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Old 01-20-2019, 06:04 PM   #303
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Default Re: One Publication

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

Three things to discuss based on your last few points. First, this one.

No, Brother Lee’s emphasis was very much on the “sounding”. My explanation of a rams horn or a modern military trumpet also focused on the sound, tone, or series of notes. I said more about the trumpet than Brother Lee did in the opening post but the analogy was never about type of metal or things you mentioned. By singularity you mean why can’t there be many trumpets... why just one.... using the analogy of an army on the field of battle having many trumpets blasting out different tunes and sounds would cause confusion and disarray.

Again, you may not agree with the analogy but that is plainly what Brother Lee said.



Okay, I guess we'll get into the trumpet analogy then.

Have you ever attended an orchestra performance? At every one I've ever been to there is a moment before things get started where all the instruments come together into one certain mind-soothing note which silences the entire concert hall and tells everyone exactly what is going on. If you say there can be no certain sounding unless there is only one trumpet and one trumpet only, then you are focusing on the number. You are making the mistake that having more than one trumpet automatically means that there are different tunes and sounds causing confusion.

However, since that example is an orchestra rather than a battle, I'd like to point you to Joshua 6:8, 13, and 16, which do speak of battle:

6 Then when Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets of rams' horns before Jehovah passed on and blew the trumpets...
13 And the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets of rams' horns went before the Ark of Jehovah, continually blowing the trumpets; and the armed men went before them, and the rearguard went after the Ark of Jehovah, the trumpets continually blowing.
16 And at the seventh time the priests blew the trumpets, and Joshua said to the people, Shout! For Jehovah has given you the city.

Here there are seven priests blowing seven trumpets......why isn't the army confused by there being more than one trumpet? All I see is victory.

But we can go back to 1 Corinthians 14 if you want. Verse 8 starts out, "For also if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound..." Verse 10 says, "There are perhaps many kind of voices in the world, and not one is without significance."

Brother Lee's footnote on "voices" says, "In Greek the same as sound in vv. 7-8." Since Paul grants that there are many voices, all of which are significant, and "voices" in 10 is the same as "sound" in 8......then there are many sounds.

There is not just one sound. There is not just one trumpet. Each person speaking is a trumpet, and that speaking should be clear in its utterance. In the analogy, each person's individual speaking is the blowing of their own trumpet "to battle". There is not only one trumpet.

What is the sounding anyway? Is it Christ and Him crucified? Is it the gospel of the kingdom being preached? I hope so. The Bible doesn't speak of a publication or a recovery that needs to be sounded.


P.S. It's not a matter of agreeing with the analogy. It is not like the analogy holds water and I just don't agree with it. The analogy holds water like a sieve so there's nothing to even begin to agree with.
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