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Old 03-27-2013, 08:25 PM   #53
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post
The reason Max was relieved of duties, fired, or banished, whatever descriptor you prefer, was for the things he was saying and how he was saying it in the mid-west, New England, and elsewhere. If the incidents with PL had never transpired Max would still have been relieved of duties. You documented the issues in the mid-west and that same behavior was widespread.
There are facts that cannot be disputed.

1. PL was put in charge of business affairs of the LSM. This man had no business being put into this position. He was not a "godly" man. That decision was made by WL.
2. Max discovered his profligate ways and confronted him on this yet PL was not disciplined or removed. WL was made aware of this issue at this time.
3. PL continued to be a profligate and was discovered by JI etal. This also was brought to WL attention who pretended that this was a "church" matter. PL should have been removed from office at the LSM by WL immediately but wasn't.
4. Max, JI, AK, JS, etc. all came to WL with this issue and instead were banished from the LRC and then a bill of goods was sold to the saints in the LRC.
5. The LSM published a whitewash of the incident.
6. At the time of Max there was also a "sister's rebellion" described in the book "The Thread of Gold". The insinuation of rebellion came from WL.
7. WL perpetrated a lie concerning WN's excommunication. This lie profited him directly as the "closest coworker" to WN and the one who "inherited the mantle" and ultimately became the next "MOTA".
8. WL has built a sect of Christianity based on a very flimsy teaching concerning "the ground of the church" first propagated by WN. This teaching does not hold up to any serious scrutiny.
9. RG and BP and KR replaced the brothers in Anaheim because they would not stand together with JI against adultery. They were willing to close their eyes, ears and mouth to the sins of PL.

The facts that are little less certain:

1. Was Max ousted for being divisive or for confronting WL about PL? There are two accounts on this.
2. Was the sister's rebellion merely a smokescreen created by WL because he feared some sisters were aware of PL's profligacy and would spread this throughout the LRC? This seems to be the best explanation for why innocent sisters were falsely accused and disciplined.
3. Were these shady dealings related to earlier shady dealings with Daystar? Again, plausible.
4. Did WL lie about WN for personal gain?
5. Did WN and later WL use this teaching of the ground of the church for personal gain?
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