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Old 06-27-2013, 05:27 AM   #18
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: 106 things not many Christians know (but Witness Lee knows)

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
So then, you agree with WL that not many Christians had paid adequate attention, the LRC proves his point. The insight of a scam artist.
The genius of the LRC scam is the amount of energy it expends pointing out how everyone else is inadequate. "Not many Christians" pay adequate attention, have sufficient understanding, have proper practice, etc, etc, etc. Once you have thoroughly exposed the inadequacy of everyone else, this (purportedly) does two things: 1. it "inoculates" you against the same errors; and 2. it leaves you alone before God as the pure remnant. Any similarities which the LRC might then share with "Babylon" and "Egypt" are thought to be incidental and minor.

Neither of the assumed results are correct. The poison of the tree of knowledge is "subtle" that your eyes are indeed opened, and you do see "into darkness". Perhaps it is indeed true that "not many" Christians seek after God, pray all day, etc. But your spiritual eyesight is always distorted: the darkness/failure/shame of the other party always seems magnified and your own faults seem less significant (Matt 7:3-5; Luke 18:10-14). It is a poisoned vision; better to just say "I am blind" and ask God for mercy, and salve.

Indeed, "Many are called and few (i.e. not many) are chosen" But that sorting process is the task of the Bema, the Judgment Seat; it is not our job as fellow sinners. Any movement built on sorting the few "saints" from the many "Christians" is really built on sand.

Yes, we bought into it. WL's gospel really did make us feel special, to incessantly hear how "poor" everyone else was. But really that buying into a scam is not really so shocking, is it? Look at the disciples. How often did you see them jockeying among themselves for special, privileged position? Why wouldn't someone who came along with a "special" gospel find ears to hear?
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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