fear of hell (which is selfish because it's focused on our own salvation).

I suspect God let Paul see into the future, witnessing saints like Howard entering heaven but only through fire because their works were burned up because although they may have been good works, they were not done out of love.

1 Cor 3:15
If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

So the foundation of our work, which appears to be the "intent" behind the works has to be love. And God is love and his Son Jesus is the fullest expression of that love. So a work done out of love, is a work built on the foundation of Jesus.

1 Cor 3:11-13
For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
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Old 05-17-2024, 01:38 PM   #3
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Default Re: Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

To me, the most profound implication of Howard's testimony that I didn't want to believe was his claim that of 50 saints who entered heaven, 2000 souls had died on earth so only 2.5% of people on earth were actually saved at that time.

Since then I have come across another testimony of a man, Karl Falken, who I have regularly corresponded over email, who was shown the same ratio and that it was also true for the future. His testimony is here:


Jesus said that few are saved in verses like

Mathew 7:13-14
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

But he doesn't give an exact number, however I think there are clues throughout scripture that confirm the 2.5% ratio of the saved.

In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus gives the parable of the wedding banquet where a man showed up without a wedding garment and was thrown into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. He ends the parable saying "many are called but few are chosen", implying that the unprepared man like other self professed Christians was among the many called but not chosen.

In the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17:11-19, ten of the lepers were cleansed by Jesus but only one gave glory to God. And the one that praised God was a Samaritan foreshadowing that gentiles would come to know God more than the Jews.

Luke 17:17-18
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?”

This parallels the parable of the unforgiving servant, where when the king forgave the servant of a debt he could never repay, he expected the servant's heart to be transformed with the mercy he was granted and respond in kind. Just as the king had expectations for his servant, Jesus also expected all ten Lepers who were healed to give praise to God but only one did. Although ten were cleansed on the outside, only one was changed on the inside and responded to the call.

So I believe this could be Jesus prophesying that in general only 1 of 10 self professed believers are truly born again, changed on the inside and going to heaven. If you look at the population of self-professed Christians minus the non-Nicene creed cults, it's about 25% of the world's population. So 10% of 25% is 2.5%.

Okay, what about the Old Testament? During Elijah's persecution by Jezebel, he thought that he was the only one in Israel who was truly faithful but God told Elijah that he had preserved a remnant of 7000 who did not bow to Baal.

1 King 19:18
Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.

According to some sources I found, the population of Israel was around 300,000 around that time so around 2.3% were saved.

Then the question is, why would God create so many humans, only for the vast majority to end up rejecting God and go to hell? First I believe people send themselves to hell out of their own free will and God gives them what the want which is to be separated from him. Because of this, I believe God still loves those going to hell and he weeps for them but he can't override their sovereign free will as they were made in his image, and being eternal creatures cannot be annihilated into non-existence as well.

I have my own answer to the question I personally lean towards from researching other NDE testimonies but I don't feel comfortable sharing it here since I can't find basis for it in scripture yet.
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

Last edited by bearbear; 05-17-2024 at 05:08 PM.
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Old 05-30-2024, 11:50 PM   #4
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Default Re: Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
I have my own answer to the question I personally lean towards from researching other NDE testimonies but I don't feel comfortable sharing it here since I can't find basis for it in scripture yet.
I don´t look or rely on NDEs that much. They can be so unreliable for multiple reasons. Pittman´s caught my attention because of his background and overall demeanor, character and a central message that is according to Scripture. But many NDEs can so easily be fabricated or inflated and distorted. Even genuine ones: the person might not remember well and conciously or even inadvertently exagerate or fluff things up.

NDEs are starting to become more and more mainstream, and that´s kind of a warning sign, when everybody and their grandma has had an NDE. Then there are the "title baiters" where very specific items of history, culture and country are used to attract viewers. Like, "I died, went to hell, and saw Hitler in flames" or "I had an NDE and saw Michael Jackson being tormented." Then there are those that are to one degree or another Scripturally inaccurate, and then there are some that are very new age and Christless. Then there are ones with over generalizations, where they take personal experience and apply it to all of mankind, like "I had an NDE, I went to a beautiful place, now no one should ever fear death, we are all going back home."
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Old 05-31-2024, 07:07 AM   #5
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Default Re: Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

I don't rely on NDEs as an authority either and rely on scripture as the final authority. However I do view them as testimonies. Paul tells us not to despise such things but to test them.

1 Thess 5:20-21
Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good.
The Bereans were also commended for not dismissing everything that came their way but for searching scriptures to see if the gospel that was preached was consistent with scripture.

