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Old 12-29-2008, 08:47 PM   #9
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Default Re: History by Don Rutledge

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I had just read a contradictory report. The testimonies I had heard of Eldon Hall of the early seventies in later years, was prior to migrations to the LA area, the neighborhood was already bad. It was the brothers and sisters who brought a blessing to the neighborhood.
It could be by the time households began migrating for other localities and away from these neighborhoods, the neighborhood environment deteriorated.

The poor neighborhood was a concurrent event with the downward slide of the hall. You could live 20-30 minutes as some did and fully be involved in the meeting and service life.

What changed Eldon hall was the establishing of three other halls in LA and the out migrations to Chicago, Atlanta etc. The saints left but the ministry stayed. The high time in the Spirit went with the saints.

I cannot remember the reason why but Ray Graver and I visited Eldon hall sometime early in 1973. The attendance was very low. That Lord's day a brother from Africa who was then living in LA gave the message in the first meeting, (New Beginners). Witness Lee spoke in the second meeting. Afterward Ray and I were with Witness Lee. WL expressed his disappointment with the condition of Eldon hall, not with the neighborhood. He said how disappointed he was that the brother from Africa was a ministering brother and no one could understand his African English. He told us more than once that he needed a new start in a new place.

Hope, Don Rutledge
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