Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-20-2017, 10:22 AM   #48
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 14
Default Re: Smoking Gun?

I’m gaining much from the discussion everyone- thx for all the input. I realize I’m a newbie here and I hope this doesn’t come across as rude- but I’d really like to hear from Drake and Evangelical specifically here. (And any other current LC supporters- I think I’m correct in believing they are pro-WN/WL/LSM/LC? Please forgive me if I’m misunderstanding…).
My original post requested any sort of “smoking gun”- why folks left the LC… OR reasons from LC adherents “if you would maybe share the main reason you choose to stay in the LC given this (apparently) lengthy list of “smoking guns”. It certainly at least appears there are myriad reasons to have some serious questions concerning the LC.”

I’m really not trying to be sarcastic/divisive here- but if I was invited to “church XYZ” down the street, but found out they had a fraction of the controversy/complaints/lawsuits/sexual abuse allegations/power struggles/borderline false teaching/authoritarian practices/divisions/etc… that seem pretty well founded concerning the LC (*I’m sure some would argue this… but there’s plenty of LC “smoke”)- I’m pretty sure I’d not bother visiting. I’ve been quite involved in different types of Christian ministries for over 25 years- they admittedly all have their issues- but I’d say the LC/WN/WL/LSM seems to have a longer list than most.

But perhaps I’m really missing something? So I politely and sincerely ask- how do you overlook all these things? Some of them seem quite serious- are ALL of these accusations unfounded from your perspective? What is SO special about WN/WL/LC/LSM that it’s worth taking so much negative with the positive? It seems most Christian teachers/preachers/leaders down through the centuries have their pros and cons- I’m not grasping what makes the LC SO special? And for you non-LCer’s- why do/did you see folks stick with the LC- in light of all the allegations? I hope you hear my heart here- this seems to be a pretty open forum where people speak their minds- and I’m deeply curious- with so many other (apparently) healthier choices in town- why would/should someone visit the LC?
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