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Old 05-30-2016, 05:22 PM   #742
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
We had to change schools for our daughter because a boy in her class assaulted her. The school would not remove the boy from her classes and she was did not want to be anywhere near him. She was acting out at home. It was traumatic for all, but now at her new school she has made two good friends. She is so much happier and she is much more stable. The Lord really does make all things work together for good. Yesterday we drove by the university where there were some Hare Kristnas (spelling) chanting and singing and my wife asked what do they get out of doing that and I said the same thing we got out of screaming our chants in the recovery. I've been thinking that the new way WL supposedly received from the Lord is really nothing more than what the JW and Mormons do; it's a numbers game. If you knock on enough doors you can create a following. Nothing spiritual at all in that. As a kid I went door to door selling magazine subscriptions and my boss said if you talk to 20 people you will get a sale. It's probably true that if the LC saints really committed to door knocking two nights a week they would get more followers, but why would any Christian want to follow the way of the world or a religious cult. I remember as a newly saved 17 yo our church did Tuesday night visitation where we called on visitors and folks in the Sunday school. Kind of old fashioned now.
I'm glad things have worked out with your daughter, HERn. That sounds like a very tough situation.

The sad thing about LC is that Jesus is the way. How many times did we hear "this is the way" there? I thought it was about Jesus when I first came in, but the longer I stayed it was about a lot of peculiar practices replacing Jesus, and the organization of the church replacing the headship of Christ.

I had a similar experience to the Hare Krishna experience you had today, when I saw two women dressed in very old fashioned and super-modest clothes and head coverings walking through home depot. These women probably are members of what their leaders say is a group with "the most biblical beliefs". And, yet they looked like they were in straight-jackets, for how comfortable they looked. Unfortunately it reminded me of the sad "spirituality contest" trapping many in the LC. Lord, free your people who have become entrapped in such cultic practices to the freedom of the glory of your grace in Christ Jesus.

Calling on the Lord can be a great way, but not the way, to enjoy the Lord (I still do it a lot, but not over and over and over, and over, that's just plain weird.
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