Acts 17:11
Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so
On that note here's a testimony from Rod Pickens which affirms that outer darkness if for eternity and is not a temporary period of punishment:



Jesus uses the term “outer darkness” in the parable to describe a condition of great sorrow, loss and woe. It stands in vivid contrast to the brightly lit and joyous celebration attended by those who accepted the king’s invitation. Interpreting the wedding feast as heaven, the “outer darkness” must be the place of eternal punishment. Most Bible scholars agree that the phrase “outer darkness” refers to hell or, more properly, the lake of fire (Matthew 8:12; 13:42; 13:50; and 25:30,41).
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
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Old 05-31-2024, 07:35 AM   #6
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Default Re: Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
Then there are ones with over generalizations, where they take personal experience and apply it to all of mankind, like "I had an NDE, I went to a beautiful place, now no one should ever fear death, we are all going back home."
There are indeed false Near-Death Experiences, especially those that directly contradict scripture. If you are interested in exploring this further, I recommend Bryan Melvin's testimony, "Hell's Dominion: A Land Unknown." Melvin, a former staunch atheist who grew up in a Christian home, dedicated himself to mocking and trying to deconvert Christians. His NDE transformed his life, leading him to become a devout Christian, and there are testimonies from people who knew him before and can attest to this profound change.

In his NDE, Melvin witnessed people who worshipped other gods having false NDEs. In these experiences, demons masqueraded as their false gods, misleading them. As a result, when these individuals returned, they reported that the path to heaven was through their deity or that everyone goes to heaven.

There is also a forum thread that discusses his book and the false NDEs here: https://discussions.godandscience.or...ic.php?t=36546

Originally Posted by BWMelvin
Thanks Pros and Danny,

I currently have a mild fever and a bad cold so I'll try to answer as best I can. There were parts of the book that were edited out either by myself or another editor. One such section, I edited out and rephrased it a bit that answers this. I was an atheist who grew up in a Christian family. I do not think such upbringing had any influence in what I saw during the NDE.

The part of the book I self edited out shares how various people from other religions arrive and greeted by their religious figures, such as Buddha, or numerous Hindu gods, krishna, pagan gods or goddesses, friends, family. These figures were not known to me until after I fully researched many years later on how each figure is depicted. I did see demonic beings give the illusion of these beings to those arriving. So in a way, one’s religious background may serve as a back drop in uncovering the real person’s sin nature to themselves, etc…

I also saw people resuscitated back to mortal life, leaving hell before realizing they were there and report back that all is well or a works based salvation system. I left that part out as it was rather difficult to explain seeing this go about.

I do not think my experience would have been different if I grew up Muslim or Hindu because I was allowed to stay beyond and see what I saw. I also did not know the bible either, only a few minor parts that atheist stereotypical use against Christians to entrap them. Growing up in a Christian home does not teach you things about parts of hell as a pit round about, or levels, or as having chambers. If I had grown up in another faith, the only thing that would help me uncover what happened would be found the bible,, not other religious writings.

I can’t recall the guys name but there was a Muslim man who had a NDE and it converted him to Christ Jesus because he saw who Jesus is. When you see the real Jesus – you do know who you meet and it changes you despite your background. Paul encounter the Lord on the Road and it changed his life’s course. Though not a NDE, it went against his religious background and upbringing nevertheless.

Any ways – need to rest up. Have a blest day!
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
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Old 05-31-2024, 08:45 AM   #7
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Default Re: Howard Pittman- rebuked by the Lord for dead faith and vain works

During Bryan Melvin's NDE, he actually has a few sections where God gave him his opinion on the doctrine of purgatory in his book "Hell's Dominion: A Land Unknown" and describes the process of being born again and why it is necessary for salvation which also explains why it's not works based and why damnation in hell forever is just.

A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion (Page 82-83)

“Hmm, why would God want a robber to live next door to His mansion if the robber still robs? Why would God want a person bent on playing mind games just to trip another up for sport to live near Him? What reason would there be to trust a liar to speak the truth? Why would God want to live with such people continuously unless they can be justly reformed from erroneous ways?

“As you once argued, many lay claim that this is unfair, that God should have known all this beforehand and done things a better way (Ah, a mystery later to be solved; He already has - you are [all] still alive). Others chide, as you did down at the farm, that it would be better not to exist than be in a place like this, but how can this be to one made alive? Some even remark that this is but a temporary affliction; however, if a person will not listen on earth, what makes one think they’ll change after eternity sets its seal?

