Thread: Fundamentalism
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Old 10-04-2015, 07:41 AM   #1364
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Default Re: Fundamentalism

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I am wondering why you don't see guys like Bart Ehrman in the same light? If a man serves God, you only look for his flaws. If a man discredits the scripture, then you accept whatever he says.
Not true at all. Bart doesn't claim his work is inspired of God, and admits he's flawed.

And why does it trouble you when I point out that men that serve God are flawed, and when I point out that both the men that wrote scripture (claimed to be inspired of God, by flawed men later), and that the men that selected the books of the canon (not even claimed to be inspired of God) were flawed men?

Aren't I being like the apostle Paul? (except for the killing part): "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" who was clearly flawed.

Hey, maybe everyone is flawed. How 'bout that? And our problem is giving them that "serve God" more credit than is due to them? Isn't that what we did with Lee, and Titus in your case?

For that reason I think the preamble to the five fundamentals should be: "All humans are flawed, Christian or otherwise (and so are we)."

Besides, isn't it written by flawed men that, Jesus said something about those that left themselves up? Something about them being brought low? Maybe when I bring down "men of God" I'm inspired of Jesus. (To hear from Christians with a persecution complex, maybe not.)

But thanks bro Ohio, for reminding me that I'm flawed. I'm single. And as a result, since divorce, don't get reminded as much as I prolly should.

It's said, we tend to see our flaws in others. Perhaps I see flawed people because I'm flawed ... or should I say, human? like everyone else ... like even "men of God" -- or those that lift themselves up as such.
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