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Old 01-19-2019, 08:40 AM   #295
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Default Re: One Publication

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Hi Trapped. I commend you for restricting yourself to the One Publication.

This whole topic is centered on I Corinthians 14:8.... an example there of a battle conducted on a military field. No uncertain sounding of the trumpet. What Brother Lee explained in the last section of the base note is that the ministry is for calling an army to battle. Not everyone is, will be, or wants to respond to that trumpet. Not every American will serve in the military. The army is for the churches but the churches are not required to respond the battle trumpet. They are still genuine churches regardless of their response. So he says we are not talking about something in the Lords recovery (which includes ALL the churches), rather we are talking about the ministry aspect of the Lords recovery. Since the ministry is clearly one part of the Lords recovery and by saying we are talking about something in the ministry and not in the Lords recovery, he is saying the sounding is not for every part of the Lords recovery (ALL the churches).

I’m not done but I’ll pause as I would if we were speaking face to face. Does the paragraph above make sense? Good so far?


I can see that Trapped is just "itchin" so in the modus and spirit of dialogue vs speeches.... and of the spirit of Bereans vs. Diotrephes let's continue here. Thanks for your patience.

To recap... my summary explanation above is based on the contents of the opening post, where in the last section, Brother Lee borrows the analogy of an army .. and a military trumpet wherein the sound or notes/tune conveys the specific call to action, in this case to battle. In this analogy the trumpet as the instrument blown to sound out the uncertain call to battle, are the publications that are of the same genre, mostly but not exclusively of two authors (Bros Nee and Lee), a few other historical authors (Mary McDonough, Jessie Penn-Lewis; etc.), and the many contributors to Affirmation & Critique, gospel outreach materials, ministry magazine etc. However, regardless of the two most prominent authors, or the other authors, or the variety of "target markets" they each address yet they all have the same "sound" that is, they all convey the same mission, beliefs, truths, and practices to which they have been entrusted by the Lord though their specific focus though emphasis will vary.

I believe Trapped that you will not dispute the point that they are of the same "sound" though in so saying, I'm also certain you don't agree with the analogy, the "sound", or its meaning. Yet again, for our discussion, you nor anyone else are requested to believe it.... rather, it is only relevant that you understand that is what the author (Brother Lee) meant to convey. If you don't think that is what the author meant to convey then explain and we can camp out here for a spell. Else we can probably move on to what you deem a "contradictory statement".

One more thing bears repeating because it is often misunderstood and misstated in this forum. Whether a local church accepts or rejects the ministry and its sounding and its mission does not determine whether it is a local church or not. Brother Lee made that perfectly clear as follows in the opening post:

"Whether or not a certain church takes the ministry does not decide whether that church is a genuine local church............ The ministry is altogether filled up with a fighting spirit. I do not control any church. All the saints who have left the denominations, the divisive sects, and stand on the proper ground are a local church in their locality. They can express their opinions, but they may have nothing to do with this ministry."

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