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Old 10-08-2017, 05:19 AM   #43
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Default Re: The Church in Sardis prefigures the Protestant Reformation?


Aron, I see you quoting yourself so allow me to chime in so you can engage in a real dialogue about these matters with someone other than just yourself.

"At best, the place is a perpetual spiritual kindergarten where people aren't allowed the room to breathe, to move, to grow, to find their destiny in Christ."

Fortunately we have you to enlighten, water and nourish us, provide fresh air, and guide us to find our destiny in Christ. From your posts I don't recognize any of those essentials in you or in your teachings but no doubt you do.

To my observation the victim/oppressor paradigm you live in demonstrates you are stuck. Really stuck. Perhaps being stuck prevents you from actually experiencing all the essentials you describe. I don't know for sure because I am not a psychiatrist or a psychologist. I just know that when you talk about forgiveness it rings hollow because you have not forgiven. Though you talk about growth I cannot find spiritual maturity in your expounding of scripture. You speak of freedom yet you appear to be the most bound. What destiny in Christ do you propose to lead others to? Is that destiny what the modern reformed churches promote today?

If you have found life, peace, and your destiny in Christ I am very happy for you. It just doesn't seem like it from what I read. Your description of the Lord's Recovery is, in so many ways, completely foreign.

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