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Old 07-30-2017, 11:26 AM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,363
Default Re: Recovering from the Recovery - Requesting your Insight

1. What do you most regret about your time in the "Lord's Recovery" group?
That I 'chose' the church over Christ and chose the church over taking care of my parents when they were ill and needed me most. I don't blame the church though. I was an immature young Christian. Sure I was under the LC bondage but I was also a young believer. My parents are with the Lord as is my brother. Praise HIM.

2. What real gains in your life did you experience during your time in the "Lord's Recovery"?
Speaking the Word into me. In turn the Holy Spirit reveals to me His Word. It was there I learned I had a spirit and that I connected with God through my spirit..not my intellect or emotions. However I had very little understanding and experience in walking in the spirit. Especially when Lee controlling our spirits through his 'life' studies, trainings, etc.. !

3. How have you / are you leveraging your regrets about your time in the "Lord's Recovery" so that these experiences can be gain to you now?
My experiences were not as bad as many if not most people's here. I was in the LC a very short time compared to most: 4 yrs about (1975-1979) but it has had a lifetime lasting effect. Why would I even be on this forum if my LC experience did not have a profound effect on me?

4. Forgiveness - have you reached out in person to ask forgiveness of those you may have injured during your time in the "Lord's Recovery" (family, etc)? How have you dealt with your relationships with people who shepherded you, particularly with what you feel now was poor counsel, in the "Lord's Recovery"?
It's N/A to me. However, I have had my share of deep repentance on personal matters.

5. Do you think there was anything in the doctrine or practice that particularly attracted you to the "Lord's Recovery" or do you think you could have been similarly attracted to any high-demand Christian group?
My experience over all was a positive one. There were lots of people in my age range who were on fire for the Lord and cared for each other. We were not perfect but we were a good bunch over all.

6. What tools have you found most useful in "recovering from the Lord's Recovery?" Specific books? Counseling? Blogging? Specific relationships?
Being open to other Christians experiences and 'views'. The internet has given me access to some great and powerful teachings. Amazing GRACE.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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