Thread: Forgiveness
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Old 11-16-2018, 07:53 PM   #36
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Forgiveness

Originally Posted by byHismercy View Post
But, Trapped, I have to say, coming from my own sad and distasteful experience with the Local Church, that I see His sovereign hand working over your life......did He not remove you from a deception you may not have been aware of? Would you not rather know the truth, even if it was a painful lesson to learn? I am so grateful Jesus kept my children from being indoctrinated into lies, and, moreover, they will always know to be watchful of erring doctrine, because we talk about that now. Watching out for deception is 'on our radar' now in a way it never was before. All for the experience we suffered through, being deceived by the Lee ministry. So much good is coming from this negative experience. We can praise Him for loving us so much, He would not allow us to remain in any deception...and who knows how He will use this walking forward? My favorite ministers are the precious saints who have come out of their own veil to Christ alone. Some ones the Lord ministers to me through the most are those coming out of SDA, Mormonism, Jehovahs Witness....who have come back to the simple trust in Christ and His word. You may not see what a mercy this is, yet.

Satan wants to convince you that God doesn't love you, folks better off without knowing you, etc. It's a lie. Don't receive it from the enemy, brother. Tell Jesus, You love me unto Your own death on the cross, Lord. Choose to believe what He speaks to you through His word. You can reject the negative thoughts the enemy would have you believe into. Tell Jesus you reject them. If you resist Satan, he flees. God bless you with fresh eyes for His word, His truth, and His love for you, Trapped.



Thanks for your response. Actually it is so very true what you posted. There was a day several months back where the truth was revealed that many of the hurtful actions done by these saints were indeed intentional, and the day after I found that out I woke up still reeling. All I could think was that I desperately needed to do something different and new to get my mind off of all the things that were said and get away from the realm these people were in.

So I went that morning, for the first time in my life, to a non-LC church. Which set me down a path of visiting several churches, which I am continuing to this day. In one of these churches I have found very clear speaking with much light and revelation that has helped me more in the past few months than I've ever gotten from decades in "the church".

I spent my whole life never ever having an answer to the question "what did you enjoy?" after I was forced to read yet another portion from yet another Witness Lee ministry book that never, ever did anything for me. Now I am hearing things from the Bible that I can easily answer "what did you enjoy?" to and that actually make me want to share my answer with people.

The mental mountain it takes for a church kid to put on their shoes and step foot inside another church, and particularly to do it with an open mind, was so formidable that it actually took a year-long, horrible, gutting-to-my-core situation to push me to climb that mountain. I never would have otherwise.

Satan still does a fantastic job convincing me that folks are better off without me, mostly because he cunningly keeps using the people who know me the best and who I am the closest to to communicate that thought to me, but hopefully I'll make progress there too some day.

Thanks again,

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