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Old 02-10-2018, 03:36 PM   #72
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: Zealous and Misled

Originally Posted by leastofthese View Post
There are alot of similarities between the LSM churches and Mormons - maybe thats why Witness Lee said this, "A number of times I have been asked something like this:

“Brother Lee, you say that the ministry is unique. This means that there is just one ministry. When you say that there is one ministry, that the ministry is unique, do you mean that your ministry is this unique ministry?” Some of those who question me like this may have the concept that I think of myself as someone like Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. I always answer this question by saying, “No, I definitely do not mean that my ministry is the unique ministry.”"
This is where I get really frustrated. Granted, I get some of his wording might be "lost in translation" and that's a reasonable excuse SOMETIMES. But at some point- "say what you mean, and mean what you say."

I don't know if I've ever read someone's writings that seem so contradicting. Everything gets so convoluted it's hard to even point out his errors in doctrine bc somewhere else, he seems to prove himself wrong. I've read some of the doctrinal debates on here and its just overwhelming. There's a big problem when you're not clear with what you mean and WL either intentionally or unintentionally talks in circles and is VERY UNCLEAR.

If he said, "No, I definitely do not mean that my ministry is the unique ministry," like LofT is saying- it's just completely hypocritical.

How can WL say that and also determine that there can only be ONE publisher (LSM) in the Lord's Recovery?? That fact alone sort of disproves his claim that he doesn't see HIS ministry as "THE UNIQUE MINISTRY."

Also, WHY are other churches quarantined and members excommunicated, slandered, and accused of "building up something for themselves," by publishing and printing their own material, if WL didn't believe that his was the "unique ministry." There's really no need to go to all that trouble of stopping other people from doing the exact thing he was doing. Unless, of course- he did see his ministry as "the unique ministry." If he really said the quote above, it's no wonder people suspend all logic, blindly follow, and stick their nose in the sand when issues come up. You'd be a total hypocrite to believe what WL says, and then support actions in the LC that blatantly contradict his statements.

WL would have made a great politician. The practice of saying whatever you need to in the moment and trusting nothing will actually change isn't a newfound occurrence. Most people, citizens and church members alike, will just blindly follow "laws", continue to trust, and not care enough to "speak up" against the blatant hypocrisy....

MOST people

(sorry to hijack the thread)
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