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Old 01-26-2020, 10:20 AM   #5958
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Default Re: what is in an L

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
what is in an L? Liberal narrative I often cannot distinguish from LSM narrative. They're so much alike. Both very dismissive to contrarian thoughts. Liberal narrative rejects the contrarian views as being "Russian puppet" or "Russian assets" much like the LSM narrative would reject contrarian views as "opposers".
Now we have Democratic Presidential candidate taking a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for her words calling Tulsi a "Russian asset". Shouldn't there be accountability?
Much like the LSM narrative, I see the liberal narrative as a lot of projecting. Accusing Trump what they're doing themselves. There was Russian collusion. There was Ukrainian collusion, there was British collusion, and there was Italian collusion, but it was not coming from Trump's campaign.
Just like in the LSM there was collusion to undermine brothers in the late 1980's. It wasn't the brothers that were eventually quarantined that were doing the colluding.
Facts and evidence trumps narrative. Much like in the late 80's turmoil and the Great Lakes turmoil, all I was hearing was narrative. No facts. No evidence. Just like the current Impeachment going on. House managers had presented a lot in narrative, but nothing in facts and evidence unless they're able to provide proof in their abilities to discern thoughts, intent, and motive.
A sort of substituting "feeling" for facts. As is the case in the LC.
Providing the "opposers" (meaning Trumps legal team) has the facts and evidence on their side, just take the L.
Great connections here Terry.

LSM has become every bit a political organization as the Democratic Party. Same tactics, same dissembling, same accusing and excusing, projecting their own unrighteous actions upon their enemies. (Romans 2 spells some of this out.) Compare what LSM did to the Casteels to the Media's mischaracterizations of the Covington Catholic boys.

The Whistler Kangaroo Court impeachment trial of TC mirrored Schiff's secret impeachment inquiry in the House SCIF. The hoax perpetrated on the Recovery about so-called "rebellions" duplicates the so-called "Russian collusion." The claims that ex-members have been poisoned by "internet lies," corresponds to Hilary's on going "vast right wing" conspiracy by Trump's many "deplorables."

These days the casual reader might ask "who is lying here." Let me point something out. Who is more apt to lie? The guy in the White House under unbelievable scrutiny 24/7/52, or a guy like VP Joe Biden who got a free pass from every media outlet for decades, except for Fox?
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