Thread: Fundamentalism
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Old 08-23-2015, 08:31 PM   #1221
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 641
Default Re: Fundamentalism

Quote function not working----and this has nothing to do with MS Word since I just clicked on the Quote button....

anyway, OBW here are the descrepancies:

1. Mark 16:5 states that there was one man dressed in white in the tomb.
Luke 24:4 states that there were two men dressed in shining garments in the tomb.

2. John 19:17 states that Jesus carried his own cross to Golgotha.
Matthew 27:32 states that Simon of Cyrene carried Jesus' cross to Golgotha.

3. Mark 6:8 states that Jesus commanded his disciples to take only a staff.
Matthew 10:10 states that Jesus commanded his disciples to not take a staff.

4. Mark 11:13-22 states that Jesus cursed the fig tree on the way to Jerusalem from Bethany but only found it withered away the next morning.
Matthew 21:19-20 states that the fig tree withered immediately while the disciples and Jesus watched.

5. Matthew 28:1 states that Mary Magdalene and the "other" Mary went while Mark 16:1 claims that Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to the tomb while Luke 23:55-56 and 24:1,10 depicts more than three women going to the tomb.

John 20:1 states that only Mary Magdalene went to Jesus' tomb early Sunday morning.

6. Matthew 8:28 states that two demon-possessed men came out of the tombs.
Mark 5:2 states that one demon-possessed man came out of the tombs.

7. Matthew 21:7 states that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on two donkeys.
Mark 11:7 states that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on one donkey.

8. Acts 1:18 states that Judas fell on the ground in the field he purchased and his guts spilled out.
Matthew 27:5 states that Judas hung himself out of remorse for betraying Jesus.

9. Acts 1:3 states that Jesus ascended back to heaven forty days after the day of his resurrection.
Luke chapter 24 depicts Jesus as ascending back to heaven on the following day of his resurrection.

10. John 13:27 states that Satan entered Judas during the last supper.
Luke 22:3 states that Satan entered Judas at least a few days before the Passover occurred.

11. Mark 15:40, Matthew 27:55 and Luke 23:49 all state that the women were standing far away from the cross, and watching from a great distance.
John 19:25 states that the women were standing near the cross, near enough for Jesus to speak to them when he told his mother "Woman, behold thy son!".

12. Luke 23:39-42 states that only one of the criminals mocked and reviled Jesus.
Mark 15:32 and Matthew 27:44 state that both criminals mocked and reviled Jesus.

13. Luke 3:23 states that Heli was Joseph's father.
Matthew 1:16 states that Jacob was Joseph's father.

14. Luke 24:25 depicts Jesus calling two men fools and in Galatians 3:1 Paul calls the Galatian Christians foolish while in 1st Corinthians 15:36 he calls a type of man who questions a fool.
Matthew 5:22 has Jesus saying that it is not okay to call someone a fool and anyone who does is in danger of going to hell.

15. Matthew 20:30 states that there were two blind men.
Mark 10:46 and Luke 18:35 state that there was only one blind man.
When Jesus was being crucified, what did the soldiers give Jesus to drink?

16. Mark 15:23 states that the soldiers gave Jesus wine and myrhh.
Matthew 27:34 states that the soldiers gave Jesus vinegar and gall.

17. John 1:35,43 and 2:1 state that he called his disciples and attended the wedding at Cana.
Mark 1:12-13 state that he went immediately into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for 40 days.

18. In John 8:14, Jesus said, "Even if I bear witness of myself, my witness is true."
In John 5:31, Jesus said, "If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true."

19. Mark 16:8 states that they fled the tomb in fear and said nothing to anyone.
Matthew 28:8 states that they ran immediately to tell Jesus' disciples what they had seen and heard.

20. Acts 1:18 states that Judas bought the potter's field.
Matthew 27:6 states that the chief priests bought the potter's field.
LC 1969-1978 Santa Cruz, Detroit, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami
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