Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 02-10-2017, 07:16 AM   #69
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

UntoHim)"Where did I use this term "separation in the Godhead". I said no such thing. I implied no such thing".

UntoHim, of course you implied it. Here again:

"So the Father didn't actually forsake him? So he was dreaming? "This" is what the Father forsook? "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin" (2 Cor 5:21) It wasn't a "this" or an "it" that got forsaken by God, it was a "HE", and the HE was the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Father forsook (the was the point of the Father's giving - "for God so loved the world that HE GAVE his only begotten Son") and the Son did the sacrifice. There is no need to introduce the essential or economical Trinity or any other extra-biblical terms...the actual words related to us in the bible should be good enough. "

Unless you limit the forsaking to the Sons humanity then the only forsaking left is the hypostatic union! What other forsaking could there have been?

Of course God forsook HIM. The HIM that He forsook was a man of sin. Do you really believe that the Father forsook the Son in Their eternal union?

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