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Old 12-13-2017, 12:35 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: First Post kumbaya

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Any advice on dealing with your family being in the church? It dominates everything and I've just accepted feeling left out somewhat but I also don't know when to say/not say something.

It's one thing with the older generation but I have younger family members about to attend the training and they already seem "different" FTTA minions or something. The culture and influence on personality is REAL....I know first hand how alienating the FTT can make people.

The Mormans do the same thing, they take people at a young age and indoctrinate them. It would be different if they were JUST learning the Bible but they're not. They're learning to serve the Lord ONLY within certain limits. Limits set by the FTTA of course.

I went to a training a few years ago. Aside from the "testing", I enjoyed it. I didn't realize how many unhealthy practices were going on but anyone can enjoy the Lord, anywhere. He, unlike local church members, are not limited.

However, a few years later I went to a FFTA training. The situation was definitely different. I almost felt like it was an alien movie where Christian clones were taking over. They all said the SAME thing and looked EXACTLY alike.


We are not meant to be identical clones in a suppressive culture. My younger sis has bought in hook, line, and sinker and honestly-has a hard time realizing she's not functioning well in the real world. In serving the church as a full-timer, yeah she's getting by... In the real world- she's not. She is not self aware at all and it breaks my heart to know that its not just me, she is annoying to a lot of people. I'm a big believer in self awareness and I believe the FTTA drives that out of people when the attend. Its just crazy to me how much of a bubble they put people in. It's seriously psychologically damaging.

Even if you believe EVERYTHING the FTT teaches, does it have to be in that environment?

How do you deal with family members who are so adamant that this is the best and only way to live?

Whether intentional or not, I wonder if some of the members (my family included) realize how condescending they come off to people who aren't in the church. The spiritual arrogance isn't any better than just plain old arrogance. It's SOOOO elitist and "above" everyone. But, they're Christian....

It doesn't make sense to me, at all. It probably never will. I just wish I could be in a room with my sister sometimes without resisting to roll my eyes or come back with an alternate view that would probably create an uncomfortable situation.

*sigh* love love love love will get us though
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