Thread: Smoking Gun?
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Old 10-19-2017, 09:56 PM   #32
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: Smoking Gun?

The interesting thing is that the Evangelicals who signed the open letter are hypocrites for writing against what Lee said about Roman Catholicism etc but themselves believing that Roman Catholics are not saved.

One of them, Norman L. Geisler, writes

So, invite a Catholic to your Bible study or church. There is a good possibility that they will get saved! They have a least been pre-evangelized by Roman Catholicism to believe in God, miracles, Christ, His death and resurrection.

So we can see that Norman believes Catholics are not saved, and whatever they do believe in about God and Christ is only pre to being fully or properly saved like Evangelicals are.

It is a common belief in Evangelicism that Catholics are not saved and that those who follow the Catholic gospel are not saved. So how can they disagree with Lee that Catholicism is not a legitimate church?

So they are hypocrites for condemning what Lee wrote against Catholicism, while themselves believing that Catholics are not saved ( and Lee did make clear there are saved Catholics and was speaking only of the Organization when he said "in every denomination, including the Roman Catholic Church, there are real, saved Christians. They are God's people belonging to the Lord. ").
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