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Old 12-03-2012, 09:20 AM   #75
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Default Re: Does LSM Hold to Apostolic Succession?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Time to bring these quotes out of the mothballs:

"That Lee! Lee has to be famous! Lee! Lee! Lee must have the credit! And if you listen to me, you do not listen to Lee, you listen to the very God in His oracle spoken by me"...."Going with God's oracle, surely there is the deputy authority of God in this oracle. Whoever speaks for God, he surely has certain divine authority, I'm claiming this for Lee!"
Elders Meeting, Pasadena California November 1988

John Ingalls adds this commentary:
"Now I would ask, are these the words of a sober man, the words of a spiritual man, a man of God. To me it is shocking to hear him speak this way, for he has indeed been used of God in the past to speak His Word. But to vindicate oneself so blatantly and boastfully indicates to me a fall. May the Lord have mercy on us all"

Speaking the Truth in Love, Page 98 - John Ingalls
Copyright @1990 The Word & the Testimony
Not to pick on Cassidy, but he is a classic example of someone who is "locked in" on Lee. He is a victim of a very pernicious error. (I know because I used to be under it myself.) For once you become convinced that a minister has the kind of authority LCers think Lee has, that belief becomes viciously self-enforcing. There is little that can happen to shake it because, for one, you've been trained to believe questioning Lee is the beginning of degradation. So you instinctively flee from any questioning and congratulate yourself for having done so.

So, considering the potential for error and the difficulty in correcting that error, it seems very unlikely that God would put in place a principle that makes it so difficult to objectively reconsider a Christian figure. Especially since such a principle is not supported by the Bible!

Why do LCers extend so much authority to Lee? Why are they so afraid to question him. Other teachers have been consider by them to be MOTAs. But do they fear questioning, Luther, or Murray or Darby? Lee is just another and is now departed. So why do his words still hold such power over them?

The answer is really simple. They are afraid to question him because they've been trained to think that way. Like I said, this is a self-enforcing pernicious principle which, upon reflection, should be considered extremely unlikely to have been put in place by God.
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