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Old 01-01-2015, 01:02 AM   #12
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Default Re: Nothing New under the Sun

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post
In 1973 a responsible elder told of a story of a happening in China. A brother with the gift of healing was much used in the church and my understanding was there was no "funny" things associated with his gift. Sick people came to him and he prayed for them and they got healed. Sounds great and to my understanding it was great.

Then the "leading ones" felt to ask him to curb his gift which he obeyed.
Some time later there came a time when they wished for some help from the gifted brother and asked him to again function with his gift.

My question is did anybody hear if the healings reappeared?
There was a similar brother in Taiwan who operated in the gift of healing. He came and prayed for my mom when she had a leg injury when she was young with my grandmother. During the prayer time my grandmother had a sense that my mom was healed and said something like "okay enough praying, stand up and walk!", and my mom did so.

According to my mom and grandma this brother was also asked to stop operating in his gift of healing by Witness Lee. However unlike the brother you mentioned it, it seems like he was offended and stopped meeting in the local churches.


My poor feeling is that you start physically messing with the spiritual and all falls down but I am open to good news if I am wrong. And of course I am talking about a long time ago. Not just because I was raised in Pentecost but the Bible clearly said Jesus healed all that came to Him. Peter and John healed. Paul healed, the book of James speaks of healings, but my United Methodist minister uncle sternly said the day of miracles is over.
That's funny, back in 2012 I once went to a Presbyterian church in Lake Tahoe, CA of all places and towards the end of the sermon, the pastor there pulled out the current issue of Christianity Today with Heidi Baker and said "whether you like it or not, miracles still do happen today, just read this Christianity Today article on Heidi Baker and the medically documented miracles".

I always had a sense that Presbyterian churches were cessationist for the most part, but then again I know of a Pentecostal/Charismatic preacher that sometimes gets invited to preach at Presbyterian and even Baptist churches. According to his account, during one sermon this Pastor, Del Augusta, felt a leading from the Lord to yell "Fire!" several times (in reference to being baptized by fire / Holy Spirit). He fought the urge with everything he had because it was of course crazy, but in the end he obeyed. The whole congregation in the Presbyterian church who didn't believe in miracles or falling out due to the Holy Spirit or anything crazy like that fell out on the ground.

In the LC we mainly prayed for leading ones and to my knowledge, they all died. I really do believe our discriminating prayers for the "heads" screwed up the desire of the Lord to answer.

I've heard it said that when someone gets a gift such as prophecy or healing, it is irrevocable according to verses such as Romans 11:29.

"for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable."
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.
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