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Old 04-08-2009, 05:19 PM   #84
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 67
Default Re: Questions about Daystar

Hi I believe I'm just venting here. But has anyone noticed that for all the talk about building and taking heed to how we build. Gold, silver, precious stones, wood, grass, stubble. With Daystar (or rather the clean up) we have a prime example of building with wood. When the Brother Lee decided to launder (if that is the correct term) money through the churches to pay of Daystar debts, he was not just saving himself by exercising his flesh. He was teaching all the Co-workers involved this to the younger coworkers. They would have essentially been taught that it was essentially okay to perform such things when it was neccessary to do so to protect the church, rather than being constrained by the Lord and having faith that he was soveriegn in the situation (If you had faith like a mustard seed you wouldn't have to launder money to get yourself out of the toilet). I believe that this would have essentially been built into to these leading ones which they probably have then built into other leading ones. Does this lead to a situation like with babylon in Rev 18:16 "... and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls". Where if you were to look at the outward appearance it looked like the thing was constructed of gold, precious stones and pearls. But if you were to look at the inward structure of the building everything is being held up by Wood, Grass, Stubble.
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