Thread: Out of Egypt
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Old 04-02-2018, 07:22 PM   #50
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Default Re: Out of Egypt

Originally Posted by LifeGoesOn View Post
You’re welcome. I am only trying to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and I am happy to contribute to help others to see that there is life, real Life outside of the LC.

I want to encourage you right now and prophesy the word of the Lord (YHVH Nissi) over you...

“Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow YOU all the days of YOUR life, And YOU will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”
Psalms‬ *23:6‬ *(NASB‬‬)
Thank you, LGO, for the verse and the encouragement. I love to receive both. I am so excited and trepidatious, simultaneously, to reach out and find a new assembly of believers to join in with. I am a bit amazed, frankly, at how easily deceived I was...I actually believed the LC retoric about the rest of 'christianity' and for many years was unable to meet with the LC because of my inability to prophesy in meetings...what I like to think of as public speaking....and believing there was absolutely nothing for me in any other assembly of saints. I was poisoned against my fellow believers in Christ, utterly. Now, as I look to Jesus for leading, I am drawn to meet in a Baptist assembly...kinda strange because I have never been in a Baptist church! I have a fresh and wonderful new desire to meet with every believer, with no man made boundaries on who is appropriate....ground or no ground. Name or no name. Cannot even imagine how I fell for the lie. Jesus' name alone is the name I will search for in people from now on....I will never again take a persons' denominational choice and count it as the name by which I should judge, or fellowship...He has been so merciful to me, all my life, but now I realize His impossibly big mercy on me, that I should finally look, and see the error I accepted as truth. Surely goodness and mercy WILL follow me all the days of my life! And yours!

Anyways, I should register here finally, but I don't know how...
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