Thread: Brainwashing
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Old 09-21-2017, 06:35 AM   #43
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Default Re: Brainwashing

Not all Apostles write scripture, but ONLY Apostles do. Claiming to be an apostle opens the door to adding to scripture! Let's just be frank, that's what it means. That is the only reason someone claims to be an apostle. When is the last time that you claimed to be an apostle? I certainly have not. You were splitting hairs here. Paul accompanied Christ spiritually. Christ appeared to him multiple times and gave him revelation. He was told to share this information with the church. I did not say that they accompanied him in the flesh. Those are your words. The Bible says that the Lord Jesus appeared to his brothers before ascending. So James knew him after the flesh and after the spirit. What an overwhelming experience to see one's own brother prior to his Ascension!

You continue to ask for a reference and no reference can be given. Those old videos of the Thessalonians conference that were created back in the seventies may have already been destroyed. If you can find them and watch them, you will see that what I have said is true. I have no idea how to get my hands on them and do not care to, really. But I can assure you that he said those words. I have to ask again, why is it necessary to claim to be an apostle? I have been in church all of my life under some extremely good ministers and not a one of them has claimed to be an apostle even though they were able to expound the word far better than WL. Ask yourself if you think that all of us who are sharing these things are liars. Do we seem to be Liars to you? I think you know better. This has been our experience and we are not lying.

Vivid imagination? Perhaps. But I would say that I have spiritual discernment. I'm not easily fooled.
Others have been. So I sit there in church and I hold my peace out of love for the Saints and love for my significant other. I'm sure that you and I would be good friends if we were in the same locality, Drake. I wish you well and I wish you revelation. I urge you to find and enjoy other biblical authorities. It is a lie that WL is the culmination of all biblical truth and teaching. It is a damnable lie. Why don't you read some other sources? What have you to lose? Think about that. What do you have to lose and why won't you do it? Perhaps you already do, and if you do, I salute you. Receiving the portion that other people have is what prevents us from going into error. As long as only one person is speaking, there is no checking system. His or her errors go unchecked and uncorrected.

I am done with this argument. It has been said that a man hears what he wants to hear and he disbelieves the rest. This is true of all of us. And so I wish all of you well as you pursue Christ in the way that you feel is best for you. We will all stand before the Lord and give an account for our stewardship of our Christian Life. May we all be found to have done well.
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