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Old 06-12-2015, 08:09 PM   #217
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Default Re: Virgin Birth questioned: the implications

Originally Posted by Dave View Post
Herein lies the problem. The Bible "does not say it" --- it is an interpretation of what is stated both in the new and the old testament. The biology is irrelevant. Water into wine---not possible as far as we know but in time we may find that chemically it is possible is a parable with deeper meaning then simply turning water into wine. Walking on water---not physically possible nor provable...these are stories of Jesus that were repeated many times and true believers sincerely believing them exaggerated the stories and they turned into these miracles which were told decades after Jesus died. Can I prove that, no, but the virgin birth can't be proved nor walking on water etc although it makes more sense and is more reasonable. If you take the leap of faith and just believe then no one can discuss just is.
It's like the old house down the road from me which listed for $1.3 million, not that it was worth it, but supposedly George Washington slept there. Now since no one can actually prove it, or perhaps no buyer even cares, the house eventually sold for less than half that amount. But here's the problem. I have been indoctrinated from my childhood that GW actually existed, part of my Catholic western culture, and have been taught all these miraculous stories about GW -- like him crossing the Delaware on Christmas Eve and defeating those seasoned Hussein mercenaries almost without a shot.

How do I know it happened except for blind faith. That's right, blind faith! I wasn't there. I can't prove it. Maybe it's all a hoax perpetrated by his loyal sycophants, passed down for generations. Obviously these stories of GW were repeated many times and his true believers sincerely believing them exaggerated the stories and they turned into these miracles which were told decades after ole GW died. How am I supposed to believe in those history books, when they keep rewriting history anyways? Well I'm not buying these old stories any more. I can't prove them. There's no scientific evidence. I went to the Delaware River, and there's no proof that GW was even there. Just another tall tale of American folklore.

I'm now gathering evidence to expose this whole GW myth. I know it's an uphill battle, but I'm sure some evidence out there exists to blow this whole scheme sky high. I'm just going to keep looking until I find it! GW is a fraud! I'm thinking that these sincere, but naive, GW story tellers some how got Hellenized along the way. That's right Hellenized, and influenced by Greek mythology. I think I'm on to something. I'll post updates as they surface.
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