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Old 01-05-2015, 08:27 AM   #143
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Over the holidays an LC relative who knows the suffering I've been going through as I've left the LR asked two times if I was "negative" or "opposed" to the ministry. Why didn't this person ask how my spiritual life was, or it I was happy in the Lord, or if I was still able to pray and read the bible? To me this shows that their emphasis is on the ministry rather than on the Lord Jesus Christ.
I can really relate to this because I went through the same thing. This is how things have always been in the LC despite what some people say, even around here. I was a church kid a long time ago and have family and friends going back to the so called glory days of elden hall and I can tell you that it has always been this way. This was the attitude of brother Lee so naturally those who followed him and his ministry were also cold and hostile towards other christians and even those LCers who left. In fact if there was the internet back in the 60s there would not have been any glory days in elden hall because the saints in Taiwan would have been able to warn people about who and what brother Lee really was.
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