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Old 07-11-2008, 07:32 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 36

In terms of "over-spirituality," let me just tell a humorous anecdote of my own from many years back.

At a given point, we decided to remove our children from the public school system and begin paying tuition at a private school run by a local Baptist church.

This must have appeared to be setting some odd new precedent in that LC, so one sister approached me with concern, asking -

"Aren't you afraid that your children will be attracted to Christianity?"

To which I replied -

"No - I'm more concerned that they'll be attracted to the world!"

Several years later, when we started to homeschool, the issue came to the surface again when a different sister asked me why we weren't sending our children to a public school so that they could be a "light to the world."

Well, that really got my dander up, and I told her, "Sister, when you have children of your own, we can talk about this," and turned around and walked away.

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