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Old 06-14-2018, 08:40 AM   #87
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Default Re: LSM/Blended Brothers Take Over of Mansfield

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
You’re asking for a rear view mirror analysis of an event that unfolded over decades with a brother that many of us appreciated and respected. So, it’s really hard to know what action would have made a difference and when. Would nipping the bud of ambition decades earlier prevented the Mansfield event or one like it?
This has been the LSM talking point for decades -- blaming all others for the ambiguous accusation of AMBITION. LSM's basic premise is that only Witness Lee himself, pure as the driven snow, was without that dreaded sin of ambition, and all others, especially TC, are vulnerable to its prey. Problem is God has given man "ambition" for basic survival. Ambition is normal! No ambition and we all die! Where is the dreaded sin of ambition listed among the 10 Commandments, with all the gross sins of mankind, or among the works of the flesh?

Was Witness Lee not ambitious? Did he not send his proxies to take over the church in NYC? (see Stephen Kaung's account) Did he not send his proxies (Mel Porter) to take over Miami/Ft. Lauderdale (read awareness' account)? Did he not send his proxies (Francis Ball) to take over Rosemead? (Read Wang's and Hardy's accounts) Did he not send his proxies to take over North Carolina? (read Bill Mallon's account) This list, going back to Taiwan and China, is almost endless.

And you condemn TC for ambition? Did he not pray and act in concert with other Midwest leaders? Norm Minahan in Detroit and Dave Shields in Akron are just two senior brothers, well-respected in the LCM who had lived and served in Mansfield. They had invested years into the care of that LC. Were they not consulted, along with other workers? Drake, you love to isolate Titus Chu as some rogue actor acting independently form the vast majority of Blended brothers, but nothing could be further from the truth.

These Blended, Blinded brothers had nothing to do with the Midwest LC's, either in their origins or in their shepherding. One Blended brother E.M. never once visited the church in his home town! Not one time over 25 years. We even caught him shopping 100 feet from the meeting hall, and he was embarrassed that we saw him. We used to pick up his dear mother so that she could come to the meeting hall and watch him speak on the video. Did he ever care about the church here? Never! Not one bit! But ask ole Ed to write tracts bashing us, and he could really pump them out!
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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Last edited by Ohio; 06-14-2018 at 12:45 PM.
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