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Old 09-20-2020, 06:06 PM   #16
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 118
Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, And Wanted Discussion On Local Churches

Thanks for all the support all of you, well as requested I will definitely ask more questions that I would like insight on. (sorry for the typos/errors, it is a long post).

5. Why do elders/full timers try to find out every aspect of your livelihood. From my own experience and observed happening to other brothers recently recruited from college campuses, it seems as though they try to ask why you do certain things such as activities outside of the local churches. Either that may be hanging out with friends outside the LC, or going to social events/hobbies. They seem almost skeptical/cynical of your lifestyle outside of the local churches. They are subtle about it to, they try to fish around for the information they desire but trying to beat around the bush in asking what you do and why you do it. It appears kind of invasive, like do how would they like it if someone questioned every aspect of the livelihood outside of the Local Churches. IDK if this is an east coast thing with the local churches (where in from), or just a general thing they do for whatever reason.

6. Another observation I made is how they seem very persistent in getting certain brothers (college age), to go live in a brothers house. I don't this to be necessarily negative but they have a strong emphasis on accomplishing this. I guess the concerning thing is that, why are they so persistent in pulling people away from their already established living situation (dorms/apartments/living with parents). Its as if they are afraid of something and that "something" can be solved by putting brothers in a brothers house. Like I said, cant really have a hard opinion on this without knowing more info. I know that a brothers house has a lot of restrictions that may or may not be too controlling depending on the person. But I feel that this has a strong correlation to something, I just don't know it (hopefully you all do).

6.5- A side about brothers house, what I do observe is that it is definitely not suited for everybody and I see brothers who have stagnant growth in life and responsibilities as a man, due to the restrictions of the brothers house and the cheap comfort that it brings (low cost of living), also were talking about men not only college age but all the way into their thirties). Do local church elders even care about the growth and progression of life of brothers or the only thing relevant is their "spiritual growth" and fellowship. I honestly think that the actions/pressures of the local churches have either unintended or in their eyes "trivial" consequences for lots of people they to usher into their customs.

7. Full time training- I read some post about how the Local Churches try to push students to go to the full time training but some things about it does not make sense to me. There are brothers/sisters who go to the full time training but are not full timers. So they basically enter the job market with a 2 year job gap. Did they chose not to pursue full timing or where there not enough positions available? Why would someone go through years of college+ internships and to throw all away for a 2 year job gap and no full time position in the church. Wouldn't just be more practical for lots of brothers/sisters to just pursue their careers and move on with their lives. It seems to me this "training" just hindered their lives greatly (those who did not become full timers).

8. Tithing/- This is something that has a problem with all religious institutions but for the local churches- I want to chime in. I remember I was at a conference (east coast), and the way the full timer/ responsible one (idk his position but he was something in terms of authority). Was giving a story about how a brother worked his way up to making good money and he gave it all away except for the needed amount to survive. He then said with a powerful and grasping voice- GIVE YOUR MONEY TO GOD, Money is evil except for putting it towards God (Like God himself needs money -_-). (Notice how he says give money to God, good word choice to captivate people and it sounds a lot better than saying please give money to the church for necessary expenses). The people attending the conference shouted Amen and were robust about his words and were praising him. I was thinking to my self- you took so much of this mans money and didn't even think about his personal well being such as retirement savings and other cost of living adjustments.
So how much action does the Local Churches have into individual contribution for tithing. Do they force/pressure you for income verification and try to compromise with you on how to much to donate. Or are they lax and simply humbly request donations for church maintenance. I understand money is necessary for needed funds/expenses, but honestly there are certain ways to not go about it that can be deem unethical: selling LSM products in church, and being deceptive with words.

8.5- Mentality- as told in question 8 with the story of the conference attendants mindlessly shouting amen and just praising anything a brother with authority says. I have been to different churches growing up and there are numerous times a pastor will give his own personal opinion knowing the consequences of difference in thought within believers- in which you get negative stares, awkward silence, and a lack amens. This is a part of church life and it shows the different chain of thoughts and personal beliefs we humans have.
But brothers, especially elders and responsible ones (basically any brother with any sort of authority). Will speak and say something bizarre strange, or just extremely unusual, it is almost if the local church members are just ingrained just yell amen and agree with utmost authority towards the brother. I emphasize "brothers", because sometimes when sisters offer a different/unpopular opinion- there is hardly any amen and even objection to the comment the sister made. But for leading brothers- the situation reminds me of people with no sense of independence of thought just mindlessly agreeing and never objecting.
Is this a façade, and people do think differently and disagree but due to fear- never speak out in any form. Or are they really ingrained to the system crafted by the local churches. Or perhaps, not to be condescending- these are the people the local churches are looking for ("sheep" needing to be taken care of). All these things I have just observed from my current time with the local churches, and I know possibly many more newcomers to the LC (perhaps even LC grown people), have noticed similar things as I- just not have spoken about it to local church members. There is a huge commitment rate ranging between those who grew up in Local churches and those who came in as young adults (me). Obviously those who grew up outside the local churches- bring with them there experiences and knowledge of understanding outside of the local churches and bring them in. That is why a lot of long term Local Church members (especially Young LC kids/teens/adults), I believe are not even aware of this "mentality" that they have in relations towards the local church or maybe have been taught for so long to dismiss it.
Regardless, this concludes my second set of questions for the local churches. Its crazy how much I have from just basic observations from an outside perspective (didn't grow up in LC). Feel free to answer and give me input from any of my questions/points.
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