Corruption would become continuously replete.”

While these transcending thoughts went on speaking, I began remembering how I debated against the existence of God. My favorite arguments concerned the unfairness of God creating the world as it is, with all its pain and misery. According to my view, God should have foreseen everything and designed life a better way.

I often made the comment, that if God really made punishment eternal, this was unfair due to the reason that God designed the universe and therefore made evil, evil. How could God hold anyone to account, since He was the author of all things? Now, I began discovering that my arguments and answers were wrong. Before me, that crass ugly beastly guide limped onward, desperately trying to shield its ears from hearing these words.

“Answers you once thought that understood the order were found lacking wisdom’s decree. What then is the answer and what is the design to restore the order? You once proudly proclaimed non-existence would be a better fate. Hear, hear, I’ll grant you clues and riddles from the wise like solving a puzzle discovering a piece at a time. Your first clue: God is a God of the living, as the good book says.

“Everything God does brings forth life and keeps life truly alive. His every plan creates a living way and is carried to a foregone conclusion. To blast one off into nonexistence would not be a living way and defies the logic of a lifegiving creator, though it could be done. Instead, a place where just punishment issues forth would be a living way designed where all could look and see a land best forgotten but not left unseen: all in due time.

“Do you think one Most High so cruel as to let souls be punished forever? Would you still think so after learning He provided a living way to escape this fate? He offers a way to escape. Yes, a refining fire of a way to sort the chaff from the wheat that is truly fair, absolutely just, and profoundly, mercifully wise. Listen closely and listen well - here a little and there a little, one piece at a time.

“You have a second chance if you can see; first born in humanity and then sealed by eternity. The Most High has provided a manner of escape but, oh, how few accept the offer. The sorting has begun.

“What’s the offer? It’s a new purpose for your life, a second chance lived truly and profoundly, live, plus the manner of escape from this downward loam. The offer: His life that teaches to live a yielding ‘Yes’ not a defiant ‘No’ that seeks only more, more, more. God wants an exchange - life for life: His life for yours.

“Why do so few accept the offer? The answer would be surprising. All you have to do is look within yourself at what life you keep, live, to find your answer. Many arrive here in this place because they would not depart from the old life and were not willing to rescind it or let it go. Instead they all chose to maintain what they thought was keeping their life, live, and now receive recompense in full. The Most High hates seeing this. He weeps for each that perishes here. He extends the offer freely to all but who will listen and hearkens to the exchange? Would you?”

These powerful thoughts challenged me. All I could do was recall how often I had made fun of this exchange and derided those who believed it. I never had any one ever really logically explain it, or its need, till this point. I remembered how I mocked Trisha when she told me a similar discourse not so long ago. Suddenly, here I was, faced directly with the reality of the offer.

“Will you exchange your life for His life? There is no other way to find the life that many seek so the sorting can be complete. I recall how you mocked many of God’s servants concerning how one makes this kind of exchange. Old life for new life; you scoffed it off as fable and superstitious myth.

“Old Life for New life would necessitate being re-born, not in the manner of flesh and blood but rather in the manner of God’s Spirit - His life - re-blown inside you like on the day humanity was created when new life was imposed, thus placing eternity in the heart of mankind. This new seal inside one’s heart governs with living instructions and guidance teaching one the new path to walk that makes life really, live, where assigned.

“You once derided how the offer was attained and questioned validity by crying loudly how all roads lead to the same end. There is only one unique path, one profoundly marked road, and one absolute way. Why, so you’ll know without doubt you are on the correct road. The Most High marked this path distinctly and you once questioned it with scorn. Will you listen now concerning how?”

With this question, a quiet hush suddenly filled this horrible place, creating an eerie ambiance. Here, you felt separated from life, love, hope, and the breath of life these breathe. Instead, you felt total isolation, remoteness from all hope, all home, utter fear, and separation from the nature of life itself. The rebukes I received from these powerful thoughts brought a sense of connection to life and hope from the missing word above. Without these interventions, I would have perished. Then, with thunderous accord, the imposing words began again with intent to restore.

“Hmm, should the offer be offered naturally as faith comes to a child, or obtainable as a work earned by obligatory demands? If given as a work to be earned, look at what we do where employed. Policy and practice is easily preached but never followed exactly as intended. You could write your own ticket but you would only get lost in a bureaucratic maze trying forever to obtain what's in the offer without the true exchange.
Matthew 16:25
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
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This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
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Old 05-31-2024, 11:08 AM   #8
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