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Old 12-17-2017, 06:02 PM   #110
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

Don’t profane the words of our Lord.

Knock it off.[/QUOTE

Who are you saying did and what was said? There's no quote on your post.

I just received a private message from Drake. Apparently the Gloria Steinem quote I wrote referenced a verse. I didn't realize that and I apologize if I offended anyone.

He wants me to take it down. Now, its my nature to not offend but I can't help feeling like you just might be bullying me, Drake.

I mean, I wrote a whole post about how I've come to this shocking and painful revelation and (unknowingly) included a funny quote that I didn't even realize had a Biblical reference to it. The quote was, "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

And here I thought the most offensive thing about it was the second part!

Others besides Drake- is that blashemy? If it is, of course I will take it down and not use it again. I'm not scared to be corrected if its the truth.

I'm asking to clear two things up.

1. Is Drake being a bully? Bc if so, Drake- knock it off.

2. I liked that quote so would like to know if its is offensive to other Christians. To me, it's not. Maybe bc Gloria Steinem wasn't using the word "truth" in a spiritual sense. She was a women's activist who spoke out against gender inequality. I think whether or not you agree with her or like her, the quote is pretty accurate! I heard a sister in the church remind a brother about a time he said, "the Spirit is strong, but the coffee was weak." (haha) Isn't that the same thing? Regardless, I'll edit it if enough think I should. I just didn't and still don't think its a big deal but can admit when I'm wrong when shown why.

Drake told me his thoughts about it crossing a line and asked me to remove it. Does anyone else think I should? I'm just not into giving into bullying and have a strong suspicion this might be that sort of situation.

Drake, you're not showing a good example of a local church member. And I know this because I DO have family and friends in the LC. Now, I'm actually saying you're a BAD EXAMPLE of someone in the LC. How about that? None of my family or friends in the LC or even other believers would call out and shame me for something like that. You didn't even ask me if I knew it was a biblical reference and even if I did- it could be argued that it's not a bad thing bc she wasn't using it to reference the Bible. There are plenty of phrases in the Bible that can be secularized and used in different terms. She wasn't bashing the Bible when she said that. The point is, you constantly ignore the main point of every post and nit pick every slight and unintentional inaccuracy or misspeaking. You did it when I said that local church member's give 10% of their income when I should have said I assumed they give 10% of their income, being the good people they are. And you're doing it again now.

WWJD, Drake? Admonish and shame, me? If I'm wrong, which is yet to be determined- I'll take it down. But forgive me if I don't take your word for it given the lack of grace and logical response you seem to have.

I have no hate for you. Why are you picking on me? Can you please stop? Just let it go and do something others think is helpful to their lives. You're not doing that for me so I'm asking you to leave me alone.
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